The teacher: 1S is so good they can juggle 6 tests a week!
Us: Dying
The teacher: Hikari you don't seem like you regret blah blah.
Me: Actually apologized and bowed three NO SCRAP THAT 8 TIMES even if I look like I deadpanned.
The teacher: Well you guys can finish 45 math questions with 2 to 4 sub parts each in 15 minutes!
Us: Takes 2 hours.
My friends: Woah Hikari is in 1S she must have good academics to even get in this skool!
Me: 60 something in grade during primary, 70 sth. to 80 sth. in my maths.
My IS and Chinese teacher who have seen me cry in class: ah a child who cries easily
Me: haven't seen the true me huh (only drops a tear or even none when my mom spanks me)
My new friends in secondary: Violent? Not the word for Hikari
Me: Kicks boys ass in primary skool AS A MONITRESS
My new classmates: oh Hikari? Anime is her obsession.
Me: bruh I like Brawl Stars too.....
(Unrelated note I am stupidly embarrassed to search for brawl stars in my skool idk why halp)
My classmates: Hikari is a cheerful person I guess...
Me: cries self to sleep
My Wattpad readers: Yah u r such a great writer!
Me: gets a b in a self expressive piece of writing
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