'Talking in mind'
We begin once more, this time at an ice cream shop in the middle of nowhere. . Outside, Max stood at an old ATM, fiddling with it as he tried to withdraw some cash. As Max struggled with the ATM, a truck pulled up nearby, and two men stepped out.
One of them approached, placing a firm hand on Max's shoulder. "Step aside, Grandpa," he sneered, shoving Max to the ground. "I've got a major withdrawal to make."
Inside, the kids were busy at the ice cream counter. Gwen leaned forward, inspecting the menu with a skeptical eye. "What do you have that's non-fat and has less than three percent sugar?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Napkins. What about you, kid?" the server asked, turning to Michael.
"Uh... Spaghettieis?" Michael tried, hesitantly pronouncing the German treat.
The server stared at him, looking more confused. "Come again?"
Jen tugged on Michael's sleeve, interrupting his attempt to order. "Forget it. I'm about to go rocky road," she said, pointing outside at the commotion by the ATM.
Without another word, she dashed toward the door. Sighing, Michael glanced back at the server before following her out.
Outside, the two thugs had hooked a heavy chain from their truck to the ATM, revving the engine as they attempted to yank the machine right out of the wall. With a screech of metal, the ATM shifted slightly, causing sparks to fly and pieces of brick to crumble around it.
Max, still getting up from where he'd been shoved, scowled as he realized what they were doing. Just then, Jen and Michael rushed over.
"Think we should lend a hand?" Max remarked with a smirk as he watched Jen and Michael prepare for action. Inside the truck, the steering wheel unexpectedly morphed into Upgrade's face. Meanwhile, Michael, as Goop, began to melt the hook that the thugs were using to pull the ATM from the wall.
"Sorry, your cash request has been denied!" Jen quipped, her voice laced with playful sarcasm as she swiftly threw the two thugs out of the car.
As they tumbled to the ground, Michael morphed into a massive fist of Goop, rising behind them. With a thunderous slam, he brought his gooey appendage down, crashing into the two would-be robbers and knocking them out cold.
"Looks like they won't be making any more withdrawals," Michael remarked, his voice dripping with satisfaction as he reformed back to his usual shape.
"Good work you two," Max said as he magically got rope. "Oh, yeah. We're ready for anything."
Jen said boasting. "Where are we going next?" Michael asked, his curiosity piqued since Max hadn't revealed their destination yet.
"We're heading off to see your Aunt Vera for the weekend," Max replied casually.
"Wer?/Who?" Michael said while Venom said in Jen's mind, confusion flickering across his face as both he and Venom asked in unison. Meanwhile, Jen practically screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" to the heavens, her hands raised dramatically as if pleading for a higher power to intervene.
As noon approached, the Rust Bucket rumbled through the small town, its engine a comforting hum against the backdrop of an unusually quiet day. "When Aunt Vera said she wanted to get away from it all, she really meant it," Gwen remarked, glancing out the window. The streets were nearly empty, and the few souls she spotted were all elderly, moving at a leisurely pace that contrasted sharply with their own youthful energy.
"Yeah, it's like we've traveled back in time," Jen added, squinting as she looked at a nearby park where a group of seniors played chess on weathered tables. "I half-expect to see a dinosaur stroll by any minute."
"Why is it so hot?" Michael complained, inching closer to the table fan that whirred noisily beside him. The small breeze was a welcome relief from the sweltering heat of the afternoon sun.
'See? Your friend gets it,' Venom exclaimed, clearly, he wasn't enjoying the heat. Jen promptly ignored him.
"Oh man, this summer was supposed to be about F-U-N, not hanging out in some old lady's place," Jen huffed, sitting at the table with her arms crossed in frustration.
"I like Aunt Vera," Gwen replied, defending their host.
"Yeah, well, that's because you act like you're 100 years old," Jen shot back, rolling her eyes.
Just then, her gaze wandered out the window, and she did a double-take. "What the—" she exclaimed, watching an elderly man lose his balance on the roof and tumble down, surprisingly managing to land in a graceful backflip.
