Exam Season

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As you've probably noticed, I've had some technical difficulties lately and have been very busy. It's gotten to the point where I'm only posting a chapter once every two weeks if not more. It's also exam season, and I have a lot of studying and final projects to power through before summer.

So that being said, I'm putting this story on hiatus until June. On June 6th, the schedule will resume as normal until the book is finished, but until then I will not be posting anything.

I know from experience that it's very frustrating to have a writer take a hiatus in the middle of a story, but I really want to put some attention towards schooling for a while and have less to do while doing all of that. I also want to feel like I'm putting effort into this story, and lately trying to get chapters done on top of schoolwork has made the quality of my writing, in my eyes, decrease drastically. And I want to give you guys an interesting and engaging story!

So thank you all so much for your patience, love, support, and kind words.

I'll see you all in June!

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