s.a.h.d. - aaron hotchner

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You weren't sure that you would ever see a funnier or cuter sight in you life.

You stopped dead in your tracks at the sound of a shriek coming from near the elevators just past the glass doors of the BAU. You were halfway to your desk, but your head snapped towards the doors the second you heard the sound. Everyone else's eyes shifted as well, watching and waiting to see what it was.

Before you could process the doors opening, a small child- your small child- was bounding through the doors, squealing excitedly the whole way. Your husband, former Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner, was chasing the small boy with an expression somewhere between a laugh and a scold.

"Davie!" You exclaimed, bending down to embrace the energetic little thing.

"Momma!" He returned the same enthusiasm, hugging you with all the strength he could muster.

You shifted your files to one arm as you lifted him up on your hip, giggling at the sight of his father.

Aaron's hair, which you had finally convinced him to grow out at the top, was a mess of waves and curls. He had "his hipster glasses" which you lovingly referred to the glasses he now needed all the time. His five o'clock shadow stood out against his light skin, are there was an ominous stain that most likely came from a spilled soppy cup or dollop of oatmeal on the front of his shirt. The best part, however was the olive colored, cheetah print baby bag-turned toddler bag that was sling haphazardly over his shoulder.

"Oh my God," Prentiss snorted.

And with that, everyone was laughing. You just quietly snickered to yourself, shaking your head as your husbands flushed red and waved shyly to everyone, even he had worked with almost all of them for many, many years.

"Someone is really getting into the Stay At Home Dad life," JJ observed, smiling smugly over the rim of her coffee mug.

"He doesn't leave much room for anything else," Hotch chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.

"No one told me my namesake was coming today!" Rossi called from the top of the stairs, jogging down them lightly and making his way towards you.

"Papa Rossi!" Davie squealed, making grabby hands at the older Italian man.

Everyone cooed at the sweet interaction.

"Hey, hey, who forgot to tell me my favorite cute little adorable sweet baby angel was here?" Garcia asked exasperatedly, heels clicking against the floor as she quickly entered the bullpen.

"Garcia, you see me everyday," you teased, to which she shook her head.

"While you are all of those things, my dear, you are not the one to whom I am referring to," she quipped back, making a beeline for Davie, "There he is, sweet little munchkin."

You just shook your head with a smile, watching as everyone cooed at your toddler and asked him trivial questions.

"Everything okay at the house?" You asked Hotch once everyone's attention was on Davie.

"Oh, yeah, I just thought you all might could use a pick me up," he shrugged, but something was off. You could see it in his face.

"Here," you held out your hands and took Davie's bag from him, setting it down by your desk. You then led him to the break room, where you immediately moved to make two cups of coffee, "Spill it."

"What do you mean?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"Honey, I know when something is bothering you," you said knowingly, "I literally wake up next to you every morning, I can tell when you're not yourself."

"It's just tiring," he said, yawning as if on cue, "I mean, I know toddlers are tiring, I remember how Jack was but...it's somehow even more tiring now, you know?"

"Two things," you said, holding up two fingers as you leaned back against the counter, "One: you're getting older. Two: you weren't home all the time with Jack. Things are different, but that's not a bad thing." You poured the two cups and handed him one ghosting a hand form his chest up to the side of his face, "You're doing an amazing job, and you're going to look back on all the tired moments and think, 'man, I'm so glad I got to be there for my son all day and watch him grow.' You have such a unique opportunity, don't let the tough parts overwhelm you so much that you can't see the good."

He leaned down and kissed your lips sweetly, "What would I do without you?"

"Hmm," you pretended to think, tapping your chin with your pointer finger, "Well, if there was never a me, you wouldn't have Davie to chase after all day."

He squeezed you tightly to his chest with his hand that was not occupied with coffee, "Don't even joke about that."

