The Visit;

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~Two days later~

I sighed, sitting in my car as the California sun beamed through my windshield. I looked down at my phone.

Babygirl❤️: Are you still sitting in your car?🙄

I slightly chuckled at the fact that she always knew what I was doing, even though she's across the country.

I'm going in now😞

Babygirl❤️: Good luck☘️

I sighed and turned my phone off, getting out of the car. I walked through the doors of the small California hospital and was greeted by a young secretary.

She gasped as she looked up, as I took off my shades.
"Oh my gosh! You're Kyrie Irving!"

I gave her a forced smile.
"'m here to see-"

"I love the Cavaliers! You're actually one of my favorite players."

"Thank you, but-"

"I hope you guys beat Golden State again. They don't deserve to win with a snake on their team-"

"I'm here to see Kehlani!"

She stopped talking and pouted.
"Sorry. Only family and spouses. Sorry." She said, rolling her eyes.

I sighed.
"I'm her boyfriend."

She looked down at the check in book and shook her head.
"Nope. Her boyfriend was already here."


"Yeah. A Jahron-"

"PND.." I mumbled.

"Yeah! The singer! I heard his song Come and See Me was about her. Wait, did you know-"


I turned to see Kehlani's mom and I walked towards her, ignoring the protesting secretary.

"I was so glad you can make it."

"Why did you call me?" I asked.

"Kehlani. She wanted to see you."

"She has her actual boyfriend here. So why would she need me?"

"Please just..go talk to her Kyrie."

I sighed, and looked through her room glass.
She laid in bed, machines attached to the side of her bed. I walked in and caught her attention as she looked up.

A smile came upon her pale face.
"Ky!" Her weak voice sounded.

I sighed and closed the door to her room, leaning against it.
"What the hell K?"

She sat up slightly.

"Harming yourself! Suicide! You know how much your family loves you! I mean look at your mom, she still looks scared to death!"

"I'm sorry! I...I couldn't take it anymore. I needed you here."

"You had Jahron here! Why did you call me here to?"

"I..missed you Kyrie.."

I rubbed my face.

"Let me explain."

I raised an eyebrow.
"I'm listening."

"I'd been feeling terrible ever since we ended things and I've been feeling like you hated me and I understand why, but that guilt, the fact that I hurt you, was killing me, literally. That combined with some depression, I just lost control."

I sighed.
"If you felt so bad then why the hell was he here?"

She fiddled with her fingers and looked up.
"He's the one that found me.."


"Kyrie. All I need is for you to forgive me."

I sat at the edge of her bed, seeing the vulnerability in her eyes.
"Okay. I..I forgive you. I'm over it."

She gave me a soft smile and held my hand.
"Thank you."

I gave her hand a slight squeeze and smiled.
"If it helps you get past this, then all is forgiven." I said, standing up. "Is that all you needed?"

"Well..there is one more thing.."

I paused.

She looked nervous.
"I..I want a kiss."

"A what?"

"If this is the last time that I'll probably see you then I want to remember it."

"I have a gir-"

"Paris Thompson." She scoffed. "I know."

"How do you kno-"

"I have connections. Listen Ky. I just want this one thing and I'll be out of your hair...and if you want me out of your life forever then..I'll be out."

I sighed.
"Just this one?"

"That's all I'm asking for." She said, looking up at me.

I stood there debating it then figured, it's just one kiss, no harm, no foul. I walked over to her bed and leaned down, connecting my lips with hers, feeling content with the fact that they were no where near as comfortable as Paris's were. She placed her hand on my cheek, continuing the kiss. I slightly pulled away.
"Kehlani.." I mumbled through the kiss.

She pulled away and smiled.
"Thanks for coming Ky."

I stood up and sighed.
"Take care of yourself K."

She gave me a small smile and waved. I walked out as Kehlani's mom smiled.
"She's smiling. Finally."

I nodded, putting my hands in my pockets.
"Yeah. She is."

"Thank you Kyrie. I don't know what happened between you two but-" She paused and looked up at me. "I always knew that you were a good man. Thank you for coming in her time of need."

"No problem." I said, giving her a hug before leaving the hospital, hoping to leave Kehlani behind as well.

Many people blew up my phone about the situation, reporters walked up to me on the street, people commented under my posts to make a statement and as I got in my car, I finally decided to post something.


I sat in my office, packing up to leave when my phone pinged. I looked down, to see that Kyrie had tweeted something.

It's been hard to see what's been going on and not address the truth. I do not justify the drama or what dude did to try and spark all of this non sense that could have been avoided, but Me and Kehlani were not dating when the picture came out. It's unfortunate that it's received so much attention but its become bigger because of a post that was misunderstood. Nothing but love and compassion over this way for her and her family. My only focus the Game I love to play every night and my loved ones

I raised an eyebrow at the fact that he said that Kehlani didn't cheat on him, but then I saw that he texted me.

King Irving💏👑: I'm omw to your house now ❤️

I smiled and finished packing up my stuff. I left work quickly and soon pulled up in my driveway to see Kyrie's Mercedes already there. I saw Kyrie at my door, waiting patiently for me to arrive.
"I need to get you a key." I chuckled getting out of my car and walking up to him while catching his attention and causing him to look up.

"Hey babygirl." He smiled, giving me a hug then placing a kiss on my lips.

I smiled and kissed back as his hands traveled to my waist, pulling me closer to him. The kiss turned into a full on makeout session outside.

I chuckled and pulled away.
"Let's get inside before things get carried away."

"So..that means things will get carried away when we get inside." He smirked.

I unlocked the door with a smile and rolled my eyes.
"How was your trip Irving?"

"Uh, it was fine. I talked to her about a couple things. Got some stuff settled and I..I think she's better now."

I nodded, and turned to him.
"Your amazing for what you did."

"What?" He asked, pulling me towards him once again.

"The tweet."

"Oh! Yeah. I would help everyone to die down the situation and take the blame off of her by just saying that nothing wrong happened. What really happened doesn't need to be out in the media just to be misconstrued."

I nodded.

"Well, enough about my ex. How was your day?" He asked, rifling through my fridge.

"It was fine. Stressful as usual." I sighed, sitting on the countertop.

He grabbed a bottle of water and stood between my legs.
"Can I relieve some of that stress?" He asked, caressing my hips.

"Actually I wouldn't mind that."

His lips traveled to my neck and collarbone as my eyes closed in pleasure before the moment was interrupted his phone buzzing.

"Who is that?" I asked, pulling away from him.

"It's LeBron, texting me about his banquet that he invited me to." He said, looking up at me.


"Yeah. It's to celebrate his organization. People dance with plenty of liquor, dinner, and speeches."

"Sounds like fun." I smiled, taking a sip of water.

"It is fun and it would be more fun if you came with me." He smiled.

I gave him a confused look.
"Wait what?"

"I want you to be"

I slightly chuckled.
"We're not even official yet."

"What a better way to introduce you to my friends?"

"Wait, so you really want me to go with you?"

He nodded.
"Of course."

I smiled.
"When is it?"


"You're lucky I'm free Irving." I said, as his hands wrapped around me.

"Alright. Well, Paris Amour Thompson, would you do me the honor of being my plus one on Tuesday?" He smiled.

I kissed his lips.
"I'd love too babyboy."

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