"Whoa, did you see that?" Jen exclaimed, her eyes wide as she pointed out the window. Both Michael and Gwen leaned in to get a better look, only to see a group of elderly people engaging in what appeared to be a coordinated dance routine on the street.
"See what?" Michael asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"The heat must be frying that pea-sized brain of yours," Gwen quipped, glancing back at her laptop, unimpressed.
'Come on, Venom, you saw it right,' Jen thought, turning to her symbiote for support.
'I think Gwen's right, Jen. You might need some rest.'Venom chimed in, sounding unusually fatigued. 'I can't keep up with this heat.' he added, drifting off to sleep within her mind.
"Ugh, fine!" Jen huffed, crossing her arms again. She watched the seniors continue their lively antics outside, her frustration rising.
"We're here," Max announced as he pulled into a parking lot. The kids climbed out of the car, but Michael wasn't in the best mood. "Deutschland hatte viel besseres Wetter," (Germany had much better weather.) he muttered, wishing for the pleasant weather back home.
Just then, Gwen seized the moment. With a mischievous grin, she pulled out a water gun and aimed it at Jen. "Surprise!" she yelled, firing a stream of water directly at her cousin.
"Hey!" Jen exclaimed, instantly drenched. Gwen took off running while laughing. Looking at one of the other houses, she glanced at one of the neighboring houses and froze. An old man twisted and turned, snapping his neck with a disturbing crack before hastily closing the blinds.
"Wow, they really make you feel welcome here," Jen quipped, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she stared at the now-closed window.
Max came up behind Jen with a smirk. "Just watch your cheeks—
—Vera's a pincher," he said, playfully warning her as he made his way toward Aunt Vera, who was standing just outside the door.
Jen rolled her eyes but couldn't help but laugh. "Great, just what I need—an old lady who pinches my cheeks like I'm five!"
Max stepped forward with a warm smile, embracing his sister. "Vera!" he exclaimed, genuinely happy to see her after so long. "Max," Vera replied, her voice filled with affection. "It's been ages! I can't believe you're finally here!" She pulled away from the hug and turned her attention to the trio of kids.
"Look at you two!" she said, her eyes sparkling with delight as she approached Gwen and Jen. Without hesitation, she pinched their cheeks, her grip gentle yet firm. "You've both grown so much!"
"Ow! Hey!" Jen protested, rubbing her now red cheeks while Gwen giggled, trying to hide her embarrassment.
"Why does this always happen?" Jen complained, still rubbing her sore cheek.
Vera's attention shifted to Michael, her eyes lighting up. "Oh my, we haven't met yet!" she exclaimed, stepping closer to him with an inviting smile. "And who might you be?"
Michael glanced between Max and Vera, slightly taken aback by the sudden interest. "Uh, I'm Michael," he said, offering a shy smile. "Jen's friend."
"Oh, it's lovely to meet you, Michael!" Vera said, her warmth radiating as she reached out to give him a friendly pat on the shoulder. "You must feel right at home with this gang. Now come in—I can't wait to chew the fat with all of you!"
With that, she turned and made her way into the house, her cheerful demeanor setting a welcoming tone as the now-welcomed guest followed her.
As they entered the house, they were greeted by an array of antique pieces that adorned the walls and shelves, each telling its own story. Gwen eagerly followed Vera deeper into the home, her eyes sparkling with fascination. Michael, however, found himself drawn to the bookshelf that lined one wall, filled with numerous volumes on history and mythology. He ran his fingers along the spines, intrigued by the wealth of knowledge contained within.
Meanwhile, Jen had little patience for the quaint decor. She plopped herself down at the dining table, crossing her arms and sighing dramatically. "Why do old people's homes always smell like someone's cooking socks?" she grumbled, wrinkling her nose in distaste.
