Chapter 27: Jenny Says
"Broussard," she answered her phone sticking up her finger for Paul to excuse her for a minute.
"Gus, where have you been all day, you wouldn't believe this case", Sheldon chattered over the line.
"A little issue with brass, but what's up?" Gus replied, her interest piqued.
"The naked guy from this morning is none other than Dr. Browning."
"The math and physics guy who won all those awards?"
"One in the same and Sid found a microchip in his hand and a needle connecting both hemispheres of his brain during the autopsy and that led us to his workshop where we found...are you ready for this?"
Gus waited a beat and then urged him on, "Shel, come on, just tell me!"
"A time machine. Which didn't help your boy Flack being convinced that Dr. Browning needed to be in a straight-jacket, in addition to him wanting to haul Kevin Murray back in."
"My boy? Besides there is a fine line between genius and insanity," Gus replied.
Sheldon laughed, "Which is exactly what Mac said."
"Great," Gus huffed. Paul looked at her curiously. Gas mouthed, "new case." Paul nodded and went back to his notepad.
"We're thinking the needle may have helped his genius out in addition to giving him seizures and hallucinations."
"Explaining the insanity and time travel belief," Gus said, picking up Sheldon's train of thought.
She saw Paul write something on the pad and underline it before holding it up to her, 'TIME TRAVEL?' it read. Gus held up her finger again.
Sheldon continued, "I am going to talk to the dean, you want to come with me? I know you know your way around the politics of academia."
"I would love to Sheldon, but I am kind of working with Public Information right now, but I want to hear all about this...and before it gets to the press, okay, Shel?" Gus said, pleading.
"PI, what did you do?"
"Long story I am sure you will hear about soon enough. Or Flack can fill you in."
Sheldon laughed, "knowing you, this is going to be entertaining. And I don't know if the press will even care about this case if they get wind of the case Stella was telling me about."
Gus stiffened, "what kind of case is Stella working on?"
"I haven't talked with her too much on it, but something about a girl orgasming to death in the middle of Katz's. I think Angell pulled the case."
"You are kidding me!"Gus exclaimed, her eyes going wide.
"Can't make any of this stuff up, Gus", Sheldon said before hanging up.
"Time travel?" Paul asked as soon as she hung up the phone.
"Yeah, but that's the back burner story, I guarantee. Seems a girl was found dead in the middle of Katz's Deli and the story is she orgasmed to death, only in New York right?" Gus rolled her eyes.
"I'm going to call the detective of record and get you the scoop to run with."
"Can you get it to me before the evening news does?" Paul asked with wide eyes.
"I'm not a miracle worker, but I will see what I can do," Gus answered.
"I am pretty sure you could work a miracle or two," Paul flirted with her.
Gus paused for a beat, "maybe, but if you let me get back to the precinct, I can get my ear to the ground better."
"okay, but call me the second you know anything, I want to be first on your speed dial from now on!"
"Joy," Gus muttered as she left the cafe.
"Punted to PI, way to rise to the top, sunshine," Flack said by way of greeting as she stepped back into the pit.
"News travels fast around here."
"Well, ya know, with all this science fiction going on," Flack smiled.
"Yeah, how did that work out for you with all the geek speak?"
Flack rubbed at the back of his neck. "What you mean Hawkes blabbering on and on about wormholes and the speed of light? I mean, I will admit to maybe watching the occasional late night episode of Dr. Who, but I just don't buy into all this time travel stuff. My money is still on Kevin Murray, but I am waiting on the lab."
"I see, well have you seen Angell around anywhere? I heard she caught one hell of a case!" Gus tried to remain nonchalant.
"She's probably in the lab herself. All I know is the boys keep snickering about the apparent show this sorority girl put on in the middle of the deli, something involving a pickle and more than a few of the wits trying to mack on Angell."
Gus suppressed a snicker, "I can only imagine. Hell of a way to go, huh?"
"There are plenty of worse ways," Flack retorted, his eyes flashing a mischievous blue.
"Suppose so," Gus gulped, trying to not flush, "I'm going to see if I can track her down. Paul wants to get out a release before the news gets its teeth into it."
"Paul, huh?" Flack inquired.
"Yeah, the PR guy from the mayor's office, he's been around for press conferences here before," Gus explained.
