When You Meet
He didn't understand what was so special about this mortal girl. She had such a...innocent soul, so easy to shatter...and yet, she entranced him. The way her long/short H/C hair moved in the wind, the tinkling laugh she had, the innocence in her heart. So incomprehensible for the demon. He decided to appear in front of you one day. You were sitting on your couch with your cat, petting it, when a dark mass appeared in your room. You screamed and clutched C/N (Cat's name) to your chest. The mass took shape of a boy around 19. But...he was completely shrouded in darkness. His most distinct feature was his blazing red eyes. You could see evil things in those eyes. And yet, you also saw...fascination? The boy spoke in a demonic voice. "I am Zalgo. We will meet again, mortal one." He disappeared. You sat there, shaking from shock and fear.
When You Hang Out
Zalgo had come by a few times now, and you had to admit that he wasn't as bad as you thought initially. He was very confident and proud, but he always respected you. Not once did he ever seem threatening to you after that first encounter. You loved every moment with him.
When He Asks You Out
You sat on your bed, cross-legged, waiting for Zalgo to arrive. A smile swept across your face as darkness swirled into your room through the open window and materialized into Zalgo. "Hello, Zalgo." You said, smiling at him. "Greetings, Y/N." He said quietly. "Is...something wrong?" He jolted up. "No, no... I was wondering something though, Y/N." You tilted your head. Please don't tell me I need to photoshop Slenderman into a bikini for blackmail again... "Yes?" He shifted. "Would you like to be...a demon's..." He mumbled a bit. "...girlfriend?" Your eyes widened as you nodded, beaming.
First Kiss
Zalgo had taken you to the park. Even though he hated all the nice vibes it gave him. As you leaned against him on the bench, he watched another couple kiss. Being the curious demon, he decided to try too. "Y/N." "Hm?" When you looked over, cold lips pressed to yours for a moment. You kissed back immediately, knowing exactly who it was. He pulled away. "Was that an okay kiss?" You giggled. "Yes."
Meeting me
You had heard of me a couple of times through Zalgo, but you never planned to meet me. However, when you woke up to me staring at you while you slept, the meeting happened, and we became fast friends.
When He's Jelly
Zalgo growled at the local school (ahem) fuckboy, who stood there in your doorway with chocolates.
"Go out with me, Y/N?"
Now, you didn't want to because of his terrible reputation and you loved Zalgo. "I'm sorry, no." You rejected him. He slammed your door open, angry.
"No girl ever rejects me, Y/N."
Zalgo slammed the door open and literally shredded the boy. His claws appeared, sinking into the boy's chest and pulling his heart out. You sighed, rubbing your forehead with a small smile. "Thank you, Zalgo..."
When You're Jelly
You two had gone out to the movies. "Want popcorn?" You offered Zalgo. He shrugged. You took that as a yes and skipped off towards the concession stands to buy popcorn and a soda for yourself. When you came back, some skank was practically sitting on Zalgo, who gave you a look that said Please save me from this monstrosity. You growled at the girl, steam practically shooting out of your head. The girl ran off when you crushed the soda can in your hand.
His Weird Fear
For some strange reason, the Lord of Darkness had an extreme disliking for caterpillars. "Don't come near me, Y/N." He warned, backing away slowly as you let the cute little fluff crawl over your finger. "It's so cute though!" You objected. "No. Stahp." He objected. You sighed and freed it into a bush.
His Favorite Food
Not funny?
Fine then, party pooper.
When He Catches You Singing
(Don't judge me I'm extremely into Legends of the Frost)
You looked up the lyrics to the song, and began to sing.
"Tales, that will never be lost.
Kept in the legends of the frost.
Tales, that will never be lost,
Kept in the legends of the frost.
You had just started into the chorus when Zalgo flicked your cheek. "Keep going." Unfortunately, he had ruined the vibe and you refused.
When He Cheats
You hadn't expected Zalgo to be the cheating type. So when you walked into your home, cheerful from a nice day of work, the last thing you expected to see was Zalgo with his arm around some girl.
You could almost see Zalgo sweating.
"Y/N, I-"
"Out!" You shrieked, your voice cracking. He hung his head and quietly left. When he was gone, you stormed up to your room, slamming the door. Only then did you sink down to finally acknowledge what had just happened, tears dripping down your face like a leaking faucet.
