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She hears footsteps following her, and she's certainly the target right now. But Momo won't let herself be captured like that.

She walks calmly as if like she have no idea what behind her, and what they come for. She whistle softly, striding her way out of the laboratory, making sure those fools won't know she have already notice them.

"Ms. Hirai." They have already stated their presence and Momo turn around to give them a fake-clueless look."Yes?" She cocked her her head to the other side, and saw a tiny glimpse of metalic object hiding behind their back. And she badly wanted to laugh. Such a fools.

"Is that for me?" Momo pointed out, smiling with mischief. "Get her." Their leader order and her smiles widen in delight.

She is not called Top 5 because of nothing.

They do not called her a psycho because she does not enjoy a bloody game. Oh~ she clearly enjoy such a game.

A sound of bone cracking bounces against the plained white wall of the pannel. Momo had made sure to hit one of the most sensitive part of the bone. The ribs.

Two men down and there still remaining three. The smirk of delight and excitement was never wash away from her face. Her grinned widen when two fool men charges towards her, swinging the metal pipe, in attempt to damaged any part of her body but she was fast, dodging the incoming attack before throwing a kick on the man's crotch.

Taking advantage of Momo's distraction, the other men advances over Momo, running towards her to attack, but they were taken aback, when Momo throw their companion to them, making them stumble backward a little and Momo take advantage of it, charging to their directions as she swing her left leg to give their one companion a kick on the head, letting him fall unconscious on the cold floor.

A smug smile dance along with Momo's lips, looking at the remaining men as if she will tear them apart.

"So... Who's next?"

"Where's Jennie?" Lisa ask, upon noticing her girlfriend absence. Jisoo turn to her bestfriend and shrug. "Dunno, She inform she have something inportant to do but she did not tell me where and why."

"And you let her just like that?"  The taller look at her in disbelief, shaking her head. "What? Of course I trust Jennie, and besides she won't get captured just like that, well except if they'll trick her like 'Your dumb girlfriend Lisa is in our hands, surrender or else I kick her butt — "

A shoe was thrown directly to the smaller girl face, cutting her off. Jisoo glared at the thai after throwing her the dirty shoe.

"Stop calling me dumbshit, chicken head!" Lisa grumbles, throwing a glare at the older who only scoffed.

The two were inside Jisoo and Rosé's room. Outside, where the others are : enjoying their talks while Jisoo and Lisa, is here eating and talking about something and would argue later on.

"2 pairs, straight, fulls house! I WON!" His lips forming into boxy smile as he state.

"Don't celebrate yet Taehyung." A husky voice that is softer than his own, interrupted her little celebration of victory as the said man, lays his cards on the glass-made table and that's when the younger male's smile was slapped away, replacing it with frown of disappointment.

"Heh! That's all you got Joonie?" A voice of another male inside the room mocked, dropping her cards on the table. "Here's mine. Two pair, full house, straight flush. I WOOONNNN." He giggles, a smug smile decorates his pretty face.

The two other guy could only rolls their eyes, watching helplessly as the oldest among them gathered all the money they bet.

As the oldest stuff the money he had won inside his pocket, he unintentionally slide out a playing card from his pocket. The card fell on the ground, not be able to notice it and lucky enough, it landed on Teahyung's foot, who frown when he notice it.

He pick it up and shows it to the other. "Hyung, why is it here?"

The oldest male froze amidst of him gathering the money. His eyes grew wider, and compose his self trying hard not to be suspicious.

Namjoon took the card from the younger, scanning it. Then it click to him. So that's why Jin hides his cards. He then flip every cards of Jin, finding out that one of it is different.

And How Jin wish for the ground to just swallow him whole.


Before Namjoon could grab Jin, the door of the room had break open, emanating a loud thud as the door landed on the floor. Smokes of dirt, rising in the air.

"I have been trough some shits! Then i will just see you here gambling?" The intruder uttered in disbelief, grumbling under her breath as she glares at three male, who were to shock to move.

"JE — JENNIE?" Namjoon wheezes, recognizing the small figure of the woman. Her sharp eyes draws over them.

"Yes its me bitches! Now can you tell how in the world you have manage to stay here for almost half of the month since he declared someone to be the new headmaster?!" Jennie's eyebrows creased in annoyance, sending chills down the three men's spine.

"I — I .. " Taehyung gulps hardly, when Jennie's attention went directly to him, still fuming. Jennie maybe small, but she can throw a fucking logwood when she's mad.


Taehyung flinches and words rambles out of his mouth. "Uhmm, you know, we steal foods and stuck them all here, and beside this abandoned building is the only place that the old man would not dare to go. So we decided to stay here until its over." He said in all in one breath.

Jennie cocked an eyebrow, "Do you think this is going to be over just like that? No. It will never end until we do something about it."

"What is really your point, that you came looking for us?" Namjoon question the younger, dismissing his thought about murdering Jin.

She crossed her arms against her chest, leaning on the door frame. Her eyes meeting Namjoon's, "In Cromonica celebration, you know something big will happen right?"

The three male nodded.

"We need help from the strongest student of this school. Even its too dangerous and we might not survive by how everything is going on, we need to take the risk to fight. Dying for the incoming deluge is neccesary but if we'll be able to won, then will be able to send those corrupt politics to prison not only to save us from this hellhole but also to protect our own family's that we disappointed because our reckless action and ended up here. No matter what your decision, I'll respect it. I'll give 24 hourse to decide. If it is a YES then just met me outside, if it is a NO then even come out from this room."

She looks at the three male, who all seriously listen to her. "You are coming here tommorow then?" Jin ask for clarification and Jennie nodded with a sigh.

"If that's all I'll get going then." It was her last word before leaving the place, leaving the three men pondering.

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