At the Quidditch Pitch

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Luna was happy for the new friendship between the Slytherins and the Gryffindors. She hoped it would last for a very long time.

They all had a lovely breakfast together and they talked like they've knew each other since they started their first year. Afterwards they were having their first class.

" What do you have, Mione?" Ron asked and kiss his girlfriend on her cheek which made her blush.

" Potions. You, Ron?"

" Transfiguration" He sighed, thinking it was too bad he couldn't be with his girlfriend.

" I have Transfiguration too" Pansy said. " Me too" Luna said and smiled. Maybe she could get more friend with Pansy now when they were having a class together.

" I'm having potions as well" Draco said and tried to smile at Hermione who also tried to smile back, but it was very hard for both of them.
After being bullied by Draco all thoose years, this would be a hard start.

" I'm going to play quidditch soon" Ginny said with excitment in her voice and everyone could hear it. Apparently Harry and Blaise was about to play quidditch too.
Neville and Ron was starting with Herbology.


At the quidditch pitch, Harry was having a conversation with Katie Bell while Ginny stood and prepered herself before training. Blaise walked over to her.

" Hey Red" Ginny rolled her eyes at him and ignored him.

" Zabini" She just mumbled.

" What's up with you? Got your knickers in a twist?" Ginny shot him a death glare that told him to stay away from her.

" Don't call me Red!" She said annoyed. Blaise took up his hands in defence. " I just wanted to ask how you were doing, but apparently I don't have the right to do that"


Harry flew up in the air just for warming up, but Blaise did the same.

" Sup Potter?" He said with a crooked smile. " Zabini, how are you?" Blaise was relived when he didn't get the same cold stare that the Redheaded girl just gave him.

" You know some good moves, Potter?" Blaise said, but his eyes was seeking for Ginny's.

" Yeah I know some. Want me to show you?" After a few minutes Ginny had to duck almost every single minute because Blaise and Harry was flying above her. And sometimes they almost hit her with the broom.

" Watch were you....flying!" Ginny screamed at Blaise and shot him a more dangerous look this time.

" Relax" He smirked and flew down at her one more time. This time Ginny was quicker and easily jumped aside, but Blaise didn't see it comming. Instead he flew right into a group of people who screamed when he crashed into them.

" RED!" He yelled angrily.

" Relax Zabini" Ginny smirked and walked over to Harry.

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