Part: 4: Chapter: 17: Stand Off

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3rd Person POV


Speeding down the highway and barely avoiding police cruisers, Ryan's thoughts rushed through him like a torrent. How is this possible? he thought, avoiding a semi. Vampires can't get pregnant and— he cut off that train of thought. Wait a minute, that's it, he realized. She's not a vampire yet.

Pulling out his phone, Ryan quickly dialed his father's number.

"Ryan? What is it?"

"It's Bella," he replied. "She's pregnant."

"How is this possible?" Alex asked after a long moment.

"Well, when a guy and a girl really like each other—"

"Vampires can't get pregnant."

"Well, vampire women can't, but if Bella was still human...," Ryan trailed off. "Is it possible?"

"I'd say probable," Alex replied. "Dana's been researching. Apparently, according to some ancient folklore, a vampire woman can't get pregnant due to her body being unable to change to hold a fetus."

"So, since Bella is still a human, that's why she's pregnant?"

"It's the most likely scenario," Alex replied. "As for the child... I do not know how it will turn out. You say this has never happened before?"

"Seeing as how Alice was freaking out, I'd bet this is a first," Ryan replied, drifting around a corner and sliding under a semi before hopping into the next lane. "But what's confusing me is how Edward was able to get Bella pregnant. As far as I know, vampires don't have anything but venom in their bodies."

"Maybe it doesn't work that way," Alex mused.

"What do you mean?"

"Seeing how vampires are able to infect other humans with their venom," Alex explained, "then maybe the venom is the main reason why Edward was able to impregnate Bella."

Ryan nodded slowly. "What do I do?"

"Keep an eye on her," Alex replied. "If we're lucky, the child will develop regularly."

"And if it doesn't?"

Alex didn't answer that.


Pulling up into the driveway of the Cullens, Ryan swerved as Jacob got off his motorcycle.

"You heard?" Ryan asked, getting out of his car.

"Heard what?" Jacob asked irritably. "That Bella's sick?"

In response, Ryan walked forward and opened the door.

Inside, Carlisle was waiting for him. "Ryan, I am glad that you have returned," he said, nodding at him before turning to Jacob.

"Is it true?" the werewolf demanded.

"Hello, Jacob, how are you?"

"Listen, just give it to me straight," Jacob said as Carlisle closed the door.

"Jake, is that you?" a familiar voice called.

"She's here?" Ryan asked.

"They came home two days ago, just after Alice called Ryan," Carlisle explained before turning to the Prototype. "Alice was worried about you."

Ryan nodded and followed Jacob as he dashed up the stairs.

Stepping through the doorway, Ryan was immediately tackled by Alice. "You're back!" she said happily.

Azara walked over to him, Jasper at her side. "I was wondering what was taking you so long?" she commented. "Where were you?"

"Cleaning up some Blackwatch," Ryan replied.

"What?! You found a Blackwatch base, and you didn't invite me?!"

"Well, seeing as how they had an Orochi missile, I guess it was the right call," Ryan replied.

"Orochi missile?" Jasper asked.

"I'll explain later." Ryan turned and saw the rest of the Cullens standing around the room silently.

"I'm glad you came, Jake," Bella said softly from her position on the couch behind Rosalie, who stood in front of her.

"Wow, I feel loved," Ryan commented sarcastically.

Jacob, who had been standing in the doorway, made his way toward her, only for Rosalie to step in the way. "Close enough."

"What's your problem?" Jacob demanded.

"Rose, it's okay," Bella assured.

Rosalie hesitated, then stepped aside, revealing the sight of Bella lying on the couch.

Jacob sighed, sitting down across from her. "You look terrible," he commented.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you, too," Bella replied.

"What, don't I get a 'hi'?" Ryan complained.

Bella rolled her eyes but smiled at him. "Yeah, I'm glad to see you, too."

"Thank you!" Ryan threw his hands in the air. "Honestly, the only ones who even seemed to miss me were these three." He gestured to Alice (who was holding his hand), Azara, and Jasper.

Azara shrugged. "Eh..." She tilted her hand. "Maybe a little."

"Gee, thanks," Ryan replied before turning to Bella. "You look like schist," he commented.

"Yeah, I pretty much figured out that one," Bella replied.

"So, are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?" Jacob asked.

Bella sighed and glanced toward Rosalie. "Rose, you wanna help me up?"

"Since when are you two on first name basis?" Ryan joked.

"Since you left," Rosalie replied with a smirk. "Actually, it's been rather peaceful."

"I feel missed. Really, I do."

Pushing off her blanket, Bella stood with the help of Rosalie, revealing her swollen stomach.

Ryan's eyes narrowed.

Jacob glared at Edward. "You did this!"

Azara stopped him, giving him a warning growl.

"We didn't know it was even possible," Carlisle said.

"What is it?" Jacob demanded.

"I'm not sure," Carlisle replied. "Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac."

"I can't see it either," Alice added. She paused. "And I can't see Bella's future anymore."

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on," Carlisle stated. "What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing."

"Why haven't you done anything?" Jacob demanded. "Take it out of her!"

