Ignorant Children

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Hello and welcome to the twenty-second chapter!

(The song I picked won't load, so no music this week:( )

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



My eyes slowly open, and I see an unfamiliar ceiling. Remembering everything that happened before Eraserhead rudely knocked me out, I sit up out of the bed I'm in. I use my Quirk to shatter the window I'm in, get up and climb out-

Me: OW!

It takes me a second to process that the window didn't break... At all. I use my Quirk again, and it doesn't work.

Please don't tell me...

I whirl around to face the bed I got out of, attempting to lift the covers with my Quirk. When nothing happens for a few seconds, I shift my focus to my wings. They are shifting between materials like they normally do when I'm not controlling them. When I try to change the material, nothing happens. I groan in frustration.

I can't use my Telekinesis Quirk, and I can't control my wing composition. So they must've found a way to cancel both of my Quirks somehow. But they don't know anything about my second Quirk, so how... Did I slip up somehow? At least my wings didn't change to their natural color... Black... But how did they even make something that cancels both of my Quirks? I can't even feel a bracelet on me or anything, so where even is it? Wait, doesn't that mean...


They've captured me!

I can't get out of here without using my Quirks, and I don't have a way to ask the L.O.V. to help... Now what?

Just as I wonder that, the door opens, and I whirl around to face the intruder. Eraserhead is standing in the doorway, looking me up and down.

Eraserhead: You're up.

Me: How'd you figure that one out Eraserhead?

I ask him with a heavy amount of sarcasm, and he just coughs awkwardly.

Eraserhead: Call me Aizawa.

Me: No, I don't think I will.

Even though I say that, I know I'll already start thinking of him as Aizawa anyway.

At least it's easier to say than Eraserhead...

Aizawa: *Sigh* Well, just to let you know you are sitting in on my class today.



Me: I'm going to be in the same room as those ignorant children!?

Aizawa: While they are ignorant, this is what Nezu wants you to do.

Me: What makes you think I'll do a thing you say?

Aizawa: Because you can't use your Quirks, and I'm sure you would prefer it rather than being sent to prison.

Damn, he has me there...

Me: Wait, how did you know I have two Quirks?

Aizawa: Nezu.

Me: Oh.

Aizawa: Come on, problem child.

What did he just call me?

Me: Problem child?

Aizawa: Yup. You cause problems, and you are legally a child. So, you are a problem child.

Me: I hate this already.

Aizawa: You didn't hate it before?

Me: ... Okay never mind.

I follow him, feeling annoyed. There's no way I can escape him successfully. I don't have my Telekinesis Quirk, which would already make this more difficult. But even though I have my wings, using raw strength to escape wouldn't end well considering we're walking down the halls of a building full of heroes.

How could I be so STUPID!? I'm captured now, I'll probably be stuck here forever. I wonder if the L.O.V. would try to save me somehow...? Probably not, considering UA's security. I'm really stuck here.

My mood darkens significantly at the thought. I decide that just because I'm forced to be here, doesn't mean I'm going to be nice.

I'm going to give these people hell from here on out.

We turn a corner into a classroom labeled 1-A, which I assume is Aizawa's.

Aizawa: You can sit at the desk in the fourth row, third seat.

I walk over to the last seat in the third row, and glare at Aizawa. He just sighs, pulls out a yellow sleeping bag, and falls asleep.

What an "amazing" teacher.

Someone walks into the room, and they look familiar. They have blond spikey hair, an unkempt uniform, and a scowl on their face. I vaguely remember them as that blonde with anger issues from a while back, Katsuki Bakugo. He starts to walk to his seat, but when he catch sight of me, he stops.

???: Fuckling Deku!? (A/N: This typo made me laugh so I'm not going to fix it)

I already knew that this guy looked familiar, but hearing that name? It made me want to do... Less than legal things to what I now remember as Kacchan.

Me: Why hello Kacchan. Fancy seeing you here.

Kacchan: Where the fuck did you go!? We thought you DIED!

