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I stared at the door of my former room where I am sure that Momo is currently in.

Going here is not that easy anymore as I have struggled to convince the guard that I forget something important in this room.I take a deep breath and knock softly on the door.

I heard a shuffle sound behind the door before it open, revealing the raccoon.Hair tousled and eyes were half open, still wearing her pair of pajamas,design with mini peaches.

"De Lavin?" Momo wondered,completely awake from my sudden appearance."What are doing here?" She suspiciously ask.

"I forget something inside your room?" I lied.She nod nonchalantly and let me in.

I heard the door click.I proceed on the other bed, my former bed I mean.

"So.. What's brought you here." She started as she settles on her own bed, legs and arm were crossed as she waits for my answer. Of course she knows that I lied earlier,by just how she answered me, I can see how interested she was. She probably knows my purpose coming here.

Then my sister words rang inside my head."We need to convince them no matter what."

"Say... How do you knows that I'm danger when I first came in here?" I uttered and she does a thinking gesture before she look at me and say:"You're surname.You already probably know that I'm one of Tian Min's ally right?"

I nod.

Then she continue:"I accidently heard them talking about Jisoo sister which is you. Then I heard them say the surname De Lavin and your surname is one of a kind that why I figure it out. "

"Then why did you warn me if you are one of Tian Min ally?" I frown in confusion.

"Because I like you.. " Her lips curved upward into a smirk.

"Eh?" My head tilt. Di I heard it right?

Then she started laughing and it took a whole fifteen seconds before it died down."I was just joking. So why are really here?" She dismissed the topic and replace it with new one.

"Is there something we can do for you to help us win the incoming war?" Her lips stretch into a grin upon hearing my statement."I knew it." She muttered, eyes glimmered with excitement.

"Sure I would love to.. "

Eh? Just like that?

"In one condition." The small celebration in my head vanished as she says her next words."BE MINE." my jaw dropped and my mind started to turn in a jumble mess.

Then she added with a laugh."I was just joking.Just release me to this hellhole and I'll be glad to help." She smiled. A sweet genuine smile.




The sounds of the gun echoed inside the dim room.A deafening silence followed.

The clad in fine suit man let out a chuckles as he look at the Cromonica headmistress.The woman eyes were sharp, did not even flinch from the loud bang of the gun.

"Do you think I'm a fool Ji Eun?I know and you know that you are not the only one who knew about this secret of mine." He chuckles madly and spoke once again:"You told this secret to someone right? But the thing is... I do not know who is it.Now answer me honestly Ji Eun.Who is this loyal servant of yours?" He look at the headmistress as he anticipate for an answer but he received silent.

He close his eyes, trying to calm himself down.The headmistress is hard to deal with, like a stone that can't be break into pieces.

He scoffed:"Stubborn as always." He muttered under his breath.

"So who it is?" He ask again."Is it Jisoo?"

No response.

"Is it one of the former or one of the current?" Still no response.

He let out a sigh of frustration and decide to.. "Bring Zero here." He order the man behind the room door, which they gladly obeyed and calls the said person.

The room fell dead silent.The only source of a sound was the squeaking sound of the hanging bulb.

After a minute, A average height person enters the room, wearing a black hoodie that covers it's hair.

"Take care of her Zero." The man muttered and left the room, completely leaving the headmistress with one of the deadliest student in Cromonica.

"Ms. IU " A feminine voice left the hooded woman, and slowly reveals herself.A purple-blonde hair,and brown round eyes.A mole place under her lower lip.

"Chaeyoung?" The headmistress mumble.and the latter nod at her in response.

Of course she knew. Zero is Chaeyoung. She and Jihyo were the only people know this.Of course she is the headmistress and Jihyo is the head council.

Yes.. She is the head mistress but the owner is the guy, who called for Chaeyoung.Amd obviously Chaeyoung knew about this too.

The younger walk and scoot down so she could look IU in the eyes who was now looking down on the ground. "Are you really going to get rid of me--" She halted on her words, when Chaeyoung speak.

"I am on your side Ms. IU.Together with former and current top-tiers." IU was utterly shock from info then Chaeyoung continue.

"Jisoo unnie and I talk earlier and explain to me everything."


Author's Note:

Annndddd that's all for today.You will read the cutted scene of this on the next chapter.

Anyway... Thank for you for voting ,commenting and supporting this book, even silent readers.

And oh! A lot of your comments makes me laugh a lot.Ya'll such a dork hihi.😆

Maybe.. Many times I don't reply but trust me I did not miss to read all of it and It motivate me a lot.❤

Thank you so much and always stay safe!💚

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