Imposter Syndrome

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Hello and welcome to the ninth chapter!

I am very proud of the video thumbnail that I put at the top of this chapter. By the way, I like your shirt. No, I'm definitely not being sarcastic about either of the things I just said.

(P.S. Go to 2:25 in the video above, I swear it's worth it)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



Todoroki's POV:

I look up at my popcorn ceiling, looking for different shapes in the strange patterns. I was going to do something else, but I can't remember what I wanted to do. And I don't feel like doing anything anyway. Despite trying really hard not to, my mind wanders to my friends. Amalie's laugh, Izuku's smile... The way they both always thought of others first no matter how bad things were for themselves.

You couldn't do that then, and you can't do it now. All you can think about is yourself.

 Still, it's been... Almost a year now? And it feels like nothing is helping. If I could just see them again, everything would be okay again. It could be like how it used to. Me asking them ridiculous Would You Rather questions, Amalie relentlessly finding every excuse to paint anything and everything, Izuku with his witty retorts, always making observations... It was perfect. We were perfect. Everywhere we went, people always told us we acted like siblings, because we fit so well together. Like a 3-piece puzzle. Simple, but satisfying. I really would give anything to see them again. 

I... Never got to tell Izuku... Now obviously I never will...

I close my eyes, trying to block out the thought that always comes up every time I think like this. A knock comes from the other side of my door. I quickly sit up.

Me: Come in.

When the door opens, I'm surprised to see Father standing there. Ever since I came back, he's finally been treating me like a human being, giving me personal space. He's become a better father, in my opinion. Almost like he realized why I left in the first place.

Father: Shoto...

Me: Endeavor. You need something?

Father: I would appreciate it if you called me Enji.

Me: Oh, sorry. I-

Father: It's... Fine.

I stare at him. He's never interrupted me before, not even before I ran away... Something is up.

Me: So, what can I help you with...?

Father: I... Need to ask you something, and depending on your answer, I might need to tell you something as well.

Me: Okay.

He sighs and sits down next to me on the edge of my bed. I wait, giving him my full attention.

Father: When you came back, you told me you made some friends during your time... Away from home. A boy and a girl.

I instantly tense up.

Where could he possibly be going with this?

Father: What do you remember about the boy? 

Me: ...

What does my dad want with my dead friend!? I want to answer honestly since this has to be incredibly important if he's even daring to ask me. But Izuku was (Unjustly) considered a villain when he became a Vigilante about a year and a half before he died. I want to keep his name clear. But I still want to tell dad the truth. I owe him that much.

Me: He... Smiled a lot. Had a high pain tolerance. He would always put someone else before himself. He was kind of like the dad of our group. He was the one with the job and provided the most for all of us.

We both know that he was asking about appearance and not behavior, but he doesn't push it. Plus, it seems like he got something he wanted out of my answer anyway.

Father: That confirms it then. Shoto, listen carefully when I tell you this.

I begin bouncing my leg up and down anxiously. I look at him again, searching for a clue on his face as to what he was about to say. But no amount of searching his face could've prepared me for what he was about to say.

Father: Your friend is alive. And he is considered one of the most dangerous people on earth.

I freeze. It seems as if time just... Stops.

Izuku... Izuku, you're alive? I can... see you again? This means I still have a chance, focus. He's a top priority of the Hero Commision? His Quirk was powerful, but not that powerful. I wonder what he did... No, I wonder what someone framed him for. There's no way he got a reputation like that from killing people. Still, even if he did do something like that, I know he had his reasons. Wait, not had, has! Because he's alive!  IZUKU'S ALIVE!

Father continues talking, seemingly understanding of my shocked state.

Father: In an attempt to capture him, we need you to help us.

I feel myself coming back down to reality.

Me: H-help... How?

Father: We are guessing that he thinks you are dead, and I know that you thought likewise. If he sees you, alive, the shock will put him at a disadvantage. You will be the bait for his capture. That is only if you agree, of course.

Me: Will you guys hurt him?

Father: We won't if he cooperates. I know you strongly believe in giving people their justice, Shoto. I trust you to make the right decision.

I stay silent for a moment, thinking.

Me: I'll do it but on one condition.

Father: ...

Me: Once he's been captured and put somewhere secure, I want to be the first one to talk to him.

I try to say it as fiercely as I can. He nods in response.

Father: That can be arranged.

He stands up and leaves my room, closing the door behind him. I stare at the door.

I may be agreeing to help, but to think that'd you'd believe I'd stand by and watch you punish someone that deserves the opposite?

You don't know me very well, do you father?