Michael and Gwen joined Jen at the dining table, but Michael was clearly distracted, his eyes glued to a book titled The Art of War by some guy named Sun Tzu. Meanwhile, Max was chatting with Vera as she entered the dining area, balancing a tray laden with plates of food, well the food was orange jello.
"Vera, this is delicious! But, uh, what are those brown chunks in the mold?" Max asked, eyeing the plate with a mix of curiosity and caution.
"Those are pork chops, dear, and the white parts are cauliflower," Vera replied cheerfully, completely unaware of the unease growing around the table.
Michael, feeling adventurous, decided to take a bite of the pork chop. He instantly regretted it, his face contorting as he tried to suppress a gag. The taste was far from what he expected. "Das ist schrecklich" (That's horrible) he muttered, pushing the plate away slightly.
Jen and Gwen exchanged glances, their expressions mirroring Michael's apprehension. "Yeah, I think we'll pass on that," Jen whispered, her voice laced with hesitation as she nudged the pork chop away from her plate. "I'm not in the mood for a culinary adventure right now." Gwen quickly agreed.
"So, Jen, what have you been up to this summer?" Vera asked, taking a bite of her jello.
"Dealing with alien life forms," Jen replied nonchalantly, a smirk playing on her lips.
Michael, caught off guard, sputtered and spit out the water he was drinking, while Vera burst into laughter. "Oh, you!" she exclaimed, shaking her head at Jen's humor.
Gwen, sensing the shift in conversation, got up and wandered over to a collection of mounted birds on the wall. "Aunt Vera, is that a stuffed red-billed North American chickadee?" she asked, eyes sparkling with curiosity as she admired the specimen.
"Oh, how perceptive, Gwen!" Vera exclaimed, following her niece. "And did you know that the song of the red-billed North American chickadee is actually—"
"A call indicating alarm or excitement?" Gwen and Jen chimed in unison, before attempting to imitate the distinctive call with their best chirps and whistles.
Taking advantage of the moment, Jen slyly slid all of her uneaten food onto Gwen's plate with a mischievous grin. "I am totally stuffed," she declared, feigning satisfaction as she leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smile on her face.
Just then, Vera walked in with a bowl of colorful candies, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Would you like some, Jen?" she offered, holding out a piece of candy toward her.
Jen's eyes lit up at the sight of the sweets, momentarily forgetting her earlier distaste for the meal. "Oh, I wouldn't say no to that!" she replied eagerly, reaching out to grab a piece. "You know me too well, Aunt Vera!"
As the bitter flavor of coffee hit her taste buds, Jen's eyes widened in disbelief. She spat it out, exclaiming, "Coffee as candy? Is this some kind of joke?" Without waiting for a reply, she shot up from the table, urgency fueling her movements. "I need to use the bathroom!" she shouted, darting away before anyone could respond.
"It's fine, Miss Vera. I like coffee," Michael said, grabbing a piece of candy with a grin.
"Thank you, Michael!" Vera replied warmly, pleased by his appreciation. She then turned her attention to Gwen, who was still examining the various antiques adorning the room.
As he was about to settle onto the couch, Michael felt a sudden grip on his shoulder that pulled him backward. "HÄH!" he exclaimed in surprise, turning to see Jen, now transformed into Ghostfreak, her ethereal form floating just above the ground.
(In my defense there were no better pictures)
"Boo!" she said playfully, her voice echoing slightly as she floated around him in a spectral dance. Michael couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head at her antics.
"Sehr lustig, Jen," (Very funny) he replied, sounding annoyed. "Why are you transformed?" He asked unsure of what she was planning. "To get outta here," she said taking them through a wall into the front yard.
"There has to be something fun to do around here," Jen said, her eyes scanning the street. Spotting a golf cart parked at the side of the road, she made her way over and hopped into the driver's seat. "This must look so weird to anyone else watching," Michael commented as he followed her, noticing the curious stares from the few passersby.
Jen grinned mischievously. "Weird? More like awesome!" She started the golf cart, the engine sputtering to life with a cheerful hum. With a quick glance around, she pressed the gas pedal and took off down the street, the cart lurching forward.
