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Hello and welcome to the twentieth chapter!

(P.S. Please watch that video it is very worth it)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



Shinso's POV:

(A/N: Dad= Eraserhead, Papa= Present Mic)

Dad: Hitoshi?

Me: ...Hm?

I snap out of my thoughts, hearing dad call my name. He looks at me expectantly.

Me: Oh, sorry. Uh...

I look at the unmasked Hero Killer, trying to think of what to ask first.

We should probably call him something other than the Hero Kidnapper.

Me: What... What is your full name?

Hero Killer: Izuku Midoriya.

Nezu's paws fly across the keyboard on his laptop, probably looking for any information on him.

Me: How old are you?

Izuku: Fourteen.

Nezu stops typing. Everyone freezes.

This guy has been running around kidnapping heroes, and he's only my age!?

All Might: He did always seem to be on the younger side... But fourteen?

Papa: How is this possible?

Nezu: How interesting! He is quite physically capable.

Dad: Hitoshi, we need to get an explanation of his Quirk.

Nezu starts typing again, and I turn to face the Hero Killer-now Izuku-again.

Me: What is your Quirk?

Izuku: Telekinesis.

I thought he just froze stuff...

Izuku: I can move anything at will, including myself. If I get close to the limit of how many things I can control at once, I get migraines. If I exceed the limit, it puts too much strain on my mind, and I lose consciousness. There is a chance that I could go into a small coma if heavily exceeded. If I control something too heavy for me, it has the same effects. If I control something for an hour or longer, full body paralysis is the result, and it can last from a few minutes up to a few days. I don't know if it can be for longer because I have been hesitant to test it.

Ectoplasm: So his Quirk didn't just freeze things, it was how he chose to use it.

Nezu: Even more interesting! Doing this would benefit him in several ways, allowing him to hide the full extent of his Quirk, limit people's range of motion, use-

Dad: Nezu, please. You're giving me more of a headache than I already have.

Me: I don't... Really know what else to ask him.

Nezu: Hm... Start with this. Who and where are his parents?

Me: What's, uh... What are your parents' names?

Izuku: My father is Hisashi Midoriya, my mother is Inko Midoriya.

As he says his father's name, I feel a strange pull from my Quirk. I see the air around Izuku darken slightly.

Me: I think he's trying to break free of my Quirk.

All Might: Stay strong young Shinso. 

Me: Where are your parents?

Izuku: My mother is missing, and probably dead. I don't know where my father is, but I hope he is dead. If I ever see him again-alive-I'll kill him myself.

The air around him gets darker, and the lights flicker slightly. What was originally a small pull turns into outright resistance of my Quirk. I close my eyes as I try to keep my hold on him.

Nezu: We don't have much longer...

Papa: Ask him where he's keeping Midnight!

All Might: Where is he keeping Endeavor?

Hawks: No, wait! Where is he keeping Heron?

I'm trying so hard to keep my hold on him that I can barely process what's around me. But I know what I want to ask.

Me: Where are you keeping all the-

I gasp and grit my teeth in pain as I hear a snap in my head. We all watch with horror as the Hero Killer's face shifts from its blank expression to a sadistic grin. His eyes fade from the neutral white to a toxic green. But as seconds pass his eye color is slowly darkening.

Izuku: Wouldn't you like to know?

Hawks and some others look like they're ready to punch him, and the rest have a look that's a mix of fear, calculation, and caution.

All Might: I would suggest answering our questions. You are stuck here.

Izuku: Oh, am I? I didn't notice.

Hawks: Where is Heron?

Izuku: Oh, your hero friend? Don't know don't care.

Dad: Midoriya...

Izuku: DON'T CALL ME- Don't. Call. Me. That.

I involuntarily shudder at the threatening aura radiating off of his voice alone.

We might've screwed ourselves over bringing him here.


Izuku: I'm the bastard? I'M THE BASTARD?

The room grows colder as the air around him darkens, and a visible shiver passes through everyone.


He cuts himself off as his eyes cloud over and his pupils become completely black.

And then a mass of shadow explodes behind him, and the entire room is plunged into darkness.


Hello! Thank you for reading the twentieth chapter. This story is open to constructive criticism, so let me know if you have any questions or feedback!

I know this chapter is short, but it's buildup so be quiet.

Words: 811

Have an outstanding day!

:) :) :)

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