"This is none of your business, dog," Rosalie snapped.

"Watch it!" Azara snarled, eyes glowing dangerously.

"Enough!" Esme ordered. "All this fighting isn't good for Bella."

"The fetus isn't good for Bella," Alice added.

"Say the word, Alice," Rosalie snapped at her, earning a warning glare from Ryan. "Baby. It's just a little baby."

"Possibly," Jasper cut in, stepping up beside Azara.

"Definitely," Ryan corrected, causing everyone to look at him. "I talked with my dad before coming here. The baby's at least part human."

"But how?" Edward pressed. "It shouldn't be possible."

"Vampires can't get pregnant," Azara spoke up before adopting a confused look. "Can they?"

"Vampire women can't," Carlisle confirmed. "Their physiology will not allow their bodies to change to hold a fetus."

"So...," Emmet spoke up, thinking. "How come Edward was able to get Bella... you know."

"Venom," Ryan replied, causing everyone to turn to him once again. "You vampires have venom running through your bodies instead of normal human fluids, correct?"

"That is correct," Carlisle acknowledged. "It is how we turn humans into our kind."

"Alex thinks that since venom is replacing your bodily fluids, it still retains your DNA," Ryan said. "That's probably why Edward was able to get Bella pregnant."

"It is likely," Carlisle acknowledged.

Jacob turned to Carlisle. "Carlisle, you've gotta do something."

"No," Bella cut in, prompting everyone to look at her. "It's not his decision. It's not any of yours."

"Jacob, I need to talk to you," Edward spoke up. He walked out, followed by Jacob.

"Should one of us keep an eye on them?" Ryan asked.

"They will be fine," Jasper said, though he didn't sound so sure.


After the boys returned, neither of them limping, Ryan and the others filed out, sensing that Jacob wanted to speak to Bella.

"You asked him to talk Bella out of it, didn't you?" Ryan commented, turning to Edward.

Edward nodded. "If anyone could, he can."

"I don't know," Azara commented. "There's a not so fine line between stubbornness and stupidity. And Bella's been on the tightrope."

Edward hesitated, then shook his head. "For once, I am inclined to agree with you."

"For once?!" Azara complained indignantly.

Jacob burst out of the room. "I just can't," he growled and stormed out the door.

Several minutes after Edward went back inside to confront Bella, Ryan and Azara both heard a loud howl.

Azara froze.

"What is it?" Jasper asked, seeing her face.

"It's Jacob," Azara answered. "He's mad."


Ryan, Azara, and Edward were standing on the balcony when Azara suddenly tensed. "Jake broke from the pack," she said. "Seth, too."

"What is going on?" Edward wondered, but Ryan had a sneaking suspicion that he knew.

Sensing a pair of werewolf signatures, Ryan turned as Jacob and Seth broke through the tree line.

"Get ready," Jacob said, knowing they could hear him. "They're coming for Bella."

"They're not gonna touch her," Edward replied.

"Agreed." The two exchanged nods before Edward walked into the house, Azara and Ryan following.


"Sam's lost the element of surprise," Jacob stated from where he was sitting on the couch, facing the rest of them, with Leah and Seth behind him. "And he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, especially with Ryan and Azara backing you. So, he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded, and he'll wait for his opportunity."

"He won't get through without a fight," Emmett said, Ryan nodding in agreement.

"No fights," Carlisle said. "We won't be the ones to break the treaty."

"Then we will," Ryan said, Azara nodding in agreement. "We're not bound by it."

"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind," Jacob pointed out.

"Not in ours," Esme replied.

"Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks," Emmet said.

"We'll make do," Esme assured.

"I can't hear their thoughts anymore," Jacob said.

"I can," Azara muttered quietly, but no one noticed.

Carlisle turned to Jacob. "You've done us a great service, Jacob. Thank you."

Jacob nodded at him.


Throughout the night, Ryan and Azara helped the others search for a way to help Bella, Edward using the computer while the others poured through textbooks.

Edward suddenly stood and stormed off, and Ryan and Azara exchanged looks.

"You should get some rest," Ryan said, nodding at Azara. "You can't stay up like we can."

"I can still take you on any day," Azara replied, though her voice was strained.

Jasper, who had been cooking for Azara, returned and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I'll take over."

Nodding at him, Azara reluctantly sat down on the couch, cuddled into Jasper, and closed her eyes. Almost immediately, she was asleep, her hat over her face.

Shaking his head, a smile on his lips, Jasper glanced to where Ryan and Alice were flipping through the books and offered to help.

As he read through the books, Ryan glanced outside at where four Brawlers were patrolling the outskirts of the house and Flyers were hovering in the branches, all covering for Jacob, Seth, and Leah, who were resting as well.


"Her rib is cracked," Carlisle stated. He, Edward, and Ryan stood inside a makeshift hospital chamber while Bella rested on a bed, her face pale and gaunt. "But there are no splinters." He turned to Bella. "You haven't punctured anything."

"Yet," Edward corrected. "It's breaking her bones now." He turned to Bella. "It's crushing you from the inside out."

Edward turned to Carlisle. "Tell her what you told us."

