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"I can't believe this Leonard!" The woman screamed, throwing her tiara to the ground. It wasn't cheap one either, no, it was a gift from her husband, one that she never wanted, "I've told you all about my family curse. And now you ridicule me? I've never heard a more stupid idea!"
Leonard stood there, listening to his wife in silence, and shaking his head in disagreement, "I listened to you, Cecilia. I listened to your every word. I get you're upset, but please, it's not that tragic. You should listen to yourself." He tried to calm her down, or so he thought he did, picking up the silver tiara she threw on the carpet. It was a beautiful piece, decorated with emeralds and diamonds. But as Leonard handed it back to her, she slapped it out of his hand again, taking a defensive stance against him,
"HAVE YOU GONE COMPLETELY INSANE. HAVE YOU HEARD YOURSELF. I DON'T WANT YOUR KNOW-IT-ALL ATTITUDE. I WANT TO RAISE MY CHILDREN WITH A FATHER. WHY HAVE I EVEN AGREED TO MARRY A PRUDE LIKE YOU?" Every word of hers came out with more and more hysteria, Leo still looking unimpressed, almost saddened by the pathetically of it all. She could barely see him anymore, her green eyes were filled with tears, pure hatred, and anger. The statement wasn't true, she never agreed to marry him. Never in a million years would she have willingly married him. It was a sad reality, how often arranged marriages happen in royal circles, and this one was no diffrent, a mere marriage for convenience. Cecilia felt scared of him, Leonard was older and bigger than her, and she felt helpless, alone.
Leonard knew well about this power imbalance, and never having learned anything outside the castle, he never learned how to handle such situations, let alone the emotional part. He thought he was arguing with logic, "That's enough. I have listened to you and never said anything about it. But I agree. This is getting ridiculous. I offered you the best solution, and yet all you do is act on your feelings. If one girl is going to be overprotective of her sister, to the point she would kill, IT IS RIDICULOUS TO KEEP THEM TOGETHER. JUST LOOK AT WHAT AQUILUS DID TO YOUR CLASSMATE AFT-„
"DON'T YOU DARE BRING MY BROTHER INTO THIS. YOU WANNA KNOW WHY THIS IS STUPID? BECAUSE A SPOILED BRAT LIKE YOU NEVER NEEDED TO THINK ON THEIR OWN." Cecilia cried out, hoping she would be loud enough to be heard, that someone would come to her rescue, she was running to high on every emotion to think about screaming for help. She was just a few weeks postpartum, and she was too tired for this argument. But Leonard officially had enough after the insult. He pushed her on the sofa, her head hitting the wall.
"ARE YOU NUTS?!", Cecilia's voice echoed across the room. But the man, who still viewed himself in charge, yanked a batch of the woman's brown hair towards himself, holding her forcibly. He didn't know how to act, violence was his solution to too many things.
"You are merely the Queen, and that as the King to the throne of Neolin, YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CANNOT DO. I thought all you were here for was alliance and maybe to get me some heirs, no? You got twins, but weren't even capable enough for a son. And I will take the 'cursed' girl and show you that you and your whole family is just an incompetent bunch. I wanted to get away from your psycho ass for a while, and have decided to declare independence to the federal state Solaris, and I will take the girl with me." Leo abruptly pulled her closer, leaving Cecilia speechless, the only sound in the room being her gasping for air whilst almost choking on her tears. "Wouldn't it be devastating for your family seeing a so-called 'perfect arranged marriage' to fall apart?" He went quiet again, not once letting go of Cecilia's hair, and not once breaking eye contact either. "I will do it. Cross my heart and hope to die, Cecilia Marshall."
She stayed silent. For one moment, and for another one till he spoke up in a low voice again. "Oh? Cat got your tongue, or are you just going to wait till I hit back?"
Cecilia tried to fight back, but Leonard's tight grip on her hair didn't allow her to. All she could get out was a whisper. "You manipulative, arrogant Bitch."
However, Leo wasn't pleased with the answer, but didn't have the nerve to continue arguing. He slammed Cecilia's head back against the wall, but this time harder, much harder. She was left alone in the room.
"Pack your things, Ikari." Leo spoke, as he walked out the room and headed outside. „ I will need you in Solaris."
Chisato Ikari, or Sato as she was more commonly addressed as, was the minister of state in Neolin, still, she wasn't anyone to be bossed around easily. But as she saw the anger in the king's eyes, she knew that it would be best if she did not talk back to him, at least not yet. Sato had already witnessed a great deal of disturbing sights, but even this sent a chill down her spine. She had intended to Check up on the queen, worried after the yelling had persister for several minutes, but she was too late.
Leonard glanced over his shoulder, looking back at the perplexed woman, "And tell Astrados and Marshall to stay here. We will be leaving tomorrow, with Luna, whichever of the two brats she is. As for my wife, she is staying here aswell. I'm done."

