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~Next Day~

"Should I get the chicken or the steak?" I asked my dad, while looking down at the lunch menu in my favorite restaurant.

"The steak." He said, looking down at his menu.

"I think I'll just get the Caesar salad." I sighed, closing the menu.

He chuckled and looked up.
"You're just like your mom."

I smiled and took a sip of my water.

" never told me what happened with Malik?"

"It doesn't matter what happened dad. Just know that there is a reason we aren't together."

"Why? You guys were so good together. He made you so happy."

"Things change."

"Okay. I can tell when your lying. You're eyebrows scrunch up just like your moms. I know something happened but it couldn't have been that bad."

I rolled my eyes as the waiter came back with our food. I knew my dad was trying to give Malik the benefit of the doubt since they were so close.

I bit into my salad.
"Think again pops."

He sighed and cut into his steak.
"Everyone makes mistakes baby. Even in relationships. Are you sure you didn't give up to early?"

I sighed back and thought about it.

"I'm just saying, I made a lot of mistakes early in my relationship with Julie."

I looked up with a slight glare and rolled eyes.
"Like me?"

"No! No! You were never a mistake. I regretted my relationship with your mom but I never regretted the fact that I got you in exchange of it. I could never think of my only girl as a mistake. I'm saying, men make mistakes, really stupid mistakes. Including me and Julie found a way to move past it and look at us now. We're in a healthy and happy relationship."

"You and Julie are one of few dad."

"You're missing the point dear."

"I know I know." I mumbled. "What do you want me to do dad?"

"Malik's dad told me that he's been lonely without you and that you haven't forgiven him. You should atleast forgive him. Don't throw the friendship away because the relationship failed, I know how close you guys were before you got into a relationship."

"I'll think about it..."


I was in the break room at work when Malik walked in. I sighed and looked up at him as he sat down next to one of our coworkers. I got up and walked over to them.
"Mind if I steal Malik for a second?"

He nodded, getting up to get more coffee as I took his seat.

"Wow. You actually want to talk to me." Malik chuckled.

I sighed. I'm doing this for you dad.
"I forgive you."


"I forgive you. We had a friendship before we had a relationship and I shouldn't throw that away just because you were an asshole."

"I apologized for that..multiple times."

"As you should have."

He paused and smiled.
"I'm sorry for punching your boyfriend in the face."

I hit his chest and glared at him.
"Why the hell did you tell him what you told him!?"

"I got jealous. Sue me. I wasn't expecting to see you with him. I got in my feelings and the words left my mouth before I could even think about it. I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes.
"Why did you even start talking to him in the first place?"

He sighed.
"How long you guys been talking?"


"I'm just asking."

"A couple months.."

"How is he and his ex? Kehlani right?"

"There's nothing between them anymore. That's his ex for a reason Malik."

"He's over her?" He asked as if he knew something that I didn't.

I raised an eyebrow.
"Wait why are we talking about you this? You didn't even answer my question."

"I started talking to him because I saw that he was still texting her."

"What are you talking about?"

"Between you and me, he was texting her at the banquet last night. She texted him something along the lines of 'I need you again. Our last encounter wasn't enough for me' and him typing 'it was a one time thing'."

"How would you even know?"

He shrugged.
"I may have been eavesdropping and it worked out, because I saw something your boyfriend didn't want me to see. Why do you think he got so mad at me princess P? Other than the fact that I kind of goaded him on."

I paused.

"I saw something he didn't want you to know about."

I slightly glared at him.
"I don't believe you."

"You don't have to believe me, just look through your mans phone and tell me if I'm wrong." He smirked.

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