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*2 years later

"HYUNG, "I yelled running down the stairs. I went to the kitchen and saw Junghyun Hyung drinking a cup of coffee.

"Yes Kook," He said.

"I need to go to Seoul Yugyeom and Mingyu keep nagging me to visit them, "I said.

"Ok, when do you leave, "He asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come on the trip with me, "I asked.

"I'm really busy at work right now, but I'll go if I can," He said. 

"Ok," I said and grabbed an apple before running out the door. I was going to go to the mall and waste time there for the rest of the day.

I got into my white jeep and pulled out of the driveway. I started driving to the mall. When I got there and parked I saw a tall man with bright yellow hair. He stood next to a shorter mall with dirty blond hair. 

The taller of the two turned around and smiled at me. I looked closer at his face and smiled back.

"Jungkookie, "He yelled.

"Yugyeomie, "I yelled back. 

"I missed you, I missed you, I missed you, "He said hugging me and kissing my cheeks.  

"Hi Markie-Pooh, "I said to Mark Hyung. 

"Only I get to call him that," Yelled Jackson Hyung.

"Nope, He's my Markie-Pooh now, "I said grabbing Mark Hyung's arm and pulling him to the mall. 

"Why are you guys here, "I asked.

"You really pay no attention when we talk on the phone," Yugyeom said rubbing his temples."I told you we would be in Busan this week, do ever listen, "He asked.

"Yeah just not to you, "I said back. 

"Markie Hyung can we get bubble tea, "I asked.

"Sure," He said and he started to pull me to the bubble tea shop. 

Mark Hyung ordered a Strawberry and Coconut. When they were done he gave me the Strawberry one.  

"I love you Mark Hyung, "I said.

"You love him because he got you food," Youngjae said.

"That's true, I'm not going to lie, "I said.

"That's not fair," Mark whined. 

"If you want my love, buy me food," I said.

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