After leaving Tokyo , takemichi and sanzu arrive to their destination where they hed to a big building .
Sanzu - woah~ , he sure did a hardwork .
Takemichi - ..., let's go .
As they enter in building all people bow to them.
Takemichi -....
Sanzu - sniff.. they think me a god sniff , don't you worry guys you can pray me as much you want .
Takemichi glance at the figure who arrive to them while the two other person who follow him from behind.
Head person - well done , you two ( smile )
Takemichi glance at the two of the person behind.
Head person - ohh ! , you notice it ! , they are the new rec-
Takemichi - where are they ?
Sanzu glace at takemichi.
The person put a suspicious smile on his face.
Head person - well , I don't mind giving you the information . They both are in the first place .
Sanzu - the first place ! , why ?!
Head person - I will use them for some other thing .
Takemichi - .... Then do what you wanna do , I am off..
Head person - already ?
Sanzu - yeah , they are going to party all night you know !
Takemichi - I have some work left which I have to do.
Sanzu - ohh... have a safe journy then ( smile )
Head person -......
Takemichi - and .. the next time we meet I will definately murder you ( smirk )
Sanzu - same for me ( smile )
Takemichi about to leave but stop by Head statement .
Head person - wait ! ,takemichi ,the Head give a button to takemichi and sanzu .
Takemichi see the black button with a sun drawn on it.
Takemichi - what this ? ( Said in confussion )
HEAD person - we called ourselves, the BUTTON ( smile ) , you are vip for us , we can't afford to loose you ( Smile)
Takemichi - hah.. , as if I going to die .
Takemichi walk out of the building to see some workers wait for him outside .
Button staff members - hello sir , we are workers of buttons , we are at your service , we can do anything you want .
Takemichi walk to him .
Takemichi - hey , get me a new bike (snicker )
Worker - y-yes sir.( Said with sweat drop )
In sano house ..
Mikey - dammit ! , i was so close to meet him ..
Draken - it's not your fault Mikey .
Emma - yeah .. I am worry about you .
Mikey - izana , old geezer where are you ( thought )
With izana and mansoko.
Mansako - yeah ,I get it .. thank you for your help , me ? , yeah .. you can say that , copy ?! ,he exactly not his copy but we can say him a substitute of him ( glance at izana ).
Masoto - is that so ...,Than I sure want to meet him .
Masoto cut the phone .
Masoto - a substitute...haah , haaah..why I am shaking ( thought ).
While takemichi roaming in ??? Place .
In (Tokyo) ARAKAWA the famous district of Tokyo for its wild river and buisness works .
.....person - it's looks like the buttons really something now .
....person - yeah , but we should not forget which person help they made by , the one is schinchiro close friend and the other is his brother .
.....person - absolutely , they hunted the north and.. I think they sure will came for the east too .
.....person - from our information , their no one in Shibuya to handle it .
.....person - heh ... , intresting , I really want to meet those bastards , again i want to feel the power of him( smirk ).
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