By now there are a few more people entering, all of them watching the scene unfold.

Me: Oh, what's this? Does the great Katsuki Bakugo care? Ten years later, and you finally care?

Guilt flashes across Kacchan's face as he silently takes his seat. A few moments later, someone walks up to the desk I'm at. Not caring enough to see who's in front of me, I continue fiddling with my fingers.

Me: What do you want?

???: You are in... My seat... Wait... Izuku?

Hearing my name from this person's mouth, their voice suddenly feels familiar. I look up to see the face of Todoroki Shoto. I stand up immediately, with a glare that spells death to anyone unlucky enough to have it turned on them.

Me: Todoroki Shoto.

Shoto: They... Got you? Endeavor said he would notify me... Izuku, I-

He's at the beginning of a hugging motion, and I slap his hands away.

Me: No. Get. Away.

Most of the students have arrived now, and all attention is once again on me.

Me: You were ALIVE. And you NEVER. TOLD ME.

Shoto: I thought you died, I-


Shoto: Of course! I looked many times over, for you and Amalie both!


I grab him by his shirt, beyond angry.


I'm cut off as I'm yanked back by the collar of my shirt. I turn to see that Aizawa was in fact the collar grabber.

Aizawa: Everyone sit down. Do whatever you want until I come back. Todoroki, come with us.

Too angry to even speak, Aizawa drags me down the hallway with Shoto following behind as he simultaneously pulling put his phone.

Aizawa: Nezu, call in all the teachers, Tsukachi, and Hawks. Tell them to go to meeting room C-7, and bring some handcuffs.

He hangs up and drags me into a meeting room. He sits me down in a chair at the end of a long table, and seats Todoroki a few seats away.

At least he put distance between us, otherwise I might've attacked him again.

I try to stand up, not wanting to stay where Eraserhead put me. But I can feel his glare from the other side of the room, and decide that I don't feel like leaving the land of the living yet. I sit back down quickly. Ten minutes later, a man I recognize as Detective Tsukachi walks in.

Tsukachi: I was told I was needed here.

Aizawa: Yes.

Aizawa nods in my direction, and Tsukachi looks at me with wide eyes.

Tsukachi: Is that-?

Me: Yes I'm the Hero Kidnapper. Now can we hurry up and get done with whatever we're doing?

Aizawa: Tsukachi, cuffs.

Tsukachi sighs.

Tsukachi: Right.

He pulls out cuffs, and before I can react they are on my wrists and snap together and onto the back of the chair I'm sitting on. I blink in confusion.

Tsukachi: They're magnetized, so don't even try to get them off.

I wonder how they were attracted to my wrists? Maybe there's some traces of metal in my suit? Speaking of which, I'm surprised that they let me keep my suit on, I could be carrying weapons. But how did the cuffs direct themselves to the back of the chair and then click together? Is there an order, or was it just luck? How were they able to make these things magnetic? The weight of them doesn't feel any different them normal cuffs, so-

Aizawa: That's... Concerning.

After realizing I was mumbling, I glare at him.

I really thought I'd gotten rid of that habit...

Around fifteen minutes later, Principal Nezu, the UA staff body, and Hawks walk in. They all take their seats, and I notice that Present Mic isn't here. Tsukachi is sitting at the other end of the long table, facing directly across from me.

Probably to convenience his Quirk.

Eraserhead went and sat on Tsukachi's right, with Nezu on his left, and everyone else in various seats around the table. Once everyone was seated, Nezu spoke up.

Nezu: Now that everyone is settled, Eraserhead, please explain why you have called us here.

Hawks: And why he's here.

Hawks gives me a death glare, but I just grin.

Eraserhead: As instructed by you Nezu, I brought Izuku into class with me today. He got into a short argument with Bakugo. I had given him a seat to sit in, but he sat in Todoroki's seat instead. When faced with Todoroki, he got extremely angry and almost beat up Todoroki, who seemed to know him. But that's not why I called you all here. I called you here because Izuku mentioned our plan to use Todoroki as bait for his capture when he was angry at Todoroki. And I am sure that none of us told him of that plan.


