Chapter Tres (3)

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Y/n's POV

I shuffled around the warm blankets, it was all a dream. My bed was incredibly hard, not at all comfy. It was horrible.
I slowly open my eyes and noticed that it's not my room.

I sat down, but I felt pain on one of my sides, I groaned and looked at what was the cause. I saw bandages. 'Ohh, yeah... The bullet, I'm not going to get shot again, ever... Unless...' I got out of my thoughts and looked around.

"Crap, I'm in a prison cell" I mumble as I looked around. The cell was small, it only had a bed, a terrible one.

There were more cells, most were empty. At the far end of the hallway, one seemed to be occupied.

I went back to the brick that was supposed to be a bed. My phone and the haunted music box were still on my pockets. I wrapped myself in the blankets, the place was extremely cold.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard. They were coming my way, and stopped.

"Ich sehe dass du wach bist" ("I see that you're awake", sorry if it's wrong, I used Google translate) The guy said, I turned around and gave him a confused look.

"You're awake" He said in his thick german accent. I just looked at him, not wanting to talk. "Are you mute?" He asked, opening the cell door.

I shook my head saying 'no'. "What's your name? Mine's Third Reich, call me Nazi" He asked again.

"Y/n..." I whispered.

"Was?" ("What?") Nazi got closer to me.

I took enough courage and spoke again "Y/n... Y/n L/n" but it still was a whisper, but a little bit louder. I hated that always I tried to speak with someone I don't know, I would always speak softly.
Usually, when I'm around people I know, I'm as loud as a first grader.

"That's an unique name" he grabbed my chin with one of his hands and stared at me.
If I wasn't an insecure person, I would've punched him. But I didn't, because it could bring me problems.

"How did you got to the battlefield?"  He asks again. "I don't know, I just woke up in the forest and went where the gunshots were coming from... I now see it was a stupid idea" I explain, trying to remain with a calm attitude. But failing miserably because I was shaking so much due to being nervous.

He asked a lot of other questions, all ranging from why I helped his soldier to if I knew him. I had many elaborate answers for his questions in my mind, but only simple and short ones came out of my mouth.

Third Reich narrows his eyes at me. "Are you America's spy?" He asked coldly. "No" I replied,

Nazi pinned me to a wall, I could feel a blade in my throat.

"You're lying" he growls.

Well, I wanted to live. And I started giving him an explanation of how I am not a spy.

"First of all, if you ask that question to anybody, they could immediately tell you no. It's a stupid question, what kind of spy will reveal their identity?" I took a deep breath and continued with my explanation. "And if I was a spy, I will either fail my mission or get caught some time later" I was confident, because I didn't want to die, not like this. Hopefully Third Reich would let me go.

He backed away and stared at me, but in a way I hated. I was too nervous that just wanted to become one with the blanket.

'did I say something wrong? Oh no, maybe I did' I was disappointed on myself, it sometimes ends up in self destructive arguments with myself.

"You're smart liebling~" he smirked, showing his sharp teeth.
"No, I'm not. It's pure logic" I talked back, and sneezed horribly.

"Come." Third grabbed my wrist and guided me outside of the cell. He had a strong grasp, and it hurt

I looked at every other cell, and they were in terrible conditions and empty.

And I was damn right, the last one that was near the door had someone in there. I quickly examined the person, they were bruised and bleeding. They also had wings, but they didn't seem to be in a healthy state.
They were laying down in one of the bricks that were supposed to be beds, the top of their head was white, the bottom was red. If my memory doesn't fail me, it might be the flag of Poland.
Poor guy, they seemed to be badly hurt.

My mind started making multiple plans on how to save him, but I needed to wait a while. Maybe in three or four days I could try and come back.

Third and I quickly got out of the hallway, and went out, and guess what? Another hallway.

'Am I in an underground base?' I assumed by the looks of it. The temperature was still the same, cold. No windows could be seen.

We soon came out, and I was right again. It was an underground base. In our way to wherever it was, he tried to speak with me. But I only replied with nods and whispers.

Nazi seemed like someone who could kill me instantly, I had to be careful with my words and actions.

We got in a car, he pushed me inside and sat next to me. The driver started the car and we soon left.

I made a mental map of where we were going, so I could come back and save the Poland guy. Soon enough, I got lost. I have terrible orientation.

I was still wrapped in the blankets, trying to keep myself warm. Third Reich noticed this, he groaned and pulled me closer. I tensed up as he wrapped his arm around me.
'This isn't what I expected... But okay' I thought.


Millions of thoughts passed through my mind, confusion and doubt were present.

I was in my senior year of high school (A/n- forgot to tell you this. Sorry) and now I'm in World War II with what is supposed to be the personification of the nazi empire. And who knows which other personifications are here!

Would it affect the future if I reveal what is going to happen?
Will I disappear?
Why here and not on foodland?
Out of all humans, why me? I mean, I'm not complaining but still...
Why me?

Third Reich's POV

Y/n stopped shivering and relaxed a bit, she's still tensed up.
I passed my hand through her h/l, soft h/c. She seemed to be deep in thought and did nothing.

The driver stopped in front of my house (which is a mansion) I moved Y/n, she quickly got away from me.

"We're here liebling~" I said and opened the door fo the car to get out.

We walked together towards my house. I glanced at her a couple of times, her face showed surprise and amaze.

We went inside. I led her to my room, she's going to stay with me.
I was surprised that she didn't fear me, she was calm and relaxed.

A maid came and brought clothes for Y/n, since hers were stained with blood.

The maid led Y/n to the bathroom, I ordered her to bring Y/n to the dining room when she was done. Since she hasn't eaten yet.

I left my room and went to my office. Japanese Empire and Fascist Italy wanted to discuss our next move.

Published: Spooktober 7, 2019.

A/n- I'm inspired, I could upload Chapter 4 right now... I made it already. Do you want to read it?

•=I'm sorry if there are any mistakes and if I failed getting someone's personality=•

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