"But...your highness, your daughters aren't even a month old" Sato asked, clearly concerned. Aquilus was her best friend, she couldn't just leave him there alone. And the child needed a mother, just as Cecilia needed her children. She tried to grab the king's shoulder, but decided against it, knowing that it wouldn't change his mood in any way, only worsen it, if anything.
"Did I ask for your advice, Ikari? We will be leaving at three in the morning. Be ready by then." He growled back at her, leaving to his own chambers.
Sato turned around, walking towards the room the king had just walked out of. She froze as she took in the sight before her. Cecilia lay unconscious on the couch, blood streaming down from her head. As much blood as Sato saw in her life, as much she's endured, even this made her gag. She clasped a hand before her mouth, stumbling against the doorframe to support her from collapsing on the floor.
"Aquilus," she called out, hoping her friend was within earshot, "Please, come here!" She was just as paniced as everyone else, and not calm like one might suggest
Footsteps thumped through the hallways, to Sato's direction. Aquilus was busy with his work, and he had gotten used to the couple's yells, and didn't pay much mind to it after the umpteenth time. She glanced over her shoulder, tucking a strand of black hair behind her ear for a better view. To her relief, it was her dear friend.
Aquilus came up behind her, laying a soothing hand on her shoulder. "Sato," He began in a calm tone, "What do you" His voice faltered as he took in the sight of his bleeding twin sister, unable to finish his sentence. He rushed to the couch, accidentally bumping into Sato's shoulder. Aquilus sat down beside Cecilia, rising to the landline and calling an ambulance, almost instinctively. Sato was relieved he thought of it, and scolded herself for not thinking about it first.
Unsure of what to do, slowly tumbled a few steps backwards, and turned around to walk to the commissioner, Miss Astrados. The sight that greeted her at the office wasn't one that she hoped to see.
"Kalliopa," Chisato called out, trying to keep her voice steady. The commissioner turned her eyes off the TV, a look of terror on her face. On it, Leonard spoke to the citizens of Neolin. His speech was nearly over, but she arrived in time to hear the last, most important message.
"For the greater good, the state of Solaris is hereby independent from Neolin," echoed through the speaker. Chisato's eyes swayed over to Kalliopa. Somehow, the taller woman understood what Chisato tried to say.
"I'm sorry, Sato," she said, eyes fixed on the ground, shoulders slumped," I hold no sway over his words, if you hoped I can undo what he just declared, I can't."
A few minutes of tense silence, the reporter's summary fading into the background, Kalliopa spoke up, "What happened there?"
Sato walked over to the window in the commissioners office, and looked at how Cecilia was loaded into the ambulance, Aquilus following his sister, "I don't know. The king wanted to speak with Cecilia about his speech, his plans, and just ended in this. I have to go with Leonard, I have to ensure Luna's safety. 'Cause he won't."
The older woman nodded in understanding. "Take care of her, and yourself, Sato. Be strong."
Sato had already headed to the door, a slight frown on her face, "I will, Astrados."

(Words: 1,518, Total: 1,518)

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