When You Cut And He Catches You
Trigger Warning
You just couldn't take it. Your friends were all on vacation, so you couldn't contact them. There was nobody to talk to. Not like you even wanted to. You were a mess. Your hair was oily and knotted, there were dark circles under your eyes. How could you, Zalgo? You of all people, just had to do this to me. You just couldn't resist, could you? You slumped against the sink in the bathroom, taking out your only salvation for relief; a broken razor blade. Before you could make another mark, the blade was ripped from your hands by a dark mist.
"Don't." Zalgo's voice hissed. He appeared before you in his true form; horns sprouting from his head, pitch black, demonic. You looked up at him blankly.
"Just go away already, Zalgo."
"No. I'm staying, don't do it." He grabbed your arm and pulled you into his arms. Despite being a demon, he was warm. You sighed and relaxed. "Just don't leave me again..."
When You Meet His Friend
You were very high-strung from lack of sleep due to seeing what looked like a naked half-human thing sitting on the edge of your bed and watching you sleep. You had been terrified. So when Zalgo came over with that thing...
"Hey, Y/N, I want you to meet-"
When He's Drunk
Zalgo had very low alcohol tolerance, and he had completely changed your kitchen into a torture room. He decided to shove some poor soul into your oven. That poor soul was in there for 45 minutes before he finally died.
When I Hang Out With You
I was already your friend. But...when I saw Zalgo in your house, I almost lost it.
"WHY IS HE HERE?!" I shrieked, pointing at him.
"That's my boyfriend." You looked at me and Zalgo, who was equally surprised, innocently.
"Please don't kill each other." We both grumbled.
When He Wants Cuddles
The demon sometimes was stressed. And what better way to relieve it then with a human teddy bear? He often just pulled you onto his lap while he slept. It was a bit startling, but you accepted the snuggles gladly.
When Your Ex Wants You Back
E/N pounded on your door. A while after the break up, he had been diagnosed with serious mental illnesses. When you opened it, he pulled a knife.
"If I can't have you, nobody can, Y/N!" You screamed, and Zalgo whisked you out of the way. He was about to launch at your ex before you called the police and convinced him it wasn't worth it.
When He Does Something Stupid
Zalgo had broken your phone. I think that's saying enough.
Fourth Of July
"YES, BURN!" Zalgo laughed maniacally, chasing small children around with a sparkler. You chased him.
"Stop being such a bully! Come back!"
When Fangirls Attack
Zalgo was being bombarded with Fangirls while you guys were on a lovely picnic. He causally killed them as he munched on a sandwich. You were throwing up in a bush.
"Zalgo...don't do that over the food!"
"It adds seasoning, don't judge."
When You're On Your Monthly
"One day, unicorns will rule the world." You gazed into Zalgo's eyes seriously, without any humor. He blinked.
"AND THERE WILL BE RAINBOWS!" You bounced around hyperactively, then stopped with a pained expression. Never bounce on your period.
When He Meets A Family Member
Your sister was over for a visit.
"Hay Y/N!" She chirped. She obviously was not expecting a guy to be sitting next to you on the couch.
"OMG! You got a guy, Y/N?!" You fell off the sofa, startled. "What's his name?! What does he do for a living?!"
"I'm Zalgo, and I'm...an accountant...?" Your sister nodded in satisfaction. "Fine, you can stay. But if you ever break her heart, I don't give a damn who you are. Even if you're the Devil himself, I'll go to Hell and tear your arms off." Zalgo was a bit taken aback.
When You're Being Bullied.
"They WHAT?!" Zalgo's voice shook the room as he disappeared and slipped out the window. After you came home crying loudly about some girls who had stolen your jewelry, he was infuriated. Needless to say, they were all dead.
When You Catch Him Singing
He didn't sing.
Aka I'm lazy and I have Writers Block cause I'm writing all this without a break.
When He Gets You Flowers
Zalgo thrust the bouquet into your arms. "Here." You blinked and looked down at the daffodils, before a beam spread across your face and you hugged him.
"Thank you!"
Your Looks (in this context)
You usually had a band T-shirt on, along with sweatpants. Unless you were at home; then you just had pyjamas on all day.
When He Comes To School With You
Already published~
When He Reads A Lemon Of Himself
"Zalgo, where are you taking my computer?" You questioned. He slowly looked at you. "Since they deserve it, I'm taking these fanfictions to hell."
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