I scroll through my phone, looking for something remotely interesting. My search does not disappoint. I smile at the headline on the screen.


I'm a little confused as to why they're doing this, since I haven't been Lucifer in a while. But it still makes me proud that the Hero Commission considers him dangerous.

Dabi: What are you so happy about? Did you find a funny meme?

I turn to look at him. We are both sitting on the couch at home base, scrolling through our phones. I can't help but giggle giddily.

Me: Pass me the remote.

He tosses it over to me and hollers to the others.

Dabi: Everyone get over here! Something's happening on the news!

In seconds everyone is here, watching the TV, as the reporter begins with a brief introduction.

Reporter: We are here live at the Hero Commision's press briefing. The Head of the Hero Commision is present, along with two pro heroes Hawks and Eraserhead, who are believed to have direct relations to the situation. It is unclear what connections they have to the subject at hand. The Commision is currently about to address the situation regarding the change in Villain Rankings.

Toga: Oooh~! How exciting!

(A/N: The abbreviation HHC stands for Head of Hero Commision. The letter R in front of a number is a reporter, and a J in front of a number is a journalist.)

HHC: I'm sure you're all aware that as of this morning, the #3 Villain, Lucifer, has been moved to #2. Rest assured; this is not without a clear reason.

Wait... Does this mean they connected the dots and figured out that Xian is Lucifer!?

HHC: Recently, eyewitnesses have reported that they saw him exiting the Hero Commision building around 11 p.m. two days ago. Security cams also picked up on him leaving the building. It was later discovered that he had stolen highly confidential documents, with extremely dangerous information. While we cannot divulge what the information was, we can say that in the wrong hands, the information can bring about the end of our world.

The press begins to talk over each other, and all that can be heard is unintelligible shouting.

Everyone turns away from the TV to look at me, baffled.

Shigaraki: You're supposed to tell me when you go out on missions, you know... 

Twice: I'm impressed! You have disappointed me!

Me: ...

Everyone turns their attention back to the TV for a moment, as the press had quieted down and the actual conference begins.

R1: Ma'am, if this information is so dangerous, why not move Lucifer to the #1 spot?

HHC: All for One currently hold that position, and I believe we all understand that he will be on top until we bring him down.

R2: Hawks, what is your relation to these events?

Hawks: I have encountered Lucifer twice, and I think I can be of help. He possesses wings, and so do I. Unfortunately, we are similar in that way.

J1: Eraserhead! What is your reason for attending this conference?

Eraserhead: I have also encountered Lucifer twice, and I also believe I can be of use due to the nature of my Quirk.

R3: HHC! What do you have to say about heroes disappearing around Japan?

I smile, knowing they're all under the base right now.

HHC: We are currently unaware of what is causing these disappearances. I can assure you we are searching for the 73 missing heroes.

My smile grows wider as I hear the number.

When I'm finished, the number will be a lot higher than that.

J2: What is Lucifer's Quirk?

Hawks: Although we do not have much to go on, we know he can make his wings turn to metal. His wings are also powerful, and much faster and stronger than mine.

Pathetic. That's not even a tenth of what my Quirk can do.

J3: Do you know Lucifer's age?

Eraserhead: Based on extensive analysis, we have concluded that he is somewhere in his mid 20s and 30s.

Everyone in the room erupts into laughter hearing that. But everyone quickly sobers up as the meeting comes to a close and they are reminded of what I've done.

HHC: That concludes the briefing. We will continue to make Japan a peaceful, safe place that welcomes all.

I mute the TV as it starts a segment of CCTV footage featuring me running around various parts of the Hero Commision building, and everyone looks back to me. I can tell they all have their own questions, but with the intensity radiating off of Shigaraki, they all stay silent.

Shigaraki: You should have told us. Especially when you come back with IMFORMATION WE COULD USE TO, OH I DON'T KNOW, CONQUER THE WORLD?

Me: I would've if I needed to!


I stand up, glaring hard at the TV. I slowly lift my finger and point to myself in the CCTV footage, holding a stack of files and dashing through hallways.

Me: Because that isn't me.


BOOOOM! Like the bombshell I just dropped?

Hello! Thank you for reading the ninth chapter. This story is open to constructive criticism, so let me know if you have any questions or feedback!

The title for this chapter originally titled "Do I have Daddy Issues?" Because the entire chapter was going to be from a very angsty Todoroki's perspective. But I scrapped that and started over. To be fair, I wrote the title at 3:30 in the morning. Not my proudest moment...

Words: 1896

Have an outstanding day!

:) :) :)

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