overheard - spencer reid

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It was an honest accident. You weren't trying to eavesdrop on your boyfriend and his best friend, it just kind of happened to you.

You had a meeting with Hotch and were on your way from his office to the break room when you passed by Morgan's office. The door was cracked slightly, the blinds shut. You wouldn't have given it a second thought, if it hadn't been from the mention of your name.

You stopped in your tracks and turned towards the door, shuffling a little closer so your ear was close to the tiny crack.

"I take it things are going really well?" Morgan said, and from his tone you could just tell he was smirking.

"Better than that. Y/N's amazing, Morgan," Spencer gushed.

You felt your face heat up. It was natural for guys to talk about their significant others with their friends, but Spencer was a very private person. For him to say that so openly to Morgan spoke volumes.

"I'm really happy for you, kid. It's been a long time since I've seen you this excited over someone," Morgan said, and you heard the squeak of his chair turning.

"Honestly," Spencer's voice cracked slightly, and his volumes lowered, as if he was sharing a secret, "I never thought I could have this. Not after all I've been through."

"Have what?" Morgan asked.

"Another chance at love. Happiness. The possibility of a future and a family," his voice sounded shaky with his admission, "Like what you have with Savannah. I thought I just wasn't built for love, after everyone I've ever loved just...until she came along. She changed everything."

You choked back tears as you heard Morgan's chair creak. You squinted through the minuscule crack in the door and made out just enough of Morgan to tell that he had stood from his chair. The pale arm covered in a light purple sleeve that belonged to your boyfriend indicated they were hugging.

Too much sweetness.

Heart. Explosion.

You pulled back from the door and quickly wiped away the few tears that had escaped. You tried to act as casual as possible, adjusting the files in your arms and making your way into the bullpen before either man could discover you had overheard the conversation.

That night, you arrived at your shared apartment before Spencer. You decided to treat him, looking for ingredients to make dinner. The two of you had just arrived home a few days before from two back to back cases. Needless to say, groceries hadn't been done in a while.

You resigned to ordering from Spencer's favorite Indian restaurant. The food arrived in time for you to put it onto plates and set the table just before Spencer arrived.

"There you are," you greeted him with a smile as you leaned over the dining table, pouring some red wine.

"Hey, sweetheart, what's all this?" He asked, setting down his messenger bag by the door, "Oh shoot, did I miss something? Our one year anniversary isn't until next month, your birthday isn't for another three months and seven days, my birthday was two months and three weeks ago-"

You giggled as you approached him, taking his face in your hands to quiet his rambling, "You didn't miss a thing. I just wanted to something for you, is all."

He looked at you adoringly, placing his hands on your hips, "You know you don't have to do anything for me. Just coming home to you is enough."

"I know," you shrugged with a smile, moving your hands to his shoulders and rubbing them lightly, "But I wanted to."

He sighed, "I can't argue with that, can I?"

"Nope," you smirked triumphantly, "Now come eat before the food gets cold."

You led him over to the table.

He gasped excitedly, "Tandoori chicken! My favorite!"

You couldn't help but grin at your boyfriend's excitement. He sat down quickly and immediately took a bite, groaning in satisfaction.

"You are a saint," he said through a mouth full of chicken

You laughed, taking a sip of wine, "You've always been a sucker for good Indian food."

"You know me so well," he said with a smile, mirroring you with his own wine glass, "So are you sure there's no other reason behind this? You had my favorite restaurant delivered from across town, which is usually for special occasions."

"Are you profiling me, Spence?" You teased.

"No, no! Did it sound like that?" He looked genuinely worried, "I just feel like you have something on your mind that you want to tell me."

"Looks like you know me very well too," you sighed, referring to his earlier statement, "It's just...I kinda accidentally overheard your conversation with Morgan today? Please don't be upset, I just heard you say my name as I walked by and I wanted to make sure everything was okay-"

"How much did you hear?" He didn't look mad, just nervous.

"Mainly just the part where you said you, um, didn't think you could have a life like this? Until you met me?" Your voice shook slightly, "I just want to make sure you understand that you deserve everything you have. Happiness, love, a good future, all of it. You're the best man I've ever met, Spencer, and you deserve every good thing life can offer."

His eyes clouded with tears, his expression melting. He stood up, rounding the table and taking your hand, pulling you to stand with him.

He bent slightly at the waist so he was closer to your height and wrapped his long arms around your waist. He clutched you tightly and as close to him as possible, as if he was afraid you would evaporate into thin air if he let go of you.

He buried his face into your neck as he cried, his tears setting your hair, his stubble scratching lightly at your skin. You were crying too, rubbing his back, taking your fingers through your hair.

After a while, he pulled back, rubbing his eyes and sniffling, "Sorry, I didn't mean to break down like that, I just...no one has ever...you're just the best thing that's ever..."

"Shhh, shhh," you soothed him, running your hands from his chest, to his shoulders, to his face, "it's okay. I feel the same way about you, you know? You changed my life, made me believe in love again."

"Thank you," he whimpered, "I-I needed to hear that. More than you know."

"Well I'll say it over and over for the rest of our lives so you never forget," you took his hands in yours, kissing the backs of his hands each in turn, "You're it for me, Spence. I love you. So much."

More tears fell from both of you as he captured your lips with his. You kissed him back eagerly, both of you trying to convey the hundred of emotions you were feeling.

"I love you," he murmured against your lips, "I love you, I love you, I love you."

You had both started saying I love you around three months into your relationship, but somehow it felt different this time. This was the kind of I love you that tied to people together for the long run; a declaration of commitment.

You reluctantly pulled away for need of oxygen, breaths mingling with your lips inches apart.

"Did you really mean it when you said I'm it for you?" He whispered.

"With all of my heart," you smiled sweetly, your arms wrapping around his neck. You were certain if "heart eyes" were real, you had them.

"You're it for me too," he said, squeezing your hips, "I can't imagine a life without you in it."

For the first time in your life you were happy you eavesdropped. That night was a defining moment of your relationship, filling the future with all kinds of possibilities.

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