You giggled, leaning up to press a kiss to his scruffy cheek, "I love you so much, Aar. I would never want to be anywhere else," you sighed as you looked over his shoulder through the window smiling softly at the sight of your team playing with Davie, "I wouldn't trade this life we've built together for anything."

You two stayed like that for a while, just holding each other with coffee in hand, eyes tired and limbs sore from chasing around a four year old, but you couldn't be happier.

"I've gotta get back to work," you finally groaned, reluctantly pulling away from your husbands arms, "I don't know if you remember but there are these things called files and-"

"Hey!" He interjected which a chuckle, poking your side, "I'm not that old yet. You know I used to be your superior, I did far more files in a day than you do in a week."

You smirked, shrugging as you sipped your coffee, "Sucks to suck."

He rolled his eyes, patting you on the butt playfully as you turned to exit the break room. Hotch left shortly after, shyly admitting that he and Davie had a Parents and Me class (they had to change the name from "Mommy and Me" after he joined) to which the others responded with so much laughter you wondered if they would be able to return to their work at all for the rest of the day.

Laughter was cut short by a beep on Prentiss's phone, "Hey guys, we have a case."

Thankfully, you were able to catch Hotch by the elevators just before he left with Davie, "Hey, honey, just got a case."

If the little visit had boosted his mood, this put a damper on it again, "Be safe," he reminded you, leaning in to kiss you earnestly for just a moment, "I love you. Text me where you're going before you leave, and-"

"And text you when I land, yes, I know, you worry wart," you laughed lightly, reaching out for Davie, "Momma has a case, baby, okay? I have to go bye-bye for a few days."

"Bye-bye, Momma," he said as you propped him up on your hip, puckering his little lips to kiss your cheek, "Love you."

"I love you too, stinker," you said, tickling his belly, drawing squeaks and squeals of delight from him.

You passed him back to his dad, watching and waving as they boarded the elevators until the doors shut.

"That bad, huh?"

Hotch's voice was the only thing that could comfort you three days later, as you laid on the bed in your hotel room. Thankfully Emily was in the shower. You didn't want her to see how much this case got to you, even though you knew she could tell.

"Both parents were killed, and...and that little baby just saw everything," you sniffled, voice cracking, "He's just a little younger than Davie, Aar. He didn't...he didn't understand, and now he'll have to live the rest of his life with that trauma!"

"It's okay, honey, breathe," he said soothingly, "Everything is okay. You caught the guy, you saved so many other children from witnessing the same thing."

"We should've been able to stop it," you sobbed, "We should have found him sooner. We almost did."

"Y/N, don't go there," he warned, "You know that it is not the team's fault that anyone died. It is that sick son of a bitch who killed them, that's on him. You're not responsible for his actions and you cannot change the past, okay? That boy will be scarred, yes, but if he gets the help he needs then he will be just fine."

You listened silently as tears streamed down your cheeks. You knew he was right, he always was about these things.

"Thank you," you said shakily, finally beginning to calm yourself down, "I just wish I was home, or that you were here. I miss you, so much."

"I miss you too, sweetheart, and Davie does too," he responded softly, "He asked when you were coming home. We'll see you in the morning, yeah?"

"Yeah," you sighed, pausing for a moment before speaking again, "Aar?"

"Yes, darling," he said in a fake posh accent, drawing a giggle from you as you sheepishly asked, "Could you stay on the phone until I fall asleep?"

"Of course, sweetness, get some rest. I'll be right here," he agreed, his voice sweet and soft, like silk.

You nestled down further into the blankets and talked to him for a little while longer before drifting off into a sated slumber.

Everyone was exhausted on the jet ride the next morning, so there wasn't much of the usual chatter. However, Luke, one of your best friends on the team, who sat across from you could tell something was up.

"Hey, I know that was a really tough case for you," he said gently, "You know you can talk to any of us about it, right? We're here for you, no matter what."

You smiled, "Thanks, Luke."

