Chapter 14: Decisive Aim

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The terrain for our next fight was probably the blandest out of the select few that were showcased thus far. The camera showed a lengthy wooden bridge with a dark brown paint job. It had no spacing in between each plank so it was all connected, there was no railing but instead, there were ropes. These thick ropes were wrapped around short stone pillars which were responsible for the bridge staying stable. Down below was pitch black darkness and the bridge was connected to cliff sides that were about a football field apart. The wind was blowing hard until suddenly a figure too quick to see ran across the bridge and soon after a blur had followed in hot pursuit.

The first one to make it to the middle of the long platform was Ashi who flipped over a flying knife that she eyed down in slow motion while upside down. She landed on one knee which barely shook the bridge due to her being lightweight, Ashi slowly raised her head in response to the nimble footsteps getting closer. From her perspective, Mai was seen sprinting full speed at her skilled opponent. Before she was in close range, Mai spun around shooting out arrow-like darts from her hidden sleeve hostlers. The projectiles cut through the air with a high-pitched humming sound but Ashi simply performed a front flip over them.

Surprised by her agility, Mai quickly threw a few knives with a bit of a curve to them seeing how they flew off the bridge for a brief moment. In midair, Ashi performed a spinning corkscrew which allowed her body to twirl past the knives that nearly grazed her. Ashi landed with a single-palmed handstand where she showed amazing upper body strength by pushing herself off the plank. Flipping through the air Ashi's persistence forced Mai to change her plan of attack.

Instead of facing the clear superior in a head-to-head confrontation, Mai barrel-rolled forward avoiding the spinning axe kick. After rolling back up to her feet Mai began throwing what seemed to be an endless inventory of knives that were hidden under her baggy clothes. Ashi stayed low to dodge a few but eventually, she stood up calmly, using energy-conserving weaving motions to avoid getting pelted. Soon enough, Ashi was walking forward slowly focusing on evasion pressuring Mai who knew her target was close to impossible to hit. Tsk, I'm not getting anywhere with this approach.

Mai was about to throw a handful of needles but she stopped when she lowered her arm with a disappointed sigh. Ashi leaned back with a tilt to catch the last dagger thrown at her, she took her time positioning herself back upright while inquiring.

"Do you submit?"

Mai put one hand on her hip while observing her shining needles as she answered truthfully.

"No, I'm just taking a moment to regret underestimating you. The whole plant clothes made me think you were some hopeless hippie or something. But after our little skirmish, it's clear that you're a warrior."

Ashi smiled to herself momentarily before twirling the dagger around her fingers as she remarked.

"Well if it makes you feel any better there was a point in time where I was once hopeless, what you face now is the result of a changed soul. Regardless, you're formidable for your age. I'd guess you're just a teenager right?"

Mai responded.

"Yeah, aren't you around my age as well? I know I labeled you as a hippie and all but you do look young."

Ashi alluded as she was growing fond of this conversation.

"A teenager? I guess you could say that, after what I've been through though I consider myself a grown woman. Do you mind telling me your name?"

Mai couldn't help but smirk when she obliged not seeing any point in denying Ashi of her request.

"It's Mai."

Ashi nodded her head in acknowledgment before tightly gripping the knife of her opponent and entering a stance with her arms crossed over her chest and her knees bent a little. Mai used her free hand to grab a dagger from her sleeve while simultaneously readying her needles.

"Ashi." mentioned the daughter of Aku even though she wasn't asked making Mai smirk once more before yelling loudly. Ashi also let out a similar war cry signaling both of them to charge at each other, prepared to end this fight.

While sprinting with her arms behind her back, Mai threw her needles at Ashi who ducked back while sliding on her knees. Once again she found herself looking at projectiles that almost nailed her with pinpoint accuracy. Ashi extended her leg out mid slide attempting a sweep kick that Mai flipped over after anticipating it. Despite her body being upside down Mai was still able to throw her dagger at the back of her target's head.

Fortunately, Ashi curled her arm back so that she could deflect the thrown dagger with her stolen knife avoiding a fatal blow. Mai landed on her feet surprised that Ashi's reflexes were so good, that any other person would've been killed on the spot. She's freaking good! Ashi sprung up to her feet quickly trying an onslaught of swift kicks that Mai continued to dodge or block. Ashi broke Mai's guard with a spinning hook kick that positioned the girl's arms downward. Surprised by this, Mai had no means of stopping herself from receiving a nasty kick to the face.

Her body was sent flying from the sheer impact of Ashi's high kick, Mai grunted when her back smacked the bridge hard. She struggled to raise her head when she saw Ashi running toward her with the knife in her hand flipped. Mai quickly kicked her leg forward shooting out darts from her ankle hostlers. Without much effort, Ashi was able to easily deflect them all but it gave Mai enough time to get up on her feet.

With her balance regained Mai started throwing numerous bladed weapons hoping to slow Ashi down but she kept running forward slashing everything thrown at her elsewhere. Ashi spun low into a kneeling projectile where she threw her knife at Mai who was surprised to get some of her own medicine. By changing her aim amid her throw Mai was able to accurately throw her dagger at the incoming knife. The two blades clanked loudly once they hit each other but before they even hit the bridge Ashi had already appeared in front of Mai.

