Mad Hatter

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"You think i'm psycho you think i'm gone, tell the psychiatrist something is wrong. over the bend, entirely bonkers, you like me best when i'm off my rocker. i'll tell you a secret: i'm not alarmed. so what if i'm crazy? all the best people are."

I wasn't exactly sure what everyone's reactions would be when I waltzed in sporting a new hair do and a new color to it as well. But at this point, I don't think I even care anymore, if they hate it, whatever. If they love it, then that's cool!

I stand at a corner near the school, all I had to do was cross, and all eyes would be on me.

I take a deep breath and go.

There's no point in building up tension.

I see Jack and Signe, of course with intertwined hands. I walk up to them with a smile, and their eyes immediately stray to my hair and their jaws are hung open.

"Hi Jack! Signe!"

"Mark! Your hair!" Jack says, stepping closer to look at my hair.

"Yeah. It was kind of a spontaneous decision. I just thought I could use a little bit of change, something to make me stand out a bit. A little bit of uniqueness and boldness to my look!" I say blushing a bit. Listening to myself, I sound more confident, and on top of that, I feel more confident.

"Dude that's freaking awesome! I love it! It suits you well dude! Can I touch it?" An odd request.

"Sure!" Jack releases his hand from Signe's grasp and runs it through my thick locks. "Holy shit. For hair that's been bleached and dyed, it's super soft!" I giggle and I look to see Signe with possibly the world's saltiest look on her face.

"Sorry Mark, is this gettin weird?" He says removing his hand from his hair. I brush my hand through my hair to push it back and fix it a bit, I smile.

"Nah, it wasn't weird."

"Love the hair Mark, it's a good look." Signe says trying so hard to look genuine.

"Shall we head in, maybe sit in the cafeteria so were not standing?" I propose to them.

"Brilliant idea Mark! I'm hungry too, I can grab breakfast while were in there." We begin to walk in and Jack and Signe are yet again holding hands she stands close to him and has her head on his shoulder.

If she's trying to annoy me, she's doing a terrible job.

Jokes on her, I don't even care anymore!

As we walk through the halls of the school, a lot of heads turned my way.

A lot of girls smiled and pointed, the guys thought nothing of it, some took interest and stared. It was a very positive outcome aside from some people who glared at me.

But again, I don't care anymore. I have this larger than life confidence within me now that can't be destroyed.

Signe and I sat ourselves at a table while Jack went to go and grab breakfast. I had a beaming smile that refused to leave my face, Signe seemed confused.


"Why what?" I ask raising an eyebrow to her sudden statement.

"After all i've done to you. After what I put you through. After I took Jack, how can you still be smiling?!" She asks, her voice slightly breaking, her hands in her hair, her face looking at the stained worn down lunch table.

"I've come to terms with everything. I found happiness within me. It just took a lot of hurt to find it."

"I was so mean to you Mark. I don't want to be like this, will you ever forgive me? I made you feel like shit, and I can't take back the things i've said. I hate myself for saying those things, everything has been so hard lately and I just wanted someone to feel worse than me. I know it's a terrible excuse, but I want some type of explanation for my horrid actions." She places her hands on the table as tears begin to drip down and splash onto the table.

"Signe, I forgive you." I say placing my hand on hers, she looks up, her eyeliner running from her tears, she seems shocked.

"Wait. Really Mark?"

"I'm all for second chances and forgiving. Just try a little harder this time." I say giving her a reassuring smile, she smiles back. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your eyeliner is running, just wanted to tell you." She takes a finger tip and runs it under her eye and checks.

"Shit you're right... I'll be right back." She grabs a small pouch put of her bag and runs off to the bathroom. Just then, Jack sits down with his (undercooked) waffle on his tray and sits down.

"Where'd Signe go?"

"Touch up her makeup."

"hmm. okay!" He says taking a huge bite out of his waffle, I look behind Jack and Felix is standing there, glaring.

He whispers something to his group and a menacing smile spreads across his face, he and his posse begin to walk over.

Great. Must I face everyone today?

I roll my eyes and look at Jack who is still eating his waffle like he's never eaten food in his life.

"Look at the little faggot and his faggot friend. I hope you pink is a girl color." Felix says giggling, his friends joining in on the laughter.

"Fuck off, Felix." I say rather loudly. Did I just say that? I'm taken aback by myself.

"Excuse me?" Felix says getting closer and pushing me out of my seat, sending me tumbling onto the floor. I peel myself off the floor and stand tall and look him dead in the eye and repeat myself.

"I said: Fuck. Off. Felix."

"Oh, so you have a new attitude now huh pussy boy?"

"Yeah, and it's better than yours you Swedish gummy fish son of a bitch!" I say pushing him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Felix retorts.

"You should be asking yourself that." I already felt this huge ramble coming on, one of those life changing speeches that changes everyone's views, just like the ones in the movies and the stories.

"I hope you know you being like this doesn't make you cool, makes you look stupid." I say sitting down again but still facing Felix. "The only reason why everyone likes you is so cliché, your on the football team wow. . Why do you try so hard anyway? Popularity won't even matter once you're out of school, none of this will, except for your grades. Other than that, you're trying so hard to reach the top when all you're gonna do is get back to the bottom, so I recommend cutting the shit as soon as possible and stop with this charade, it's only gonna hurt you in the end." I turn back around to Jack, who clearly has no idea what's going on.

Felix stands up and huffs, his eyes look slightly glazed over. Maybe I changed something in him, I doubt it, but a guy can dream.

"Whatever just happened, i'm sure it was amazing." Jack says with his mouth full and smirking. Signe comes back and sits by Jack, and her eyeliner looks like it could cut a bitch.

"Eyeliner's looking great as usual Signe!" I say with a smile, she smiles back, and for once, it looks like she means it.

Today hasn't even begun, but I feel like it's the best of my life. There isn't no one stopping me now because now, I don't care what anyone thinks about me, because what I think about me matters.

It may make me seem a little mad, but isn't everyone?

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