So it is actually ridiculous that I even have to write this note, but apparently some people need to have this spelled out for them.
I am a writer. I have always loved writing and having a platform on here where people enjoy reading what I write has been and continues to be a blessing to me.
As an honest writer who values integrity, I would like to make one thing crystal clear:
I. Do. Not. Plagiarize.
To me, the stealing of someone else's work and taking credit for it is lazy, selfish, and quite honestly disgusts me. I would never, ever try to take credit for someone else's work, no matter how much fame or success it would bring me. I love reading other people's work and enjoying it like anyone else, and I would never dream of taking it from them.
Every single story on here is written by me, from my own mind, no one else's. I have never and will never copy and paste someone else's work or take someone else's credit from them.
IF I use a prompt from tumblr or tiktok (and by 'prompt' I mean one sentence or less idea for a story, intended to inspire stories for many people), which is rare, I will always make a note crediting the person from whom the original prompt came from (if I can't find the original person, I will still give a note explaining that it came from someone's prompt). I have done this in at least one story that I can think of, and you can look and see for yourself where I credited the girl for her prompt.
I rarely use prompts unless they really inspire me, because I always have so many original ideas of my own.
Also, the story written BASED on the prompt is my own original thinking. It simply was loosely inspired by the prompt.
Please remember that there are hundreds of writers out there, especially on tumblr, ao3, and such, who write imagines/fan fictions about criminal minds. There will accidentally be similar stories because some people are bound to think of similar ideas on their own. I cannot control if someone writes something similar to me. It does not mean I stole their idea or they stole my idea unless it is copied word for word.
So in case anyone here ever has any doubt, here is my final say: I have never and will never plagiarize. I will never take someone's credit for their work or copy and paste their story. I am so much better than that as a human and as a writer. If I use a prompt, I will always credit the account that posted the prompt if at all possible. You can expect 100% honest and original stories from me 100% of the time.
The only things that are not my original design are obviously the characters and general theme of the BAU, which are from the show Criminal Minds. Should I even have to say that?
Finally, I spend hours crafting these stories and I will not stand for someone telling me that is not true when they don't even know me.
As for all of you who have left nothing but sweet and kind words of encouragement on my work, thank you so much! You all are the ones that keep me going on this app. My promise to you is to keep putting all my effort into providing you with original stories to enjoy!
Lots of love and hope you all enjoy your week!
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