Nezu: So how did you know then?

Nezu mused, turning to me.

Me: You actually think I'll answer that?

Nezu: No. But since you seem to have a history with Todoroki, I can ask him to explain how you know each other.

I scowl.

Me: I found out through... A contact of mine.

Tsukachi's face twitched, and he was about to call lie. But thankfully, he was interrupted.

Todoroki: Wait, Heron told you?

Hawks: You knew Heron, Todoroki?

Todoroki: I ran into him, and he mentioned Izuku, his brother.

Nezu: I suspect it is more than that. But I will leave it for now, since the Hero Commission has been wanting us to ask another question.

Nezu nods to Tsukachi as they exchange a look.

Tsukachi: What have you done with all the kidnapped heroes?

Me: Dead and buried.

Tsukachi: Lie.

Me: Half-dead in a ditch.

Tsukachi: Lie.

Me: Chained in a basement.

Tsukachi: Lie.

Me: Currently being tortured by the L.O.V.

Tsukachi: Lie.

Me: I don't know.

Tsukachi: Lie.

Me: Okay that is REALLY annoying. Most of them are in an induced coma while I study their Quirks.

Vlad: Why!?

Vlad snarls at me, and I just grin.

Me: Because I find said Quirks to be interesting.

Tsukachi: You said most. What about the rest?

Me: There's only one who's not being studied at the moment.

Tsukachi: Who?

I smile wider and turn to look at Hawks.

Me: Heron.

Instantly a feather is at my throat, with Hawks glowering at me.

Hawks: Where. Is. He.

Me: Awww, is the pigeon worried that Heron is dead?

Seeing Hawks' look of rage makes me start giggling.

Eraserhead: Izuku, that's enough. Hawks, unman your feathers.

Hawks begrudgingly lowers the feather at my throat, and I manage to stop laughing.

Tsukachi: What do you plan on doing with all the heroes you've captured and are currently... Studying?

Me: Maybe give back the ones that aren't completely corrupted yet, keep the rest for myself.

Tsukachi: What do you mean, "corrupted"?

Me: Most limelight heroes these days will take bribes and give information to the enemy. The hero world is better off without those types of people.

Tsukachi: You said the heroes you've captured are in an induced coma. Can you wake them up?

Me: I don't know.

Tsukachi: Lie.

I grin gleefully.

Me: I know. By the way, Eraserhead, I'm surprised you're taking all of this so well. I know you were close friends with Midnight, Present Mic as well. Perhaps that's the reason why he isn't here-

Eraserhead: Where is Midnight.

Me: Getting straight to the point, aren't we?

Everyone else begins asking what hero is where, and I can't help but laugh. One voice stands out, though.

Hawks: Where is Heron!?

My grin becomes sadistic.

Me: You really want to know?

Hawks: Where the fuck is Heron.

I lean in slightly, making all the heroes tense. I enunciate my words slowly.

Me: I am Heron.

Hawks scoffs angrily.

Hawks: Yeah right. You could never be as energetic and innocent as-

Me: Really? How could you Hawks, I feel so betrayed!

I use the joking tone I would use often with Hawks when I was Heron. Hawks pales.

Hawks: No. There's no-you couldn't be.

Me: How could you be so sure? He disappeared at a convenient time, didn't he?

Hawks' voice becomes choked.

Hawks: Y-you... He was... You're...

I smile Heron's innocent wide smile, and switch to Heron's tone of voice.

Heron: Did you miss me, Hawks?


Hello! Thank you for reading the twenty-second chapter. This story is open to constructive criticism, so let me know if you have any questions or feedback!


I don't know where this sudden burst of motivation came from to make a decently sized chapter, but I am glad it came when it did! It's probably because of the new book I started (I know, I'm all over the place). It's called In Your Depths, and it's a vigilante Izuku x OC story, go check it out!

Words: 2177

Have an outstanding day!

:) :) :)

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