Flack ran through his mental roster of the pricks from the mayor's office, "oh yeah, the pretty boy."
Gus shrugged, "guess so, catch ya later", she said walking off.
It was very late by the time she tracked down Angell, got the full story on the case involving Robin Graham, the girl from the diner and reconvened with Paul to get a press release out to the media before the late news.
"I don't suppose you want to catch a drink and see how the news spins this release?" Paul ventured as she made ready to leave his office.
Gus hesitated, "actually, I think I am giving up drinking for a while."
"Dinner?" he countered.
"Grabbed something from a cart earlier," she replied.
Paul shuddered, "you cops will eat anything, I swear."
"Job hazard," Gus shrugged.
"Dessert?" he ventured, running out of options but wanting to get to know the pretty detective on a more personal level if possible.
Gus felt painted in a corner and bristled slightly, "how about a rain check? I'm pretty beat."
Paul smiled, even though less than pleased that his charms weren't working, "okay, but I am holding you to it, Detective Broussard."
"You're here late," Flack remarked as Gus swung by the pit before heading home.
"Could say the same about you."
"Had some paperwork to catch up on," Flack replied.
"Sounds like fun", Gus said, hitching her bag on her shoulder.
"You eat yet?" Flack questioned.
"Gyro, earlier, but did you know our normal guy moved up to the 2-3? Gave his cousin the spot here, not the same," Gus said mournfully.
Flack looked a little crushed, "aw man. I suppose you are off drinks for a while, huh?"
Gus nodded, "Yep, think Danny's gonna have to be your Sully's buddy again."
"Good luck with that," Flack said bemusedly. "How about dessert?"
"What is with it with you boys tonight?"
Flack creased his forehead, "whaddya mean?"
Gus shook her head with a small laugh, "nothing, but I'm beat. Maybe tomorrow?"
"Yeah, tomorrow," Flack said, curious as to what she meant but not wanting to push the issue, "think you can make it home without picking up any unsavory characters?"
Gus raised her eyebrows, "yes, Flack, I think I can. I don't want to sink any lower than PI. See you tomorrow, and don't stay too late yourself." She waved over her shoulder as she headed into the night to flag a cab.
Chapter 28: Get Out of My Way
Gus spent the next day trailing after her compatriots trying to get them to spill about their cases and explain that she hadn't become part of the rat squad, but instead had forced into working with Public Information since she had been relieved of her weapon.
Either they all knew what happened to her with Dimitri Nasenko or they knew better than to ask, but Gus could tell that her hounding them for details was going to wear thin quickly.
Luckily, Angell was good enough to spill her information readily, including lab results Stella had gotten about the dead girl's inhaler medication being switched out with a drug being tested at the university.
Mac also inadvertently helped her by making lunch plans and then having to break them when he was called out to Dr. Browning's apartment where Kevin Murray was found dead.
"I have never gotten information so freely from you detectives before," Paul remarked as they met up in City Hall, Gus wishing she had worn more comfortable shoes for the hike.
"Don't expect it to last long, I am pretty sure my colleagues are going to tire of me hounding them for info damn quick, they get enough of that from brass," Gus dripped.
"I am betting they find you pleasant enough company," Paul fed back, laying on the charm.
"Yeah, I would like to keep it that way," Gus huffed.
"I am certain you will figure something out. Besides, you seem to have a great relationship with the Crime Lab. Your Uncle heads it, doesn't he?"
Gus felt her jaw clench, "yes, he does, but I try to not let my personal relationships get in the way of my job."
Paul bestowed a huge pearly smile on her, "good try, detective, but I've done some checking up on you."
Gus felt her gut constrict, "Great, just great!"
"It is hard to balance work and play working in this field isn't it?" he said, sitting down next to her on the couch in his office.
"This field? In case you hadn't gotten the memo, you are a pretty face for the mayor's office, I haven't seen you out at a crime scene lately!" Gus' voice was acidic.
Paul gave a little pout, "you wound me, I happen to think I serve the public as well, maybe just not in the same way you do."
Gus stiffened, "is this going to be some 'the public has the right to know' speech? Because the public, my dear PR jockey, can't handle half of what goes on out there!" Gus jumped to her feet.
