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~George POV~

That's when we all heard a flat tire on the front right wheel.

Shit shit shit.

Everyone on the bus had gasped as well.

"What's going on?!"

One of the passengers said as so another followed the question he asked.

"It's a killer group!" I yelled as the bus came to a stop.

Then we heard the window break. (Front window)

Ran into the back seats.

One foot step then a gun shot.


I heard Dream called.

It was so creepy like a horror movie.

"Get everyone outside boys"

Dream order as the bus door opens.

Then I remember the back as a exit door.

As I did hand gestures to the door to the person a-crossed me.

He looked over and nodded.

As I opened the door he quickly pushed me out.

But not soon after he had gotten shot by dream.

As I went under the bus it was already to late to run.

I have to wait for my chance.

That's when I saw Dream's shoes.

I decided to move farther under the bus.

"You think he ran?"

I heard Sapnap said.

"No, I know where he is Techo do you mind really quick?"

As I heard and saw footsteps walk to my side under the bus.

I decided to just move to the middle.

Hoping they wouldn't find me.

But it didn't help me in the end when I saw Techo's knees.

Then his head.

"Hi there!"

He said as he put out his arms to grab me but failed.

As I ran out the other side.

But once I had stood up I had bumped into Sapnap.

As he griped on me harder.

It almost took my breath away.

That's when I saw Dream come from around the corner with Techo.

"Look what you have done Georgie-poo"

Ew ew ew ew!

As Sapnap turned my body to see everyone tied up on the ground.

I could feel tears start to come out.

"L-let them go and just take me then!"

I spit out trying to get them out of my problem.

"But that wouldn't be fun now would it."

As Dream shot one of bus passengers.

Everyone tried to yell and scream or even beg it seemed but it was covered by tape.

I started to cry hard.

This has to be a nightmare please.

But that's when I saw Dream started to get closer.


I saw he sighed and told Techo to get something.

But I couldn't make it out my ears were on the muffled sounds of the bus passengers.

That's when Techo came back with a needle.

No no no!

Sapnap had gripped me harder than before.

But my gut wasn't having it.


That's when I kicked Sapnap where the sun don't shine and he fell to the ground.

What was I going to do about the people???


I didn't want to leave them.

But what if I come back won't they be dead already.

I decided to untied one of them before leaving telling her to help them.

As I started to run I saw she was helping the others.

But as I gotten a bit far down the road I heard gun shots.

I couldn't help but feel sad.

For the poor souls.

It's all my fault but I can pay for those lives when I get to the city I'll pray for them all if I do!

Not soon after though I saw a black car come into view.

I decided I was going to take the forest way to the city.

I swear I was so close.

It wasn't out of reach yet.

But that's when I heard the car stopped.

And footsteps rushing towards me.

I knew I can't outrun them.

But if you can't outrun them.

Find a way to out smart them.

As I took a turn into some trees and ran up one quickly.

I look down to see them confused.

« Where the fuck did he go? »

« I don't know man. »

« You take the left I'll take the right »

As I saw them spit up.

I had to be wise now.

Smarter than the pray some would say.

~Third Person POV~

What George didn't know is that Techo, Karl and Quackity were waiting at the boarder on the city.

Waiting for him.

As George was climbing down planning on how he is going to get to the city.

Dream and Sapnap were still looking but didn't find George still.

As for George he decided to get a ride because going through the forest was still to risky.

~George POV~

I decided to get ride because I didn't want to take the chance of getting caught.

Not again at lease.

As I started walking back onto the road.

I saw the black car.

I didn't know if someone was in there.

But that's when I remember Karl Quackity and Techo.


As I hide in bush.

And peeked into the car.

To be met with no one.


Where could have they gone then?

I couldn't care less right now.

The keys were on the seat though.

I'll take the car I guess.

As I tried to see if the doors were locked they weren't.

I opened the door and put the key in.

But that's when I decided if I should go back to see if anyone made it out alive.

It was worth a try it had to be.

As I started driving back to the bus.

It was almost like nothing happened.

Expect the bus on the side of the road.

I saw no one there.

But I was going to take a closer look.

As I got out of the running car and went into the bus.

I saw nothing but blood stains.

I decided not to touch anything.

But I saw no sign of anyone.

I sighed and got back into the car.

Once I get to the city they won't be able to find me.

As I started to drive to the city but just as I was half way I saw Dream and Sapnap walking towards the city.



I hoped you guys like this chapter it's just the intense part now-

But anyways Christmas break is coming up and for those people who have finals.

I wish you good luck on them!

With that have a wonder day/noon/night and merry Christmas 🎁!

« You can hunt the pray but can you be smarter than it?... »

-Dreamie (707)

Words 1112

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