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I decided I would attend college at the college buildings instead of online this year. Hyun-Su would be arriving in Seoul in around 2 weeks, then school starts 2 weeks after he gets here. 

Matthew got a job last month, as a stylist for one of the big threes I think he said SM but I'm not sure, so I'm home by myself most of the time since Junghyun is also working, and all my friends have jobs. 

I've started looking for a job at a cafe of any sorts so I don't feel as if I'm leaching off of my older brother. 

I've gone to a few places and gave them my resume. I've gotten rejected by 4 cafes so far out of the 7 I applied too. 

I was getting dressed after a shower and saw the number to one of the places I applied to. I answered expecting to reject again not expecting, "Hi this is Ji Changmin at Astro Cafe is this Jeon Jungkook," the person at the other end of the phone asked.

"This is he, "I said waiting for Changmin to tell me that 'after a careful review of your application we decided that you didn't fit into what we were looking for' like the other 4 cafes.

"I was wondering if you would be able to come in today for an interview around noon," he asked nicely.

"Yes I can," I said getting excited. 

"OK, great, see you at noon," he said and hung up. I finished tieing my tie and ran downstairs. It took at least 45 minutes to get there and it's 10:55. I ordered an uber and ate an apple waiting. My Uber arrived and I threw the core of my apple away. I locked the door before getting into my Uber.

The driver dropped me off at the cafe at 11:45 because I ordered the Uber expecting it to take longer.  

I walked into the cute cafe tucked between two huge buildings. I walked into the cafe expecting it to be more I don't know pastel I guess because it's called Astro cafe and I don't know I just thought.

I walked up to the worker behind the counter. He greeted me with a huge smile and said, "Hi Welcome to Astro Cafe what would you like, "the guy's name take said Moonbin. Aw, that's cute well he's cute too. 

"I have a meeting with Changmin, "I said.

"Okay, his office is up the stairs near the back," Moonbin said pointing up the staircase decorated with beautiful photography. 

I walked past tables with couples and friends upstairs as I walked to the office. I knocked on the opened door making Changmin lookup. 

"Oh your easily," he said and gave me a big smile."Please take a seat," he said pointing to the chair. 

"What days can you work and what times can you work till," he asked.

"Well for the next two weeks any day and then I start school again but I can work Wednesday and Friday morning since I have afternoon classes, the rest of the days I can work afternoons," I said.

"For the next two weeks can you work 7:30 to 2:30," he asked.

"Yep, "I replied happily. 

"Pay here is starting at 13.55 an hour and paychecks every week," Changmin said, I only nodded not really caring about the pay, "If you're okay with everything you can work tomorrow and I'll give you your schedule then," Changmin said and got up. 

"Moonbin will be working with you most morning but he gets Tuesday and Thursday morning off for classes so on those days MJ works our afternoon worker are Hwall, Sanha, and Eunwoo. I'll introduce you to them in the upcoming weeks. Can you be here by 7 tomorrow so we can show you how to make some of the drinks," he asked.

"We don't really have uniforms except for an apron so you can wear anything you would like," Changmin said. 

"Yeah," I said as we walked past the kitchen.

"Oh I forgot about our cooks," Changmin said as he sat at a table. He had me sit across from him."Our chef and baker in the morning is JinJin and then in the afternoon there are two chefs Rocky and Sangyeon," he said as Moonbin brought over a menu. 

I picked the menu up and saw all sorts of foods, desserts, and drinks. Moonbin came over and asked us for our orders.

"Could I get an iced green tea with peach, "I asked. Changmin just ordered a cookie and told me to not worry about a bill.

I got my tea and Changmin shook my hand reminding me about the time I need to be here Tomorrow. I gave him a small smile before leaving.

I walked to the shopping area and walked into the mall. I got a new pair of pants before ordering an Uber.

I went home and picked out something to wear for tomorrow. I put it on my desk chair before going downstairs to make dinner.


Stan The Boyz and Astro

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