Paul could see this going downhill quickly, and he didn't want to lose the best scoop he had ever had with the force.
He rose slowly, his palms out in surrender, "sorry, Detective, I did not mean to imply that we are equals, and I agree that the public can't handle what you see everyday, and that is why I think my job is important, whetting their appetites why still allowing the police to do their jobs."
"Yeah, well, for the most part you are this much above the media, and you might happen to know what we think of the media," Gus held her thumb and forefinger the smallest amount apart possible.
"Public Information isn't all bad. Just like not all homicide cops are bumbling, sweaty imbeciles," Paul said, trying to placate the feisty woman.
Gus opened her mouth, but was interrupted by her phone buzzing. "Broussard."
"It's Angell, we just processed someone in the Robin Graham case."
"Good, can you hold on for one sec?" Gus shot Paul a look and then ducked out into the women's room down the hallway, figuring that may be the one place Paul wouldn't follow her for information.
"Okay, Jess, I'm back."
"Gus, where are you, it's all echoing?!"
"I had to duck into the bathroom, Paul Matthews is trying to make me his department spy."
"That stinks, he is kind of cute though, at least on tv."
"Jess, the case!" Gus pleaded.
"Right, so it seems the head of kappa delta killya didn't like the fact that one of the pledges was still a virgin, so she swapped out the girl's inhaler cartridge with this super sexual enhancement drug and then filled the room with flowers that she knew Robin was allergic to. Apparently, she was worried that Robin wouldn't seal the deal so to speak and wanted to get her in the mood with this drug. Girl took a bunch of hits of this super- ecstasy thinking it was her inhaler, didn't get any relief and freaked out. Guy who 'won' the right to deflower her, I kid you not, felt bad, went after her and then took her to the deli. Drugs kick in and you know the rest," Angell reported the facts sounding more than a little horrified by the whole deal.
"That sucks!" Gus replied, not able to come up with any better words to describe the situation.
Angell sighed in agreement, "I know, huh? Anyway, figured that would be a fun one for you to spin for the nightly news. Also, I saw Mac coming out of processing and I think he may have gotten a lead in that time traveling case. Flack left for the night, so I'm guessing it got wrapped up. And he was looking for you."
"This day keeps getting better," Gus grumbled.
"Well at least it is almost over," Angell tried to placate her fellow detective.
Paul was waiting for her when she exited the bathroom. "I was about to send in ESU," Paul joked.
"Charming," Gus replied, deciding to let him squirm for a moment. "They booked somebody in the Graham case, girl's sorority president."
"What about the time travel case? Media's been calling about that one as well."
"Nothing is ever enough for you, huh, Matthews?" Gus said with raised eyebrows.
"I am just a voice from the department to the people," he replied humbly.
"Did you practice that one in front of the mirror?" Gus joked.
"Maybe a little," Paul said sheepishly.
Gus couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face. "If you give me a minute, I'll see what I can do for you," Gus.
"By all means," Paul said, escorting her back to his office as she dialed Mac.
"Angell said you were looking for me", Gus said as Mac answered.
"Heard you got turfed to Public Information, I wanted to let you know I had nothing to do with it," Mac said.
Gus laughed, "believe me, I am aware your powers are not that great. Sinclair was on me about moving to PR and I turned him down, so my latest screw up gave him opportunity to play puppet master," Gus shot Paul a look as she was relaying this information to Mac.
Paul put his pen down and studied her as she turned to talk to her Uncle. He had done some checking on her, but he hadn't gotten much information, cops were notoriously protective and close-knit.
He managed to get some information out of Sinclair, surface stuff about her being from New Orleans and having spent the summer working with NOPD, that she had several incidents in her personnel file, but they were mostly related to her being involved in accidents, and some rumors that she had been seeing her partner, but it ended at summer's start.
He wasn't sure if it was related to her leaving to work with the NOPD or not or if she was seeing anyone at the moment.
Gus turned back around, caught Paul staring at her and ran her hands over her suit. "I don't have food on me, do I?" she asked.
"No, you're good," Paul smiled at her, his eyes crinkling in the corners.
Gus cocked her head, thinking Angell was right, he was cute and not just on tv.