As soon as you landed, you were rushing to put files back on your desk and head out to your car as fast as possible. Emily met you in the elevator, as she always did so you could walk together to your cars, especially at night.

"Someone missed the hubs," she teased, giving you a wink.

You sighed with a light laugh, "Just a little. I can't wait to see him and Davie."

You tried not to speed on you way home, but all you could think about was seeing your baby all tucked in for bed and kissing him goodnight before falling into the arms of your husband to sleep off this tough case.


You jumped slightly as you walked through the door, not expecting Davie to still be awake, "Hey, what's all this?"

Aaron walked up to you with Davie in one arm, a piece of construction paper gripped in the boy's hands.

"It's for you Momma!" He exclaimed, "Daddy said you had a bad day so I drew you a picture, and Daddy got you lots of flowers."

Tears pricked at your eyes as you looked at Aaron, who was sporting a big grin. You took the paper, a drawing of your family in the potato style that toddlers are known to do, from Davie and kissed his head, "I love it, thank you, sweetness. Where's Jack?"

"At a friend's house," Aaron rolled his eyes, "He wasn't cool enough to hang out with us tonight, huh, buddy?"

Davie giggled and you laughed, "Teenagers. You'll never grow up and be all grumpy like your brother right?"

Davie scrunched his nose up, "Momma, I have to get bigger, so I can fight bad guys like you and Daddy do!"

You held your arms out and Aaron handed the little one over to you. He wrapped his little legs around you waist and his arms around your neck and you held him close.

"You can get bigger, as long as you don't do it too fast, promise?" You said softly against his ear, smoothing his hair back.

"Promise," he said, kissing you on the cheek sweetly.

"Now, remember the deal we made, bud? You could stay up just until Momma got home and then you had to go to bed?" Aaron said gently, rubbing Davie's back.

"Can I sleep with you and Daddy?" Davie asked you, with pouty eyes and lips.

"No, baby, you have to sleep in your big boy bed. You don't want your stuffed animals to get sad without you, right?" You asked, gently swaying him back and forth.

He yawned and shook his head no.

"Alright, then let's go lay down."

Surprisingly, Davie didn't put up much of a fight. He was half asleep by the time you got him up the stairs, and since he was already ready for bed, you just laid under the covers and tucked him in. He whined when you started to walk away, but you just shushed him lightly and handed him a couple stuffed animals and turned on his nightlight. He rolled over and was sound asleep in seconds.

You closed Davie's door and jogged back down the stairs, where Aaron was waiting for you with open arms. You slumped into the hug, allowing yourself to melt into his strong, warm chest as his arms wrapped around you.

He leaned down, his lips touching your forehead as he spoke, "I missed you."

"I missed you too. A lot," you murmured against the fabric his tee shirt.

"I'm sorry it was a rough case," he said, rubbing and lightly scratching at your back, "But you did a great job, and we're always here for you. You know that."

You hummed in substitution for a "yes," growing too drowsy to form a coherent thought.

"Sleepy," you groaned, pushing your forehead against his broad chest.

He chucked, moving his hands down to your butt before tapping you lightly, "Up."

You wrapped your arms around his neck without hesitation and hopped up slightly, your legs hooking around his torso as his hands moved to grip your thighs, supporting you completely. With your head resting on his shoulder, you could see the vase full of pink roses on the kitchen counter. You smiled to yourself.

He carried you to the bedroom and laid you down gently on the bed, where he had one of his tee shirts waiting for you already. He helped you undress and slipped the shirt over your head. He then wasted no time in climbing under the covers next to you, flicking the lamp light off as he did.

"Thank you for the flowers and the little drawing from Davie. And thank you for letting him stay up to see me. That's just what I needed," you said into the dark, curling up into him.

He tucked your hair behind your ear, "It's the least we could do. I'm just glad I got to be home to do it with him."

You grinned, "That's the Stay At Home Dad spirit."

No doubts about it, Aaron Hotchner would make it just fine as a SAHD.

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