As they drove, the sweet aroma of freshly baked apple pie wafted through the air, instantly catching Jen's attention. "Whoa, do you smell that?" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with excitement. Without waiting for a response, she ditched the golf cart, grabbing Michael by the waist, and taking off running toward the source of the delicious scent.
"Wait, Jen! What about the cart?" Michael shouted, trying to keep up as she tugged him along. But Jen was already flying through the air, her ghostly powers allowing her to float just above the ground, gliding effortlessly toward another house.
As Jen drew nearer to the window, her eyes widened in disbelief. An elderly woman was valiantly attempting to swat a fly buzzing annoyingly around her freshly baked apple pie. Just when the fly settled on the ceiling, the woman didn't hesitate. In a surprising display of agility, she leaped up, landing deftly on the ceiling itself and ate the fly.
"WAS ZUM TEUFEL?" Michael exclaimed, his face contorting in a mix of shock and disgust. "No way! Ninja old people?" Jen echoed, her eyes wide with utter astonishment.
The two exchanged incredulous looks, their minds racing with the bizarre implications of what they had just witnessed. Shaking her head, Jen decided to turn back just in time to see another old man driving a golf cart. Suddenly, sprinklers erupted from the ground, dousing the sidewalk in a burst of water.
For some reason, the old man swerved dramatically, narrowly dodging the sprays. His white hair flew in the wind as he maneuvered the cart with surprising agility.
Narrowing their eyes they followed him "Let's see what mister friendly's up to." Jen said flying closely behind. Reaching his destination, He carried a carpet and extended his legs over 15 feet to walk over the fence.
The two friends once again shared the same look of bewilderment once more. ""Did you see that? He just... stretched his legs like a rubber band!" Michael exclaimed, his voice barely above a whisper, astonished by the spectacle.
"This place just keeps getting weirder by the minute," Jen said as they phased through the fence. pushes a dumpster back. He then laid the carpet over a trapdoor. Jen then times out and the old man sees the two of you his head doing a 180 while his body is still straight.
"Uhh, hello?" Jen waved hesitantly as the elder suddenly began to growl, a low, guttural sound that sent shivers down her spine. Without warning, he took off running toward them, he's surprisingly fast for someone who looked so frail.
"RUN!" Michael yelled, grabbing Jen's hand and sprinting away. They dashed toward the fence, climbing over it in a flash as they made a beeline for the elder's golf cart parked nearby.
Jen jumped into the driver's seat and slammed her foot on the gas, the golf cart roaring to life just as the senior citizen vaulted over the fence once again and still kept up with them even on foot following closely behind.
Micheal looking back "We didn't see your head do a 180 we swear." we said but the older fellow was defiantly not in the mood for it.
"What kind of vitamins have these people been taking?" Jen exclaimed, narrowly missing a fire hydrant as she swerved the golf cart.
"Konzentrieren Sie sich zunächst auf das Fahren!" (Focus on driving first!) Michael shouted, his voice laced with panic as they veered dangerously close to a lamppost.
"I'm trying!" Jen shot back, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as she maneuvered the cart through the winding path. The old man's furious growls echoed behind them, "Why don't you transform?" she asked
"I'm not gonna beat up an old man." Micheal said "Plus I don't have something like XLR8 to run away quickly." he said as the scrolled through his watch. "Why not something that knocks him back a little?" she said as they turned a corner.
"I'm not gonna beat up an old man," Michael said firmly, his brow furrowed as he scrolled through the functions of his watch. "Plus, I don't have something like XLR8 to run away quickly."
"Why not use something that knocks him back a little?" Jen suggested, her eyes darting around as they turned a corner, scanning for any possible escape routes.
As Micheal looked through the watch the old man's arms stretched holding the golf cart. "Alright, here it goes nothing," Micheal said as he slammed his hand on the gauntlet.
transforming into echo-echo.
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