(I have kinda changed the desc to bloodmoon as just bi then demi-aromantic and bi,cause i'm ain't making a full on story of them hanging out and other stuff- kms.I saw unholy images on google😭well we are all not so innocent either)
Warning:Maybe self doubt/esteem,Used,Manipulated,little describe Violence.
Jack'-o-Moon/Eric from the mitchells vs the machines silly pumpkin guy P.O.V:
I was playing with Dazzle in the little room in the daycare with dolls and plushies.As they playfully played with the toys I detected someone crawling around here.I stand up and told Dazzle to stay put,and if someone came to hurt them they can hit them as defence.As I was about to put my lasers up at the intruder the computer said they are outside now.I turn my direction to outside the daycare to seek out who was in the daycare vents.I walk through the doors to the street to see the sun setting.I guess I've been playing with Dazzle for abit too long.
I walked with my lasers armed ready to blast the person in first shot.I heard movements around the area but couldn't know where.As I was hit on the back with out notice.I try to get them off my shoulders and body.But they have me pin down on the ground.As I look what was behind my back I saw a dull cyan and crimson-ish dark colour and a tad bit of white.I recognised the people well known as Bloodmoon.I shot their eye as they groan from the pain from the eye they are covering at the moment.They growled at me and fled away as I run after them in a second and got in front of them.As they raise one claw in the air in defence.I shot them my the ankle,blasting some body parts of.(Thats satisfying violence)As they fell on one knee looking straight at my eyes,glaring menacingly.
Bloodmoon:"F?/) YOU";They yelled angry.
Jack:"Unnecessary swear";I said,staring down on them.
Bloodmoon:"WE DON'T CARE!WE DO WHATEVER WE WANT!!!";They screamed with rage.
Jack"..But killing is not a good thing";I said still staring.
Bloodmoon:"entertaining for us!YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHY OUR KILLING BEHIND THE SCENE!NO ONE WOULD,nor will!..";They yelled,while their eyes shine waterlily.(MY LITTLE LORE FOR THEM?!)
I stand there.Confuse and processing of what they shouted out.As they get up from their knees and ran away from this scene.I lower my lasers that were pointing to the spot were I had Bloodmoon was.I guess I failed to end them here..But what did they truly meant.
Bloodmoon/Feral cat thirsty for violence in a movie P.O.V:
Bloodmoon:"Remind me brother what we said?";I said to Harvest.
Harvest:"We tell half our part of our side..";They reply
We sat down by a near by tree carefully and wrap our legs.As we laugh with a broken smile with tears that no one could or can hear or heard from us.
Bloodmoon:"When would we be free brother?From these inferior but creative manipulation they hold?..What is this leaking from our optics called brother?";I asked with this unusual but same old feeling we had in a moment of this unclear life.
Harvest:"A cry what humans say";They said.
Bloodmoon:"This feel pathetic.WE are Not weak.WE are NOT inferior.WE are NOT nothing.We are NOT infirm.WE are NOT feeble RIGHT now.We are NOT going be FRAIL like this forever.WE will never be wasted again..We just need our loophole to reveal for us..
536 words!Have a good day/night/evening/morning/afternoon
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