Chapter 1 The Plane. Chapter 2: The Crash

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Chapter 1

The Plane Ride

It was almost winter time and Im going on a vacation to Australia. I was just about to board the plane when someone called my name,

"Hey, Carlie!"

it was Jared Merrell, my boyfriend.

"I'm coming with you to Australia." He shouted from across the airport.

We left from Los Angles around 8am when the plane took off. We were on the plane for about 3 hours. I was starting to get sleepy, then I feel asleep. Just when I woke up, The plane started to shake, the pilot came on the intercom.

"Fasten your seatbelts the plane will has no engine anymore, pull down your oxygen masks and hope for the best."

Everyone started to panic, we did what the pilot told us to do. I was so scared Jared noticed. He said.

"Everything is going to be ok."

"I believe you. I think we should say are goodbyes just in case something happens to us."

"I love you." Jared said.

"I love you to."

We held onto each other then the plane started to go down.

Chapter 2

The crash

About, 2hours later I woke up, on a tropical island my arm really hurt. I looked around to try to find the plane but I couldn't.

"I think, I must have gotten thrown out of the plane." I thought. I went to try to find the plane but this island was so huge. I started off going north but I walked for about one hour and thirty minutes. I walked all the way up to the beach. Then, I decide to make a camp. "I think it's about 11:30 about now." I thought in my head.

I made up a fire and made a tent out of a leave's and a twig's and fell asleep 10 minutes later. Around 1:00 I heard someone walk up to me I don't know who it was.

"Can you help me, my plane just went down? My leg hurts. I don't know if there's anyone else alive." He said in a shacken voice.

"I was on the plane also. I got thrown out of the plane to. What's your name." I said.


I helped him get food and water, he layed down then he fell fast asleep.

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