Imagine #25

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Getting back in the grove of things,my hands itch to write.

You continued to pace the floor back and forth. It was currently a little past 3 in the morning.  You and C/N had been fighting and it had gotten pretty bad. He had been acting strange these past weeks. And when you told him that, he started getting defensive and saying how you "understood nothing".

It had gotten bad,and your last words to him were ,"Wait please don't go" after you said "You put my through hell yet you never give a damn so why should I care now that its you". 

A text saying that he was going to bed would've calmed your nerves. But he only left you with "whatever i have things to do". Now, as you were sending text after text and leaving furious voicemail's, you were worried he was going to do something stupid.

This is C/N you're talking about and he doesn't deal with anger well. He was a destructive fool who let anger take over him instead of trying to control it. Yet still,you had feelings for him. You liked to think that if he ever felt the same way,it would be because you made him calm.

You were in the middle of pacing,when you heard your doorbell ring. You looked at your phone. It read 3:17 a.m. Who would ring your doorbell at 3:17 in the morning? Suddenly, a thought popped into your head.

"Oh shit," you muttered to yourself as you quickly walked out of your room.

You were about to rush to the front door,but you stopped in your tracks as you heard it creak open.

"Who are you?" your father's voice boomed.

"I'm C/N and sir I really need to talk to your daughter Y/N," C/N's voice squeaked out.

You felt all possible air in your body leave you. C/N was at your front steps at past 3 in the morning for some unknown reason. And he said he needed to talk to you.

"Okay well C/N," your father hissed ,"You're going to leave and if you come back at a reasonable hour tomorrow ,maybe ,just maybe I'll let you see her."

You peeked around the corner and you felt your heart disappear into dust. C/N was standing on your front steps with tears falling from his aching sleep deprived eyes. He had large bags under his eyes and his hair looked as if it hadn't been washed in days. He was leaning against the door and was panting as if he had ran to your house.

"Please sir I need to see your daughter," C/N pleaded once more.

You walked out before your dad said anything to hurt C/N even more than he already was. When C/N spotted you,he almost walked to give you a hug and he would've if it weren't for your dad standing right there.

"Go back to bed dad I got this one," you said patting your dad on the shoulder.

"Are you sure?" your dad asked,"Don't think that just because he's here you have to talk to him."

You glared at your dad playfully and shot him a smile.

"Dad I'm sure plus this is that person I'm always talking to on the phone," you admitted.

Your dad gave C/N one last look before he headed upstairs to his room. With your dad gone, C/N now had all your attention. 

You leaned against the doorway coolly and looked at him. On the outside,you hoped you looked calm and as if you didn't care. If he saw that you were anticipating his every word and that your heart pounded at every breathe he took; he would run.

As awkward silence surrounded you two, you found yourself hoping he would break the silence.

"Y/N i'm so sorry," C/N said,"I didn't mean to blow up on you and start that argument. You deserve to know what was going on."

"C/N you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," you lied.

"Fuck Y/N I like you," C/N ran a hand down his face,"I really like you Y/N."

You almost lost your cool.

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" you squeaked out.

"Y/N do I have to spell it out for you," he said playfully then his voice lost all silliness as he said his next words,"I am crazy about you. Okay,I cant sleep. I can't eat. I can't function. You're on my mind 24/7. Even while I'm sleeping. My mind always somehow wanders to you. No scratch that,my mind is always set on you. You are just so perfect. You're just breathtakingly beautiful. I can't imagine life without you. And I don't know if you feel the same way,but I'm being honest right now. You're what people write stories about. You're what bands write songs about. When people envision the perfect girl,they all think of you."

He stood in front of you now, and all you wanted to do was pull him closer.

"I ran all the way here to see you," he said softly,"I ran here,3 miles, at 3 in the freaking morning to come see you. So I could apologize to your face. And I needed to make sure you were alright because I knew I hurt you. I'm so sorry and I'll just leave right now if you-."

You grabbed C/N by the face and kissed him. All the memories shared between you two flashed through your head as if you just met.

A burning sensation ran through your whole body. You felt sparks from where you ended and he began. The two of you together were a masterpiece.

"So I'm guessing you like me as more than a friend?" C/N asked as your lips pulled apart.

"Well I don't randomly kiss someone dork," you said smiling at him.

"Okay just making sure," C/N said leaning in again.

You put your hand on his chest to stop him from kissing you again. Even if you desperately wanted to taste his lips once more.

"Goodnight C/N," he pouted his lips at you,"You need to go! It's 3:40 in the morning!"

He walked outside and as you reached for the door to close it,he turned around.

"Just one more kiss?" he asked.

"Goodnight C/N," you said.

Yet despite the time and risking that you might have to face your father's rage,you walked quickly after him.

"C/N," you whispered as he was about to start running back towards his house.

He turned around smiling. C/N walked towards you until you were chest to chest. Your heart beats synced and your breathing melted together. His eyes darted from your eyes to your lips as his thumb traced over your bottom lip slowly. It's as if he were trying to memorize your lips.

C/N moved his hands to your hips as he pulled you in for another kiss. Nothing could be better than a kiss sealed by the moonlight; so innocent and pure. A kiss. The kiss that started it all.

TADA! Well here's an extra long one for you guys since you guys are so patient. Sorry I left for a minute,had to figure some things out. I still need to figure some things out,but I need Wattpad to do so. With my fingers aching to write,I can't live right. I tried doing other things like cleaning crazy or drawing or reading or playing games or watching YouTube. But I can find so many other hobbies,but writing has and always will be my passion. Okay so thank you all again and I passed 600!! THAT JUST SURPRISES ME SO MUCH THAT 600 PEOPLE WELL OVER 600 PEOPLE WANT TO READ MY WRITING! 600 PEOPLE WITH DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS AND LIVING DIFFERENT STORIES AND FOLLOWING DIFFERENT PATHS ALL FOLLOW ME! FROM DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD TOO! IT JUST AMAZES ME! ANYWAYS PEACE,LOVE,AND A BUNCH OF HUGS! SORRY IM HYPER! BUT YEAH! ALL THE LOVE -K

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