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Someone's playing... dark says, standing up and getting into position. This time Mark refused to stay hidden. He stood boldly right next to Dark.

Wilford and Yandere stand on their side of the men, and like always, google glitches in and out of the shot.

The screen comes to life, and a familiar voice is heard. Dread fills Mark.

"TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND TODAY WE ARE PLAYING 'TAKE YOUR PICK!'. Apparently it's a fan made horror game, based off of Marks alter egos. A girl even said she had nightmares after this. But we're big boys! We got your big boy pants on! Let's do this!" Jacks Irish accent rings out, and he presses play. Dark does is intro.

Hello... I've been waiting a long time for you to show up...

"Ooooh--- creepy!" Jack laughs, looking in a different direction, possibly his camera.

We want to be free- and you my friend, gets to choose who to be free~ Dark grins, sending shivers up Jacks spine. Why was this freaking Jack out so much.

Jack looks to the camera again, talking. "I'm already intrigued. So if you guys didn't know..." he scratches his chin. "Mark has been missing the past few days."

Marks face pales. 'There's no way it's been that long...' he thinks to himself.

"So imma choose Mark, in his name. For all we know he could be on a flight to Ireland to visit lil ol me!" He strikes a mock pose, then laughs, turning to the screen again. Dark is becoming impatient.

Make your choice! It better be the right one... he says the last statement through gritted teeth.

Jack jumps, and looks to the camera again. "I like it, how time affects the game. This actually reminds me of the game-" jack was about to banter on like usual, and Dark cracks.

TAKE YOUR PICK! His calm and cool shell cracks, showing the angry, manipulative side of Dark. Mark smirks in satisfaction.

"Hmf, interrupting my banter." Jack laughs. "Now I know who not to choose... hmmm.... let's go Yandere Mark!"

"NOOOO!" Mark screamed but it was too late, Jack had touched the screen. Yandere giggles.

Within a blink of an eye, he was crawling though the screen, and Jack dropped the screen yelling, "HOLY SHAT!"

Then the screen went black again.

S-s-sorry to te-tell you-u Mark, b-but Yan-Yandere will Make Sep-septi-Septiplier re-real! Google glitches, somewhat disappointed.

Mark falls back into his chair, waiting for the screen to come back to life.

It finally does, showing Yandere putting Marks body into a very gay outfit. Just like what happened with Amy, jack is just waking up.

He sits up and yawns, rubbing his eyes. He then looks to Yandere and jumps.

"HOLY SHIT! MARK!?" He stands up but stumbles back into the bed in shock.

Yandere grins. In the flesh! He replies.

Jack gets out of his shock and gives Yandere a loose hug, who returns it with a tighter one. When jack tries to let go, Yandere doesn't let him.

"Uh Mark- you can let me go now..." he chuckles nervously.

Yandere shakes his head and holds on tighter, leaning in and whispering in jacks ear, Septiplier is real....

Yandere kisses Jacks neck and jack shoves Yandere off, forcing a laugh. "You're being weird, Mark. Let's just get some food and maybe you'll be less weird." Jack then turns to leave the room, and Yandere slaps his butt. Jack jumps and glares at Yandere.

"Mark. Stop."

Mark cringed, hating the fact that Jack thinks it's him doing this.

Yandere grins and follows Jack, who makes the two of them poptarts.

I gotta say, I expected lucky charms. Yandere says, trying to seem more like Mark.

Jack let's out a small breathy laugh, "no I don't share those with anyone."

Jack then hands Yandere a pop tart then sits on the couch, and Yandere follows in suit, sitting next to him.

Jack watches Yandere, eating his poptart.

Yandere grins and winks at Jack, licking his poptart sexually. Jack cringes.

Then as soon as Yandere was going to make a move, Jacks phone goes off. Jack catches it and looks slightly confused, pressing a link Robin sent him. He watches the video and his eyes widen. He inches away from Yandere until he's standing.

"You're not Mark..."

Yandere stands, grinning. Took you long enough, sweetheart.

"Don't call me that!" Jack yells, but not in his usual happy way, but in fear.

Yandere then rushes forward, shoving jack against a wall and roughly kissing him.

Jack gags and shoves Yandere off, sprinting to another room.

Yandere follows, grinning. You can't escape who you love!

"I don't love you! Get away!"

Jack knocks over a chair, temporarily blocking Yanderes path. Yandere steps over it, and Jack turns the corner, mentally kicking himself when he realizes he's cornered. 

Yandere gains on to him, and Jack leans into the wall in fear.

One two~ Yanderes coming for you~

"Stay away!" Yandere ignored him and walked so slowly, making jacks fear grow.

Three four~ don't bother locking the door~

Jack shook his head no.

Five six~ you are now mine

Jack yelled, pushing his back into the wall helplessly.

Seven eight~ get the wedding planned~

Jack just panted helplessly.

Nine ten~ I love you too

Jack couldn't take it anymore.

At the command, Yandere stopped in his tracks and began twitching.

He began looking less realistic by the second, looking more and more pixelated, until he's gone.

Jack falls down in shock.

The screen goes black as Yandere is thrown back into the game. Marks blood boils and he stands up, speed walking towards Yandere.

Yandere watches Mark, and Mark throws his fist, punching Yandere. He doesn't stop there~ he attacks like an animal filled with rage.

Yandere yells cries of pain, unable to fight back.

Mark! Dark yanks Mark off, guarding Yandere.

"Oh so you do care about someone besides yourself!" Mark scoffs.

Shut up! Just shut up!

"You're all weak! Soon enough I'll be back in control!" Mark yells. Dark narrows his eyes and steps forward, head to head and toe to toe with Mark.

You never were in control...

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