Enjoy this random Christmas thingo
Anime Christmas Carols
Jingle bells
Eren yells
Kiri runs away
Karma cries
Rengoku dies
Anime all da wae
Dashing thru the snow
Early christmas day
No time for wrapping gifts
Go watch anime
Beware of blood and gore
Well it's there anyway
Endorse in all this yaoi gay
And fangirl all the way!
Jingle bells
Armin yells
Bakugou is gai
Deku cries
Ochako flies
Anime all the way
A Brawl Stars Christmas Carol
Jingle bells
Nita yells
Mortis boii is gay
Sandy cheers
Colt fears
Fighting all the way
Dashing thru the sand
Early Christmas day
Get in your Christmas skins
It's Bounty today
The crazy gunshots ring
Christmas songs, NO WAY
We're too busy fighting so
Jingle bells
Nita yells
Mortis boii is gay
Sandy cheers
Colt fears
Fighting all the way
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net