The children were so happy seeing all the presents carefully wrapped with the colorful papers and ribbons, and the bags of candy. Your heart felt warm, and you needed to thank Mr. Dracule for that later. It turned out this volunteer work was great.
You were talking and playing with them, when someone walked in. A tall man with a Santa costume holding a bag full of toys. Half of his face was hidden behind the fake beard, and he was wearing Santa's signature red hat, but you could recognize those eyes and red hair anywhere.
So he showed up after all. You wondered what made him change his mind, but it didn't matter. Not right now.
The younger kids were so happy, running towards the guy, saying they behaved very well this year and they deserved a present. Kid was trying his best to act like Santa, but it was too out of character. However, you had to admit, it was hilarious. You took a picture to send it to Killer and your friends later.
Around lunchtime, you headed to your car. You were about to open the door, when you felt a hand gently touching your shoulder. It was "Santa".
ꟷ Hey, we need to talk. ꟷ he said.
ꟷ Why? Are you going to say I'm getting coal in my stockings for Christmas this year? ꟷ you laughed. You were still mad, but it was hard to take him seriously with that costume. ꟷ Well, I tried to behave this year, but there's this annoying tulip in my school who made things a little difficult.
He couldn't help giggling at the nickname and your little joke.
ꟷ I'm serious, (Y/N). It's important.
ꟷ Alright, let's get a coffee or something. I think we should talk too.
Kid got in his car, which he was very proud of because he fixed it himself a couple of years ago. You remember him telling you that fixing cars was one of his hobbies. It made sense now, his workshop was a way to distract himself from his family life.
You went to a coffee shop, and Eustass, already without the beard and the hat, was sitting across you. No one said a word for a while.
ꟷ So... ꟷ you broke the silence, still scanning the menu even though you'd order the same thing as you always did. You just didn't want to look at him yet. ꟷ Should I clean my chimney or are you using the front door on Christmas Eve?
ꟷ I see you're being funny today. ꟷ he said while trying to find something interesting to order. Coffee shops just weren't his kind of thing. ꟷ Killer gave me your present yesterday. I... ꟷ it was hard for him to say the words he was about to say.
He wasn't good with words, and he never had to say them before. He didn't care about anyone enough to be thankful or apologize.
ꟷ Thank you. Really. Thank you so much. No one ever cared about me this much before. I don't even deserve it because I was an asshole with you that day. And I really want to apologize for that.
You put the menu down and looked at him so he could know you were listening, waiting to see if there's anything else he wanted to say.
ꟷ Killer told you why I was acting like that. And yes, he is right. At first I truly found you overly friendly and annoying. But damn... After a while, I got interested, especially when we got to know each other better. But after that thing with my dad, I realized how different we are, you and I.
ꟷ Kid, that's ridiculous. We're different, but what's the problem with that?
ꟷ Because I didn't want you to see how broken my family is! You saw my father, and what he did with my stuff isn't half of what I had to deal with before! ꟷ he tried not to raise his voice, but all this made him angry.
Thinking about his father made him angry, but you didn't need to see him burst like a few weeks ago.
ꟷ And then, I was afraid your parents would judge me at the charity event you invited me to, because look at me! ꟷ he pointed to himself, right now he looked jolly with his costume, but you knew what he meant. ꟷ They'd never want his daughter around someone like me!
You opened your mouth to say something, but Kid wasn't done yet.
ꟷ I know pushing you away was a stupid move, and I'm sorry. I'm not good with that kind of thing anyways. But I knew it'd be for the best.
ꟷ And who are you to decide that? Who are you to imagine how my parents would treat you? ꟷ you asked. ꟷ They would never judge you, neither would I. While some people were afraid of you because of all this attitude you have, I never thought of you as a bad person. And I'm so sorry about your life at home, I really am. But that would never make me think less of you!
The waitress interrupted your speech, taking your order, and then left.
ꟷ As I was saying, I would never leave because your father is a bad person. I like you, and whatever you father does, it won't make me change how I see you.
You didn't even pay attention to your choice of words until Kid pointed it out, with his signature grin after a few seconds of silence.
ꟷ Oh so do you like me? ꟷ he asked.
ꟷ Shut up, this is not the time, and this is not the point right now. ꟷ you felt your cheeks get hot and started looking out of the window to avoid his glare. ꟷ Doesn't change the fact I'm mad at you for being an asshole.
He was quiet for a moment, until he got something out of the pocket of his costume.
ꟷ I know, and I made you something. You know, to apologize and because it's almost Christmas anyway. ꟷ he handed you a little box. ꟷ I hope you like it.
You were reluctant at first, but knew he meant well. You opened the box and there was a bracelet, with your name engraved on it.
ꟷ I know isn't as nice as the things you probably buy, but... ꟷ you interrupted him.
ꟷ Shut up, I loved it! ꟷ you were staring at it, smiling fascinated. It was truly surprising how he could make delicate things. ꟷ It's the best present I could get. Thank you so much!
ꟷ So, do you forgive me for acting like an asshole? ꟷ he asked, mentally crossing his fingers.
ꟷ Yes, I do. But on one condition...
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