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~A couple weeks later~

"Are you excited!?" Shaniya asked with a smile as we sat on the private jet, on our way to game 1 of the 2017 finals.

I smiled at her.
"Of course! The finals are always exciting. Especially when it's the third year and one team wants revenge and the other wants a repeat."

"I texted Kevin about an hour, he seems really excited."

"I know he is." I smiled. "This is his chance, to get the ring that he wants."

I looked down at my phone to see that Kyrie had texted me.

King Irving👑😘: How's the flight babygirl❤️

~It's good. Shaniya is keeping me good company. Good luck at practice.

I sighed and turned my phone off, looking out the window.

"How are you and Mr. Irving? You guys have been arguing a bit more.." She said, raising an eyebrow.

She was right. Ever since the pictures with him and Kehlani, we've been arguing more. Specifically, it was his jealousy of my friendship with Malik. I told him he was being ridiculous, but then he'd say that he knew the signs, referring to when Kehlani cheated on him. I was sick of him pulling his past into our present, but I tried to keep the arguing to a minimum, with Finals here, I didn't want to add more stress to him.

"We're fine." I shrugged. "I mean..yeah..we've been arguing a bit more but..nothing major."

She gave me a slight nod.
"Okay. You guys are cute. I hope those petty arguments don't turn into something bigger."

I hope so too..


I shot the ball up and it rimmed out. I groaned and mentally yelled at myself for missing. These past weeks had been the most stressful. With preparing to go against one of the best superteams in the NBA, the standards that my team had to live up to, to my arguments with Paris, almost every other day.
It didn't help that the situation with Kehlani was still replaying in my head..
I knew the arguments between me and Paris were my fault and it was just my insecurities showing, but with all the stress I was dealing with, I accidentally lashed out at her..


I was broken out of my thoughts as Kevin and Tristan walked over to me.

"You okay? You looked spaced out.." Tristan stated.

I rolled my eyes.
"I'm fine." I mumbled, dribbling the basketball and shooting it up...only to miss...again..

"You'll get your rhythm." Kevin said, patting my back.

I sighed, I was never myself when I was having shooting woes, but I knew I could get through it for tomorrow.

"You guys ready?" I asked, taking a break and taking a drink of water.

Kevin nodded, a smile on his face.
"Of course. I'm still confident from last year. This team can do anything..including beating a KD led Warriors team."

"Same." Tristan chimed. "We've beaten the odds before. This time isn't different."

I nodded as Tristan sat next to me and Kevin continued to shoot up shots.

"How's Khloe?" I asked, leaning back, trying to defer my focus for a bit.

"She's good."

I nodded.
"I'm glad she has you. She's been through some shit with other guys."

He nodded.
"I'm happy to be the one to make her smile every morning, every day, and every night. You know we're talking about kids.."

My eyes widened as I smiled.
"Oh shit! I thought she couldn't-"

"No. It's going to be difficult but..we want to do as much as we can to achieve it."

"I'm proud of you Thompson."

He chuckled and leaned back.
"What about you? How's Paris?"

"She's fine." I mumbled.

"Your mumbling. That's not good."

"Nah, it's..we've been arguing a lot lately..nothing major.."

"Ah. Your first rough patch as a couple. It sucks. It hurts, but if you can make it past the petty arguments and not let it turn into something bigger then you'll know your real strength as a couple."

I nodded silently, taking another sip of water.
Soon practice was over and I made my way to the hotel that me and Paris were staying at.
I smiled feeling happy to be seeing her for the first time since she landed here. As I walked in, I could hear her laughing in the bedroom, I could see that she was on the phone...I didn't know who with..

"Yeah...*laughs*...shut up...I'll tell Klay that you wished him luck...I've been gone a day Malik you don't miss me that much..."

Of course..she was fucking talking to Malik

My smile quickly faded as I walked into the room, causing her to look up and smile.

"Malik..I'll call you b-"

I took the phone from her causing her to gasp.
"She won't be calling you back." I said, ending the call and handing her the phone.

"Hello to you too Ky." She sighed, putting her phone on the charger.

"You can't leave him in Cleveland, you had to bring him with you on this trip."

She scoffed at my jealousy.
"He called me. I'm just being a frie-." She paused and looked at me. "Why am I explaining myself?"

I sighed and kissed her forehead.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry okay. Long day at practice."

"Are you sure practice is all it was?"

I nodded.


I gave him a slight smile at the avoided argument as he gave me a quick hug, before handing something to me.

I looked down and smiled.
"Your jersey."

He smiled.
"Yeah. So you can wear it to the game tomorrow. I want my girl sporting my actual jersey."

I bit my lip and remembered Klay's jersey that he gave me to wear to game 1, just because this game was important to him. I wanted to support him as a sibling, but Kyrie was my boyfriend..

"I completely forgot to tell Klay about this." I mumbled.

"Tell Klay about what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Klay wanted me to cheer for him for game 1 but-"

"Wait what?"

"Yeah. Klay wanted me to wear his jersey-"

"You told him no right?" He said, as if it was something that should've been an easy answer.

"I told him 'maybe', I didn't just straight up say no. He is my brother and this game is important to him. All he asked was for me to cheer him on in game 1. It's not that big of a deal and you didn't even let me finish."

"He's your brother but I'm the guy that your with. It should go without saying that you cheer for me!"

I sighed feeling another petty argument coming on.
"It's not that big of a deal."

"How would you think I feel having my girl in a Warriors jersey?"

"I didn't say I was wearing the jersey. I just said Klay asked." I sighed, rolling my eyes and putting my hair up into a ponytail.

He chuckled in frustration and sighed, grabbing his jersey back.
"I don't care Paris. Don't wear the jersey if you don't want to wear it. You can wear Klay's."

I rolled my eyes at his attitude.
"That's not what I said Kyrie. Stop putting words in my mouth."

"With the way your acting, it seemed like you wanted to wear Klay's, so I'm giving you permission too." He scoffed.

I was getting more and more frustrated with his attitude.
Arguments like this was becoming more common. This wasn't us and we knew that but we were both to stubborn to say anything.
"Stop acting like a bitch Kyrie! Maybe I will just root for Klay and the Warriors against you every game. How's that for support?" I sighed, grabbing my jacket and keys and walking towards the door sick of the arguments.


I ignored his words and walked out of the room and made my way downstairs to my rental car. I drove all the way to Klay's house which was only about 20 minutes away.

I knocked on his door and he opened it with a smile.
"Hey sis!" He said, pulling me in for a hug.

"Hey. I need some advice."

"Come in." He said, opening the door to his house which was way to big for him.

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