𓍼 IX

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━━━ 𓍼 ━━━

"P-Please." Her voice wasn't that low, Sunghoon glanced at her hands gripping tightly onto his arms, the prince took off her hand and patted her shoulder. "Go deal with it, yourself." Seoha looked at him walking away from her.

Sunghoon always promised himself that he won't get into trouble when he suddenly thought of that thing he hid last night. "What am I gonna do with it?" He sighed, throwing his head back on the backrest of the bench, looking up at the sky.

"Oy, Sunghoon." The prince opened his eyes as he looked at Euijoo who approached the figure sitting next to him. "Euijoo? What are you doing here?" He chuckles as he pulls him into a tight hug.
"What are you doing here?" The smile on Sunghoon's face was huge and warm as Euijoo chuckled. "Your mom asked me to visit you, and according to Sunoo, they allowed me."

"I'm glad you're here. I have a real problem." The prince opened the school's uniform that he wore as he took out the thing, Euijoo's eyes widened, and looked at Sunghoon. "Do you have any problems? Is someone forcing you?" He laughed, putting it back inside his coat and rubbed his face. "I'm just helping someone else." Euijoo sighed, in relief but was he really relieved?

"What if your dad knows about this? You already messed everything with these fucking parties at Heeseung's." He was right, Sunghoon was fidgeting his finger before taking a deep breath. 'The school will throw a dinner with the parents. I'm wishing dad's not coming." Euijoo nodded knowing the pain the prince got from his father since his childhood.


Sunghoon was running along with Euijoo and Heeseug in the garden of Erya, his mother was sitting on the bench, as her smile grew wider at the chuckles and laugh of her beloved son.
"Are you going to tell him?" She looks up at the King leaning on the wall made of plants and flowers. The Queen smiled and shook her head, "He's young, I love him too much."

"Then, I'll tell him. You can't keep it a secret anymore." He was right, their looks turn around at the little prince fighting playfully with Euijoo and Heeseung. Sunghoon deserves to know the truth.


"But you're here now, and I'm here." Euijoo puts his hand over his, comforting him.
"Will you stay with me for lunch? Sunoo is busy." He nodded, taking his coat he took off earlier.
"So did you make friends? Can I ask about the person you help with these things?" Sunghoon froze and remained silent for a moment, he couldn't talk about Seoha, he didn't want to.

"It's nothing, they'll come to pick it up soon." The prince lied scratching the back of his head awkwardly, he'll hope for these things to end soon. But somehow, Sunghoon finally found a way to have fun in a quiet way.

- A/N !
so, sunghoon with the female
lead, will be later. i focus on sunghoon's
life, so you'll understand more, and
we'll know seoha's life soon.
thank you for liking it! :)

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