"Tell her," Ryan agreed, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

Carlisle was silent for a long moment.

"Carlisle, tell me," Bella assured weakly. "It's all right."

Carlisle sighed. "The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour. I can't stop it, and I can't slow it down. Neither can Ryan."

"At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver," Ryan added grimly.

"Then I'll hold on as long as I can," Bella replied. "And then..."

"Bella," Carlisle cut in. "There are some conditions that even venom can't overcome."

"What about Ryan's Blacklight?" Bella asked.

Ryan shook his head. "It doesn't work like that. Very few people have the right DNA to become Prototypes or Evolved, and more often than not, the changes are too drastic and about 99.99% of those infected die from massive organ failure and cell saturation. I've already checked your DNA. You're incompatible. If I infected you, you'd be lucky to die, same with your child."

Bella nodded slowly. "Can Edward and I have a minute, please?"

Ryan and Carlisle nodded and exited.

"She's too stubborn for her own good," Ryan said as soon as they were out of earshot.

Carlisle sighed. "Yes, I am well aware."


As a football game played on the TV, Emmet, Jasper, and Carlisle sat on one couch, Ryan and Alice on another while Edward and Jacob watched over Bella, who was lying on another couch. Across from them Azara lay sleeping on her couch while Esme and Rosalie leaned against the wall.

"Are you cold?" Edward asked, seeing Bella fidget.

She nodded.

"I got it," Jacob grunted, getting up and sliding next to her. As he sat down, Bella smiled.

"Don't do that."

"What?" she asked drearily.

"Smile like I'm your favorite person in the world."

"I thought that was me," Ryan complained.

Alice pecked him on the cheek. "You're my favorite person."

Ryan smiled at her and turned back to Bella as Alice rested her head on his shoulder.

"You're one of them," Bella said. "You and Ryan."

"Hey, I made the list," Ryan joked.

Bella suddenly gasped in pain, and Edward quickly grabbed a garbage can.

Jacob rubbed her back soothingly as Bella gasped and whimpered.

"We need to find a way to get some food into her system," Esme said.

"If only I could—" Alice started, but got cut off as Bella coughed, accidently knocking the trash can over and causing it to clang against the ground.

Azara leapt up, bursting into flames, accidently turning the couch to cinders in the process. "Dang it!'" she cursed, her flames dying down. "That's the fifth one this month!"

"My couch!" Esme cried.

"What ARE you?" Emmett wondered aloud, staring at Azara.

Jasper just shook his head, a small smile on his face, before turning to Alice. "You were saying?"

"If only I could see the baby, maybe I could figure out what it wants," Alice continued.

Jacob was silent for a long moment.

"Think you might be right," Edward said. Seeing everyone's looks, he explained, "Jacob just had an idea."

"It wasn't an idea; it was a snide comment," Jacob replied.

"What were you thinking?" Carlisle asked.

"That it's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into," Jacob replied.

Everyone was silent for a long moment.

"He's thirsty." Everyone turned to Bella.

"Come again?" Ryan asked.

"He's thirsty," Bella repeated.

"I know the feeling," Emmett commented.

"If it's craving, it's not going to want animal blood," Edward stated.

"I have some O negative laid aside for Bella," Carlisle said, exiting the room.

Jasper turned in surprise.

"Come on, Jasper," Azara said, pulling him up and dragging him out of the room.

Emmett soon got up and followed.

Carlisle eventually returned, a packet of blood in hand.

"You just keep those around?' Ryan asked, gesturing to the packet.

"Just in case of an emergency," Carlisle replied and began squeezing the packet into a cup.

"Wait, wait, wait," Jacob cut in. "You're gonna make her drink that?"

"It's the fastest way to test the theory," Carlisle replied.

"Only if you're comfortable with it," Edward stated, looking over at Bella.

"I'll try anything," she replied.

"Just hold on," Edward said and walked over to Carlisle.

Jacob gagged. "I think I'm gonna be sick," he groaned and edged away to the opposite end of the couch.

Returning with a foam cup and a straw, Edward handed it to Bella. "This might make it a little easier to take," he stated.

Accepting the drink from him, Bella gently raised the straw to her lips and drank.

Everyone watched her for a long moment.

"Tastes..." Bella paused. "Good."

Edward grinned as Bella took another sip from the cup.

Sitting down next to her, Carlisle checked her wrist. "Her pulse is already getting stronger," he reported.

"It's working," Esme said in relief.


After helping Edward finish pouring out another packet of blood, Ryan threw the empty container in the trash and walked downstairs where Carlisle, Esme, and Jacob were talking.

"—last of it," Jacob was saying.

"Bella could deliver as early as tomorrow," Carlisle replied. "If she's going to have any chance at all, she'll need more blood."

"And you need to feed," Esme cut in, turning to him. "You have to be at your strongest for her. We need to go tonight."

"I can duplicate some of the blood," Ryan offered. "But I won't be able to last forever."

"Carlisle, you're the enemy now," Jacob stated. "Sam won't hesitate; you will be slaughtered, even with Azara and Ryan helping you."

Just then, Azara jumped down from above. "You called?"

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