True stories of a guy who works outdoors

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It's been a like a week but I am continuing a series I have been writing. Still true stories, things I can't explain. It probably isn't paranormal but I'm not an expert on these things.

So, a few years ago I was in the Towanda area in PA on a job. Fucking Universal, if you know anything about fracking you get it, but that's a different story. I was on a pad way the hell out in the middle of nowhere. Probably one of the most remote places I have ever been. Way out in the mountains. Beautiful during the day, creepy as all hell at night.

I ended up crashing in my truck for the night in what appeared to be an empty lot. I pulled in, parked, hopped out to take a piss and listened for noises. There were none. I didn't even hear insects. I didn't think about it because I was about 18 hours into my workday and I just needed a few hours of sleep. I got ready to nap, made sure my doors were locked and eventually fell asleep.

I must have been asleep for about 3 hours when I got woken up by what sounded like a woman screaming. I cracked the window to try and listen. The screaming happened for about 15-20 seconds. I figured it had to be some kind of animal. A mountain lion screaming does sound horrifying, like a woman getting murdered. I thought about that for a second but I don't know if north eastern PA even has mountain lions.

I looked out my windows to see if I could see anything but I decided to flip my headlights on with the brights to see if I could see anything in front of my. I flipped them brights on and I was facing some pretty thick sets of woods that I didn't even remember pulling up to. I got to looking around and it looked like I just pulled off into a cutout on the side of the road. I didn't remember stopping so close to the woods but I had to have.

At this point I still had my windows cracked listening when I heard this scream again but it sounded like it was right outside my driver's side window. I rolled the windows up real quick and jumped pretty bad. I looked around and again saw absolutely nothing. At this point I really thought it was a cougar or something. I didn't want to get out of my truck because I didn't have a gun with me, being out of state and all.

I turned my lights off, cracked my window about a half inch and lit up a cigarette. I sat there and smoked, then tried to go back to sleep. I eventually fell back to sleep and during my sleep I had a horrible nightmare that I was getting murdered in my truck by a dead woman. It was enough that I actually woke up.

A lot of times I am so tired and worn out that I don't even dream when I sleep so this was unexpected. I woke up, frightened looking around and I saw something out my windshield. I slowly reached up and flipped the lights on and pretty much instantly turned on my brights.

I saw what looked to be a man, maybe 6'6" running away from me. I assumed this guy didn't see me in my truck and was fucking with my truck. I left the brights on and got out of my truck. I hollered at whoever it was and told him to fuck off and leave me alone or I was going to beat the fuck out of him.

As soon as I said that I saw movement in the trees so I figured this guy was coming back, which I didn't expect to actually happen. Next thing I know I am staring at one of the biggest black bears I have ever seen. He stood up and was about as tall as me and probably weighed 450lbs. I screamed at the bear while simultaneously trying to figure out if this bear could reach me before I got in my truck.

I took off like my last name was Bolt and flung my door open, practically fell in the truck and managed to pull it shut and hit the lock. I looked around for the bear and this fucker was just standing there still. He didn't move, he was just standing there staring at me through my windshield. Like he was staring into my soul. I was about to take off and just leave when I remembered the screaming that woke me up in the first place. I rolled my window down a few inches and just asked in my outside voice, who was screaming. I waited a few seconds and I swear I heard a faint voice in my ear say 'me'.

I threw the truck into gear and shot gravel at about 70mph trying to get out of there and just spinning tires. I probably laid down 150' of rubber on the road once I hit blacktop. I know it was probably my imagination but goddamn that spooked me.

I will keep writing these when I have the time too. I currently work 93 hours a week so I don't exactly have much free time to do anything. But, y'all should have another story today or tomorrow.

Posted by u/Nickwaller1

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