Chapter 5 : The Masked Vessel

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Solaine's question from the morning left me in a frenzy. "Even your immortality?" Her eyes were too fixed for it to be a joke. We didn't share a conversation after that since she backtracked into our room, locking herself in. The sun had already set in the west horizon leaving the sky painted in a bright shade or orange and blue. I've been out for a while now and receiving the news of Solaine agreeing to get herself checked by Celestia eased me. There's another bug that has been bothering me for a while though. 

The vessel.

With Solaine's return, finding the vessel has turned into an even more crucial job that needs to be carried out as fast as possible. The thought of another calamity arising when I just got my preserved back makes me want to move her to some hidden treasury. 

" Sir Jeon, Orion's clan has their ways blocked. We cannot proceed into Belinay without them allowing us first." I raise my eyebrows at Taehyung.

"When have blocked ways stopped us from raiding a pack much smaller than ours? Razer their borders off if needed. I need to talk to him." Taehyung looks a bit hesitant before shaking his head and dismissing the soldiers that stand with him to have a private conversation.

"It's not about that Kook. We could've easily made our way through if the borders were made of branches, thorns or even metal. That's not the case, I'm afraid. You should take a look yourself." I nod in agreement and follow Taehyung on the unruly path to the border.

A scoff is my sole response when we reach the destination and I understand why my second in command had to ask me if we should just inform the higher ups about Belinay not being cooperative with us.

" That shameless fool has stooped down to a new level, hasn't he?" I question as I take in the marvellous view of arcanic thundered chains tied on the branches.

" How are we supposed to do anything at this point? We do not have a warlock as talented as theirs, Jungkook. These chains will burn our soldiers alive if they try to cross them and Orion's been openly ignoring any peace treaty letters served to him. We can't do anything." 

"Wait it out." My order seems to anger him a bit.

"And what? Witness him help that vessel in destroying us?" 

"What proof do you have of him still having the child? What if she has already killed him and his entire clan off and is the one creating these barriers instead?" He scoffs at my reasoning and continues to argue further.

"Are you hearing yourself right now? If the vessel started off with that already then you wouldn't be standing on your feet right now. She'd come for you first."

"You speak as if we've plenty of choices scattered around and I'm just thoughtlessly standing here while witnessing my people go down the drain." The raise in my voice only blows his iries off more.

"You're behaving recklessly again, Jungkook. You're taking this way too lightly. Too fucking lightly and it's going to make all of us pay with you."

"Use your words carefully, Hyung." He's running on a thin line and he probably realises that as well.

"Do I have to? Because all I see right now is you hiding away from the higher ups again. If something goes fucking wrong again Amalthea's about to loose its place of acknowledgement in Estasia because we're not conveying any information to them but that wouldn't be fazing to you, I suppose since the only thing you care about is back, aren't I right?" There's not a lot of force that holds me back from throwing a punch on Taehyung's face right now.

" Don't drag Solaine into matters that don't involve her Kim." He scoffs at my statement and for a moment my brain hazes out the fact that he's my second in command.

"I don't like dragging Luna into anything, Jungkook. I'm just as glad as you on her return but I do have to mention her when necessary. She doesn't even remember everything plus it's not been a day since her return and you've started prioritising her more than your people? Is that what a ruler is supposed to do? I know you were probably protecting Amalthea to keep her promise but just because she's back does it have to imply that you've no responsibilities over your own pack now? I'm afraid more than anything Kook. Specially since I know how you'll not think once before abandoning us for her like you've done before."

His eyes bulge out as soon as the statement rolls off his tongue. Maybe he, too, realises what words he just uttered. Regret washes violently in his eyes when he hurries to say, "Kook I didn't mean–" but I cut him off with my palm raised. 

The pang in my chest had already started rattling down. Never in a million years did I think that I'll hear those words from someone so close but again, life's far away from being fair. I let out a laugh at Taehyung's face.

"Your thoughts are funny, Taehyung. The fact that you think you know how pungent and venomous the pain of loosing your mate is hilarious in fact…you're right though, I'd rather get slayed by a vessel, abandon my pack or accept my mate who doesn't have memories about us and is practically a stranger than protect 'friends' who use my sorrows against me." He knows he fucked up and I'm not going to be the one comforting him this time so I just shift and sprint back to the palace.

First Solaine's uncanny behaviour and the certain itch in my chest which continuosly tugs me to think something's wrong. I just can't pinpoint what and now Taehyung. The only person that I'd trust with my everything. I know the words he said were uttered in the moment of anger but that doesn't make the sting burn less. He's scared, rightfully so but comparing my mind from the present to when I practically lost my everything is shitty. 

The small rustle of leaves alert me just in case. A flock of birds make their way out of the branches just a second later which usually either indicated my arrival or an arrival of something else had fled them away.

My run is cut short when I feel something drop behind me, my wolf immediately turning back at the sound. Something akin to a human body dropped down from the branches. It looks lifeless the way its neck is bent, maybe the fall killed it. But what was this being doing in my area? I had to examine the corpse. I stride closer to it and on close sighting I realise the spy or whoever this was has a black suit on that covers their entire body from head to toe. Not even a strand a of their hair is visible and their face is covered with a white mask which is surely crafted by some talented craftsmen.

I lower my neck to get a whiff of death just to be sure that this creature's actually dead but a strange pain shoots up in my left hind leg. It takes me a second to recognise the pain's source, a knife carved into my leg just under the joint. I stumble back and wince in pain when in a flash, the body jolts up from the ground. My vision falls on another knife that they have in their left hand but they'll be one magnificent fool if they think they could take me down with that. I take my stance to pounce on the spy when my feet fall useless to the ground not before one of my front paw slashes into their thigh, the pain rapidly spreading around to my entire leg which takes me by surprise. The invader too, instead of attacking me with the knife buries it on the ground right next to my neck before disappearing into the forest.