Mai gritted her teeth when she dodged a series of speedy jabs thrown from Ashi who had excellent form, throwing swift punches that were only inches off each time. Ashi ducked underneath Mai's counter kick before leaning back to dodge the chop that followed soon after. With a gentle yet firm grip, Ashi pulled Mai in close by the wrist allowing her to deliver a high knee to the abdomen. The sharp pain Mai felt was the cause of her pupils shrinking as her left eye twitched from the pain.

Mai stepped back with a spinning motion, freeing her arm of Ashi's grip at the cost of losing one of her hidden hostlers. Ashi admired the contraption for a short moment before tossing it off the bridge and into the darkness. Mai used the distance she created to catch her breath while holding her waist, she was looking at Ashi with squinted eyes. She knocked the wind out of me! My best bet is to try 'that' . . .

Ashi inched closer resetting her guard prepared to dodge any projectile that Mai was prepared to throw but shockingly she did the opposite. She reached in her sleeve pulling out a three-pronged, retractable sai dagger. The way she held it implied that she wasn't going to throw it but close quarter combat seemed foolish considering what just happened. Ashi was visibly confused about her opponent's new strategy but she got a vague idea after a quick brainstorm. She loosened her stance before dashing towards Mai who was sweating as she readied her unique weapon in preparation for what came next.

Ashi threw a fast punch at Mai who dodged just barely with a bit of a lean, seeing an opening she tried to stab her dagger into Ashi's side. However, with great reflexes, Ashi maneuvered Mai's blade away with a gentle touch of her wrist. Yet again, Ashi stole the other hidden hostler on Mai's wrist this time ripping it off. Wasting no time to observe it Ashi followed through with her snatch, flinging the contraption off-screen.

Mai grunted as she tried to repeatedly slash Ashi who continued to dodge while stepping backward trying to figure out the true intention of Mai's sluggish fighting style. No effort was needed to avoid the constant spree of missed attempts to cut Ashi but regardless, Mai kept trying almost becoming desperate. Ashi kicked Mai in her thigh causing her knife to miss by an inch due to the temporary distance between them. Mai grunted when she stepped back trying to stab Ashi who simply did it again, kicking her in the thigh and putting distance between the two.

"Whatever you're trying to do it won't work, I'll be ending this now," stated Ashi, whose hair blew within the wind.

Mai smirked when she quipped.

"You took the words right out of m-."

Before she could finish her smart remark Mai was rendered when Ashi delivered a kick that struck her in the wrist. The impact forced the dagger to fly out of Mai's grip which seemed to be a big deal considering how big her eyes widened at the sight of this. Ashi was about to deliver the ending blow but by the time she spun around to execute her roundhouse kick that's when she realized.

Mai had jumped up onto the rope railing using it as a springboard to bounce up into the air but she was miraculously going for her lost weapon, which was falling toward the darkness. Ashi was astonished by this action as she did not expect Mai to try and eliminate herself this way. Wait a minute, don't tell me! Like a miracle, Mai was able to catch the dagger before flipping her body upside down where she focused on her aim. In normal circumstances, achieving what Mai was about to pull off would've been deemed impossible. But the best thing about Mai was her deadly accuracy which she put on full display at that moment.

She grunted when she threw the dagger full force causing it to spin through the air until it cut through the ropes that were tied around the stone pillars located on the small ledge. With the ropes cut the bridge was immediately forced to fall apart, gravity brought Ashi down to her knees. She was completely caught off guard as her body was now plummeting down along with the severed bridge. Mai spread her arms out accepting her fate as she closed her eyes proud that she wasn't going to be eliminated alone. Or so she thought.

Ashi looked to her left before snatching the dangling rope with a tight grip, with her free hand she caught Mai by her jacket shocking the girl greatly. Having no time to swing around due to the lurking darkness getting closer, Ashi gritted her teeth. Veins throbbed within her forearms as she took a deep breath before performing an explosive movement. Showing off her enhanced strength Ashi only used one pull on the rope to yank her and Mai sky high. Mai nearly got whiplash from this action as she blinked once and she was already high above the broken bridge. W-What?

In midair, Ashi released her grip on Mai's jacket before quickly wrapping the teen up in the rope leaving her utterly defenseless. In a swift motion, Ashi used Mai as a human springboard to bounce off of and safely land on the opposite bridge ledge. The force generated by the kick-off snapped some of the rope, pushing Mai into the darkness. She reappeared in the bleachers tied up where she groaned.

"Ungh, so lame."

Ashi pulled herself up onto the ledge where she caught her breath watching as some parts of the broken bridge disappeared into the darkness. She closed her eyes before standing upright showing how fast she was able to recover as she mused.

"I have to find Jack before my father does. Wait for me, Jack."

To Be Continued . . .

Author's Note

Hey, hey guys. Had some fun with this chapter, I think both of these girls are very strong in their own respective. Especially Ashi because no one talks about her ludicrous feats. But I think both them met guys that changed their lives around for the better so I thought it'd be cool for them to meet and fight. Before I start rambling I'll get outta here so please vote for the chapter and until then.

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