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A few days had past and everything felt like it was going downhill.

Nicole ended up getting a two week vacation and went out of town. Which you were fine with at first, but after the first day you realized how truly alone you were.

You and Ryan had sent eachother memes and texted a lot, but you havent really hung out, other than him occasionally stopping by to say hi at your job.

You were currently laying in bed, having a stress cry and staring at the ceiling as sad music blasted in the background of your room.

Today was shitty. A customer got mad at you and cursed you out for not having a specific drink and got the manager on you. Not only that, but you started PMSing, AND your car nearly broke down. Luckily, you got a jumpstart from a coworker.

"Shit! Nothing makes sense. So I won't think about it..."

The song The Futile by Say Anything blared in your background, cutting you off from your thoughts.

Fuck. You thought about Ryan- this was one of his favorite songs.

You reached over to grab your phone and opened your messages.

The last time he texted you was yesterday. You started typing and erased it.

You wanted to see him so bad, but recently he seemed to be working a lot.

After rewriting the message about nine times, you finally settled on sending 'hey! are you busy?'

You finally sat up and got out of bed to go to the bathroom.

You stared yourself down in the mirror. The bags under your eyes were becoming more noticeable as the days went on.

You turned on the faucet and quickly rinsed off your face to clear up any signs of crying, then went back to your room.

About twenty minutes later, you checked your phone again. Ryan still hadnt texted back.

You accepted the fact that he was probably busy and proceeded to curl up under your covers to drift off to sleep.


A couple of hours passed. You woke up to knocking on your door.... what the hell?

You grabbed your phone to look at the time. It was nine o'clock in the evening.

You climbed out of bed to check who was at the door.

You opened it, surprised to see Ryan, standing there with bags.

"Hey," He grinned.

Your heart fluttered, and a smile grew on your face. What a nice way to wake up.

"Hi! Come in," You held open the door, as he sat the bags onto the table. You closed it and followed him.

"I got you some Chinese takeout. I saw that you texted me when I got off of work and decided to come see you." Ryan said, taking out boxes of rice and teriyaki chicken from the bags.

You were so unbelievably happy. Incredible how Ryan just took this shitty day and turned it around, purely by bringing you food.

Which meant a lot, especially since you hadn't had an actual meal in days.

Unless you counted bowls of mint chocolate chip ice cream and bags of barbeque chips as meals...

"Thank you so much, Ryan," You stood behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, giving him a hug from behind.

You couldnt see it, but he was definitely blushing. "No problem,"

You let go of him and the two of you decided to sit down at the table to eat.

"How've you been?" You asked.

"I've been fine. Matt and I have been super busy, trying to get stuff out on our channel actually. But it's been fun. What about you?"

You shrugged. "Could be better."

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked.

You froze. You didn't wanna dump all of your emotional issues onto him at all. "God," You hesitated, tapping your chopsticks against your plate.

"These past few days have been like... shit. Nic's out of town and I'm just realizing now lonely I am." You laughed, thinking about how dumb you sounded.

"Why didn't you ask to hang out?" Ryan questioned.

You shrugged.

"You seemed busy... I didn't wanna bother you."

Ryan rolled his eyes. "As if you ever bother me. (Y/N), you know I'd drop everything to help you, right?"

"It's not that big of a deal, I'm just going through some shit. Thank you for checking in on me," You leaned on your hand, wanting to hide your face.

"Did you have a good day today at least?"

"Hmmm," You hummed. "It was shitty until you showed up, actually. I nearly cried at work. A customer got pissed at me because we didnt have some drink on our menu." You shoved a fork full of fried rice into your mouth.

"And my car fuckin' broke down. I had to get it jumpstarted. This week is not my week." You sighed.

Ryan frowned. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N),"

You looked down, continuing to eat your food.

"This is also my first actual meal in a few days. So thank you for that," You smiled.

"You haven't been eating?" Ryan's concern grew.

"No, it's not that," You shook your head. "I've just been eating like shit."

Ryan nodded. "(Y/N)?"

You looked up at him. Oh God, was he going to lecture you?


"You should stay with me at my place. I'm worried about you being alone."

Your immediate response was to shake your head. "No! I'll be fine here, I'm just emotional right now, I can't burden you like that," You shrugged it off.

Ryan sighed. "(Y/N)...." He dragged your name out. "I know how being alone can fuck with you. Trust me, I've been there." He grabbed your hand, practically begging you.

You stared at his hand and thought about it.

"Why don't you just stay here with me? There's two empty rooms here," You tried to compromise.

"I have Lego to watch over." He stated.

"Just bring him here then,"

"He's a big messy dog. He'll tear this apartment to shreds," Ryan frowned.

You sighed. "Would Matt be fine with me staying with you guys?"

"He wouldnt care at all."

You decided to give in. "Alright. I'll get my stuff together tomorrow. Will you stay the night here?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Of course," Ryan smiled, glad that you accepted his request.

After you had finished eating, you and Ryan both sat together on the couch, trying to find something on TV.

You threw a blanket over yourself and rested your head on Ryan's shoulder as he scrolled through channels.

"Hey, Ryan?" You softly whispered. He turned his head towards you. "Yeah?"

"I'm probably gonna fall asleep here. If I do, you can sleep in my bed. I don't know if I've shown you my room, but you'll be able to tell which room's mine," You giggled. "Or you can try to share this couch with me, but that probably won't be fun for you. It gets kind of hot in here and in my room, so feel free to mess with the thermostat and turn on the fan."

Ryan nodded.

"Oh, and Ryan?"

"Yeah?" He whispered.

"Thank you for being here for me."

Ryan smiled and rubbed your back. "Of course, (Y/N)."

Hey! sorry it took so long to update, school has been kicking my ass. BUT GOOD NEWS!!! im getting a PC soon so that should motivate me to update more i think. anyways, thank u for reading!!!

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