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(Well friends... here it is...)

Amy and Mark, still angry at each other, sit in different rows on the plane.

"Can you two get along? Just for a little while longer?" Ethan asks Mark quietly. He shakes his head stubbornly. "Asshole." Ethan mutters under his breath and Mark glares at him.

Amy stared out the window, watching the world pass below. It seemed so small... yet when you're on it it's so big... it's deceiving. All a matter of perspective. Some people say it's a good thing, the world being a small place. Everyone is closer. When really, it's a bad thing.

These jumbled thoughts float through Amy's head, nothing really connecting.

Jack seemed to be struggling with his own mind, as if he's fighting himself. He's gripping the edges of his seat so hard his fingers are white.

Felix was asleep, and even if he was awake he wouldn't be talking. His headphones are in, a faint Swedish rock leaking from them.

Ethan sighs, wanting everything to be light and happy. That game changed them, the one that Ash_Dies_Alone made. She changed them. But how? How did she get the egos? How did she even get to technology where she is? What if it wasn't her...

Ethan's mind gives thoughts just as confusing as Amy's. Nothing was okay. And it never will be. Okay is just a mask that people put on to feel better, but it really does nothing.

Marks mind was blank. He was tired of thinking, tired of feeling, tired of living. But he couldn't die now, if he made it this far he wouldn't let those efforts go to waste.

Soon enough, the plane landed. Since Mark was in a wheelchair, they let the group off first. The cold terminal chilled them to the bone, until they exited the airport, where the sun beat down on them. Kasey pulls up in a while mini-van, rolling down the window.

"How was the flight?"

"Fine." Mark answers gruffly as Felix and Jack lift him into a seat and put the wheelchair in the back. Kasey frowns but says nothing else.

Everyone gets in, tension so thick it was almost as if you could cut through it. Mark didn't want this. He wanted to be happy. He wants everyone to be happy.

Kasey starts driving. Ohio was empty, so she got around pretty easily.

"I can't take this!" Ethan almost yells. The group turns to him, confused. "This... drama! The tension! We were friends before this all happened and we will be friends now!"

Mark sighs, shaking his head. "Somethings aren't meant to be-"

"But this is! Our group," he waves his arm around, "is! We are made to be!"

"Ethan, don't do this. Not now." Mark leans into the seat.

"Yes now! The only time you can't run!"

"I can't run at all asshole!" Mark talks about him being in the wheelchair. For some reason, that comment made a few laugh. The atmosphere lighten the slightest bit.

"But you'd win a hell of a game of Mario Kart." Jack jokes. More laughter.

"Not rainbow road. No one wins that one." Felix adds in. The atmosphere was light, and laughter flowed easily. It was as if they weren't fighting at all.

"Mario Chair Deluxe, rainbow edition." Amy comments, pretending she just made a game. The group gives golf claps.

"I'd buy!" Ethan laughs, leaning into his chair. From then on, no one talked. This time it wasn't heavy, but light. A nice silence, not an awkward one.

Maybe things won't be so bad after all.

"We can stop by a store to get you guys something to wear..." Kasey says quietly.

"Do you think we're idiots? We knew we were going to a funeral so we brought an outfit." Mark signals to their carryons in the back. Kasey nods.

"That makes sense." She smiles. "Well, we'll stop by a gas statin so you guys can change."
Kasey was already in a dress. Nothing showy. Nothing dramatic. A simple, black dress.

Everyone gets their carryons ready and pulls out the outfit they brought, as Kasey pulls into the gas station.

It was a small one, not a large one, but big enough to have a single bathroom. Jack and Felix went in with Mark to help him, then they got dressed in there as well. All three had simple black tux's. When Amy changed, she had a dress similar to Kaseys. Simple. Black. Unchanging.

Ethan was the last one to change, and they all get back in the car. Kasey had the radio playing quietly, quiet enough to where you know it's playing but you can't really hear what song.

Weight now showed on Kaseys shoulders as she started driving to where the funeral takes place.

(Play the song my dears)

Kaseys blue eyes grey over. Memories of the sister that she truly never had played though her head. She didn't want to let her go, she wanted a normal life with a normal sister. And if it weren't for her, she knows Ashlynn would be alive. It was her fault.

A single tear drips down her cheek.

The car was silent, the atmosphere heavy from the upcoming event. As if Mother Nature was purposely playing with her heart, the skies grey over, just like Kaseys eyes.

They make it to a cemetery, where a few other cars, and a hearse, is lined up. Kasey takes a deep breath, tears still in her eyes, as she parks the car. Turning it off, she leans back into her seat to collect herself.

Everyone gets out of the car, the only sound is the doors closing, and footsteps against gravel. Jack and Felix put Mark into the wheelchair, and they all go through the grey yard, as plain and simple as can be, until they get to the tent, hovering over Ashlynn's grave. A closed casket sits, and the group knows why. All that is left of her is a charred corpse, not necessarily something to put on display.

Even after a half hour, no more people show up. About ten people sit in the seats, excluding the group. It was a few family members, and the rest most likely friends of Ashlynn. Pictures of her and Kasey rest on both sides of the tent. Her name hung up at the entrance of the tent.

Kasey hugs the family members, who don't seem as shaken as she is. She shakes hands with the friends, who are almost as sad as her.

Kasey walks up to the empty podium, catching everyone's attention.

"Hey... everyone." She sniffles and gives a sad smile. "Not much of a turnout, but it's okay. Ashlynn would only want the ones who truly matter here." A few people nod their head in agreement.

"We didn't get a pastor. This is between us all." Kasey looks down at the hole the casket rests above. "Six feet below us... and some think she's a whole world below us. Some think she's in Hell. But she's not." She looks back up at the group. "I should be." She takes a deep breath, ready to come clean.

"She's not crazy. Never was. She never harmed anyone. It was all me. I framed her, and no matter how much trouble she got in, she never hated me. She always loved me..." Kaseys voice clouds with emotion as she silently cries. "Even when I hated her."

The family and friends look at Kasey in shock.

"Ashlynn was good. An angel. It was because of me that she was stuck where she was. It was because of me that she never was able to have a real life..." Kasey let's out a shaky breath. "This is why I didn't get a pastor. Because, with all of your consent and forgiveness, you will allow me to bury my mistakes, with her."

The family and friends quietly whisper between each other. Kasey stands, shaking, crying.

"We all make mistakes... you should keep going, start fresh. For Ashlynn." One of the friends, who happens to be Zain ,after the group pays attention, speaks up.

Slowly, everyone comes to an agreement. "For Ashlynn." Is what they all eventually said.

Kasey nods, still crying. "Thank you..." She whispers. As if on cue, it starts raining.

That is when the normal funeral routine goes. The throw a handful of dirt in, say a few words, and watch the casket drop in the hole. Gravediggers show up to finish the job.

All of the family and friends leave, accept for Zain, who stayed for Kasey and the group.

"Good to see you are all well." Zain says quietly. They converse for a bit, and eventually Zain leaves too.

Kasey hovered by the grave for a bit, finishing off what tears she had left in her. After that, the group goes to the car.

They had all learned a lot. How to survive, how to tolerate bad circumstances, how to have hope. And hope was all they had.

No one known what will happen. Or what could happen. All they know is what did happen. And they will learn from it, and continue on.

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