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~George POV~

It was so cold inside the basement.

Although it has been a few hours since Dream left me in here with my injured leg.

I tried to close the pain out but nothing helped.

A few tears had slipped from time to time but I got through it.

That's when I heard music playing upstairs.

'We're they having a karaoke party?...'

Maybe but that was the less of my concerns right now.

Once my leg is healed I'm out of here.

My parents and Wilbur are probably sobbing right now

Well maybe what if they just moved on already.

No, at least I'll see them again.

I tried to look around for anything I can use.

There was a knife on the table on the right.

But that would take a lot of energy to get there.

Worth a try though.

I started to move the upper half of my body first.

Then I dragged my left leg.

Once I reached the table I started to lift myself on the counter.

So I can at least walk slowly with my crumbling body.

(Bro was I dreaming I woke up and half of my words were gone I was at 700...)

As I got the knife from the counter I slowly started to limo my way to the door.

Then the thoughts came flooding into my mind.

I don't even have a plan.

Ok, I stab him then what?

I can't run not walk fast.

I'm a limping person!

That's when I decided I'm going to bail out.

As limped back to my original seat on the wall.

I threw the knife on the right side of the room where it was.

It was on the floor but it's not like k can care right now.

Once do get to my spot I sat there.

Then I closed my eyes to save some of my energy.

~Dream POV~

Techno had just left the house after we finished our movie and some other stuff.

That's when I remembered George.

Oh, shit George.

As I race over to the basement door I opened it to be meant with a sleeping George.

As I looked at him I could tell my face was softened.

That's until I saw his leg.

How did he do that?

I walked down the stairs to get George.

As I picked him up he quickly woke up my quick actions.

"Hello sleeping beauty"


He said still waking up as I just giggled while getting a brown bottle and cloth.

"You're going to sleep for a bit longer"

As I placed the cloth on his nose before he can answer me.

He passed out.


As I got my needle I quickly notice that my knife was ok the floor.


I didn't care right now though.

As I got my needle that was filled with some serum.

I first wiped the blood away though then stabbed the needle into his leg.

It's supposed to stop the bleeding.

Once I was done with it I banged his leg up to make sure no blood was going to escape in the process.


As I picked up George who was still passed out.

And headed upstairs.

As I closed the door leaving it unlocked I headed to my bedroom.

Once I reached my room I had placed him on my bed.

But not without changing him.

His clothes were dirty from the floor or I think That's how they got dirty.

But I just changes him.

I put on a green hoodie instead and some new black shorts.

Which looked comfortable.

As I let him rest on the bed.

While I took my clothes and went to the bathroom so I don't have to walk everywhere.

As I got changes and used the washroom.

I quickly headed back to the bed.

And saw George still sleeping.

As in got in the bed alongside George.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him closer to my chest.

I had spooned him and he was a bit cold as well.

So he kinda needed my body warmth.

But soon after I fell asleep.

~ a Few hours later~

~George POV~

What had happened?

I woke up in someone's arms.

I'm guessing it was dreams arms.

As I look over to see who's it was and I was correct.

It was dream.

I moved my leg trying to get out.

But that was when I moved my left leg a bit.

Expecting pain.

I close my eyes.

But I felt nothing.

As I look down I could barely see my leg to see what happened to it.

Dreams legs were on my leg.

While I heard his soft snores.

I wanted to get out of this spot I was in.

As I tried to wiggle out it only made him grip me hard.

Until he put me onto his chest.

"Stoppppp Georgeieeeee"

After he said that I just stopped.

That's when he giggled a bit.

I was still on his chest which didn't feel too good.

"You know you look so cute from here right?"

Oh, yea it's not like you pushed me down the stairs yesterday.

I just turned my head away.

As he got a bit angry by that.

He took one of his hands from my waist and put it on my face to turn my head towards him.

He just smiled as I gave him a cold look.


Ok, I had enough.

I try to move from his hand but even with one hand, he was still strong.

"Say you love me!"



I stayed silent.


As he just sat up.

I took this chance to get out.

He saw and just grabbed my waist fast.

While he brought me into his lap.

And made sure I wasn't going to wiggle out this time.


So sorry for not making this early I was studying for my final-

I quickly made it in the morning thought

So I hope u enjoyed this chapter!

Have an amazing day/noon/night!

"He said he doesn't care technology so what's the point."

-Dreamie (707)

"To prove him wrong..."

-???? (606)

Words 1082

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