I let out a howl of distress hoping for someone to pass by and hear it. The pain starts to stick upwards till my waist when I realise what the familiar burn belongs to.


This fucking mutt put wolfbane in the knife, it must be one of my visions but I feel loud and thumps of another animal on the ground before my vision goes black.

"You were with him! They told me he was going to be safe as long as you're with him Taehyung!!"

"Have me bathe in wolfbane if you want, Luna. But take my words when I say I'll make sure he's alright."

"I do not know whether I can trust your words anymore."


"If he does not wake up this instant, you're dismissed from your rank. We don't need a second in command who endangers his leader's life because of some petty fight."

"Luna please list— how do you know that we fought?"

My eyes crack open from the voices I keep hearing for a while now and I feel a hand enveloping mine tightly in a secure hold. 

"Solaine…?" I croak out and the voices go all quiet.

"Love? Jungkook. Can you hear me?" Another hand cups my cheek as I nod weakly, still feeling the wolfbane's slight burn in my bones. "Oh thank goodness, I almost thought-" her voice cracks and I feel her face dropping in the crook of my neck while warm tears slide down my shoulder.

Everything after that is a blur for a bit but I feel Solaine detaching herself from me and Taehyung replacing her on the chair instead, holding my hand as he mutters endless apologies that I would probably scoff at but accept eventually so I just tap him on his hand as a message of forgiveness. I hear Solaine's voice again after Taehyung gets up and there's a bitter taste in my mouth. Probably a healer pouring his potions in my throat.

"Why would anyone want to kill him? Aren't the guards at the border strong enough to stop the entry of intruders? They could've killed him if Taehyung arrived a second later!" Her voice booms in the room joined by Yoongi's.

"No Luna, I'm pretty sure this wasn't a death trap for Jungkook rather a warning of some sorts. The guards have been strictly guarding our borders and not even a fly can cross without permission, I can guarantee you." He sounds confident in his speech.

"How are you so sure?"

"They could've plunged the knife into Jungkook's throat instead of burying it on the ground don't you think? Additionally, Jungkook's senses are always more alert than us so this spy had either used something extraordinary to hide or taken him aback with something that he didn't expect." 

"I don't care about all that right now Yoongi but the security of this palace needs to be increased by ten times. I don't want any stranger in or out till he's completely healed. Do you get me?" Yoongi's hum is slightly distressed. "And I'm sorry Taehyung, I didn't mean to lash out on you. It's just a bit scary. Having him with me after so long and almost loosing him again." 

"Don't apologise, Luna. It's primarily my fault for not being more mindful to surrounding threats but I promise you this is the last time you're seeing him like this."

Their conversations are clear in my ears now and I want to join in, the urge to tell them whom I saw was surging through my throat but my voice seemed to hush away.

Wolf fucking bane.

"...Sel" I get it out with all my strength and Solaine's hands are back on mine.

"Yes love? Do you want to say something?"

" S'sel." My jaw hurts if I move it too much but my words don't seem to click in for any of them until I feel another presence with us in the room whose hand is placed right on my forehead before he speaks out.

"He means the vessel." Namjoon, our head pack healer's voice make them go silent before Taehyung's the one to question.

"You think the attacker is the vessel?" I don't try to speak verbally when I feel Namjoon's hand on my forehead, reading my mind in the process.

"He's sure it was her, the smell of arcane from her when she ran away was strong."

"Fuck. How did she look? Do you remember anything?" A shake of my head tells them but I remember one single detail of the vessel from when she attacked me so I drag my hand to Namjoon who immediately gets the sign.

"The vessel has golden eyes."

"Who's this vessel and why is she after him?!" Solaine's enraged voice floats in the room but neither of my three men open their mouths, thankfully. The vessel wasn't a topic I'd like her to know about yet, a topic that I had been quiet verbal about to all the ministries of my pack.

"Luna can you please give me a second with Jungkook? I need to treat him a bit privately."

"What's so private in aiding him with some medicines?" Solaine's defensive voice cuts off Namjoon's plea.

"I'm uncomfortable with undressing him infront of you."

"I'm his mate." 

Badum. Even while writhing in pain, a confirmation from her makes my breath hitch. Mark or not, I'm her mate. She still thinks I'm her mate. By the moon, who knew being hit by wolfbane would get you to listen to something like this.

"And I'm just a commonly healer who treats all his patients equally. Yoongi, please escort her out." Even though a complaint raises at the back of my throat, I don't hear any new rebuke from Solaine except receding footsteps and the closing of a door.

" Jungkook? Can you hear us?" I nod slightly.

"Just communicate through Namjoon okay?" Another nod.

"I'm still doubtful whether that was the vessel or not." Taehyung's question is valid but I'm a hundred percent sure.

"He knows it's her, a hundred percent sure." Namjoon quotes.

"But why would she use knives and wolfbane when her arcane alone is capable of erasing hundred Jungkooks together?" 

"He thinks that she's still unaware of the power she holds."

" That doesn't make any sense Kook. Why else will she come for you if the arcane inside her has not inflated? Plus you smelt arcane on her. How could you smell that if she wasn't using it?"

Namjoon pauses a second before conveying my answer to him.

"She was using arcane for sure. He's not sure which one but she was though

The arcane wasn't hers."

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