"Browning case also got wrapped up, full confession from another assistant with a gambling problem who was using Browning's game theory to help him out at the track. Him loosing out meant Browning and Murray lost their lives, but now he is loosing his freedom so..." Gus trailed off, Paul was still looking intently at her. "What?"
"You hate not being out there, don't you?"
"In the field?" Gus questioned. Paul nodded. Gus returned the gesture, "Very perceptive, but yeah, I do. I switched from staff psych to detective for a reason, being a cop is in my blood, I suppose, but I have screwed up lately, high risk behaviors if you will, so now here I am." Gus made a shrugging motion with her hands up, "what are you gonna do?"
"Tell Sinclair you aren't going to be his spy and that you belong in the field, not running between 1PP and City Hall like an intern," Paul suggested.
"That sounds lovely, but I don't have that kind of luxury right now", she paused, not sure how much she wanted to reveal to the mouth of city hall.
Gus chewed on her lip before continuing, "you know how I ended up getting yanked from the field?"
Paul sat down, wanting to make her more comfortable, "you're a klutz?"
Gus laughed, the mood lightening, "on top of that. I kind of took off after the lab blew up this summer, ended up putting in an insane amount of hours with the NOPD, saw stuff that would put most cops in Bellevue and eventually figured out if I stayed there, it would kill me."
"So you returned here with your tail between your legs and now are letting them push you around?"
Gus shook her head, "not entirely, I didn't leave in the most professional way and I had to beg to get my job back and then I was on cold cases and probation and just I was about to get things back on track, I got my gun lifted by a suspected mobster."
Paul looked at her, incredulous, "I would imagine you put up quite the fight."
Gus snorted, "I wish, he smartly drugged me first. And now here I am in purgatory, being reminded that I need to learn to play the game."
Paul smirked slightly, "something tells me that isn't your strong suit."
"Tip of the iceberg. Now if you will excuse me, I have to meet someone."
"Boyfriend?" Paul fished.
Gus smiled, "smooth, Matthews. See you tomorrow."
Chapter 29: Only One of Us
Gus headed back over to the crime lab, knocking on Mac's door. He looked up from the piece of paper he was reading with an odd look on his face.
Gus cocked her head to the side, seeing the airmail envelope on his desk. "Uh-oh", she remarked, "not so happy news from across the pond?"
"Dear John letter, though I suppose in this case it is a Dear Mac." He dropped the letter onto his desk and grabbed his coat, "You ready? I was hoping we could grab a bite and chat about your Russian adventures before the set is supposed to begin."
"Reel me in with a night at Cozy's with a hidden agenda, huh, Mac?"
"You've been hard to pin down lately, Gussie."
"Makes two of us," Gus replied as they headed out to the club.
"It's awfully crowded!" Gus remarked as they ducked in the side door to Cozy's.
"Some hotshot kid is playing later," Mac said, nodding at the security guy standing inside the door.
"Good thing you've got connections then," Gus joked as they made their way to a table in the back room.
Mac raised his eyebrows when Gus ordered a club soda and cranberry, but refrained from remarking until the waitress had come and gone with their drinks. "Off the sauce, huh?"
"Funny," Gus said, playing with her straw.
Mac leaned back in his seat,"you want to tell me about it, or you want me to piece together my own version from the rumors?"
Gus shook out her hair, "how many rumors are there?"
Mac smiled slightly, "not many, but I am going to get it out of you one way or another."
Gus debated her options, knowing she didn't really have any. She scooted forward in her seat and motioned Mac forward, she wasn't about to announce her idiocy to a club full of people who would have far too much fun teasing her about it later.
She launched into the tale of how she went out with the team and ended up at Ground Zero and her tumble in the graveyard and her journey to The National in hopes of getting cleaned up before heading home.
Mac listened patiently, knowing this was just back story and sounded feasible knowing his niece. "How does this end with you drugged up and handing over your gun?"
Gus sighed, "I'm getting there. This guy started chatting me up and I started drinking, which was fine until he slipped something into my last drink and we ended up back at my place where I ended up handcuffed to my bed and he took off with my gun."
Mac did a double take, "why didn't you call me?"
"I tried, but my stupid voice thing called Flack instead, interrupting his date, which he was not happy about. But it was horribly embarrassing, so I am glad I
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