An Old Friendship (Britain, Hawaii)

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Trigger Warning: Mentioned Abuse and Racism

*Britain POV*

What a waste of my Saturday. A UN meeting. I could've slept in, played with my corgis, annoyed my sister Wales, but no. We just had to have a meeting at 8am sharp to talk about how the world is practically ending before our own eyes. UN says "If things are to progress in a much more negative way, make sure to spend the rest of it happily and not in vain." Two things:
One, creepy.
Two, if he wants us to spend it "happily" then why didn't he let us stay home?

I looked around the meeting room and saw lots of uninterested faces, faces scrolling on what I'm guessing is Twitter, and some people sleeping. Lucky. My wife France seemed very annoyed too. She hates meetings as much as I do, maybe more, and that's saying a lot.

"Hey. Britain," my eldest brother Ireland said, while nudging me.
"I'm hungry, did you sneak any food in?"
"No, go get your own."
"I know you did, Britain."
"No, I'm starving, get your own."

We both looked over to see a particularly unhappy face of UN's staring right back at us.
"Care to tell us what you were talking about?" No.
"I was hungry, that's all," Ireland said.
UN sighed then went back to what he was saying.
"As I was saying, we're going to try something new for the next meeting. Most of the time when we have meetings, they take place in capitals or the largest city in the country. Next time, however, our meeting will take place in Honolulu, the capital of the state of Hawaii."

When he said that, I immediately looked up. From the corner of my eye, I saw France and Russia do the same thing. Me and France were trading partners with Hawaii when she was a country and so was Russia's grandfather, Russian Empire.

"Why now? Why change things this time?" The question came from one of my [many] sons, Jamaica. He always hated change.
"I want to be more inclusive. She used to be a country, also, so it's about the same. Just different as she's a former country."
"Right, so when you have meetings in my capital, it's like a meeting in the USSR but not," said Russia.


A Week Later


*still Britain POV*

Why do we have so much stuff? Me and France have filled at least four bags of what we both believe to be "essentials" for our trip to Hawaii. My brother England begs to differ. He's now going through our bags and pulling out/complaining about everything he finds to be excessive.

"I can't believe I thought my brother was more annoying than yours," said my dear, dear, wife.

"You hadn't known them long enough. They're nice from the outside, but assholes on the inside."
"Love you too, you twat," said England. "Alright, this should be good enough. Now get out, you've got a flight to catch." And with that, we were on our way to meet our old friend of whom we hadn't talked to in years.

I couldn't help but be nervous to see her again. We'd barely talked after the overthrow of her monarchy, and only in meetings after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. She'd always seemed angry or stiff on the outside, but I knew that was just so people wouldn't try and baby her as they used to.
I remember when I was talking with Russian Empire once, and he ever so casually called her a "male-wannabe, should just stay in the kitchen."
I've always felt bad for her about it, especially knowing how my wife gets called things like that too. She doesn't have anyone to defend her as well, like a partner, because she's in-
Blegh. I'm rambling again.

I miss her so much.
I can't wait to see her again.


Finally. After those God-awfully long flights, we've made it. Can't wait for jetlag. We immediately get checked into our hotel and sleep for several hours. I woke up at about 5am with France still asleep. The meeting wasn't until eight, so she could still sleep. I figured I'd shower then take a walk around. See how things have changed. Of course when I started my walk, I didn't expect to run into America.

"Hey Dad. How are you doing?"

Ah America. I have lots of kids, but me and him have had a pretty bad relationship compared to the others. His mother, Plymouth, died when he was twenty and was the only person from his family who supported him in the revolution, though not politically.
I hadn't married France, so she didn't count as family yet. America and his mum had a much better relationship, especially since Plymouth's mother wasn't a racist narcissist who tried to control everything. Don't get me started on Britannia (his mother). So, naturally, when he asked how I was doing, I was a bit shocked.

"Uhm, good. Yourself?"
This is awkward. Think, Britain, think!
"So, uh, what are you doing out here?"
"I was going to meet Hawai'i at the meeting place to help her set up everything," he explained. "She's never had meetings like this in her capital and is understandably nervous."
"Is there anything I can do to help?"



"Uh, Dad? You there?"

"hUh, what?" Shit, he was talking wasn't he?

"I said, yes, actually, we could use your help. Hawai'i was talking about how you two used to be friends and that it'd be nice to talk to you before the meeting."

"Oh, uh, sure, I can do that. Should probably tell your mother- er, France first. So she doesn't worry..." I said, trailing off.
"Alright, you know where it is?" I nodded. "See you there at like 5:30 then."

What the fuck did I just agree to? Am I still asleep?

She actually wants to talk to me?

After pinching myself, and realizing I am in fact awake and now wasting time, I ran back to the hotel to tell France, grabbed my briefcase incase I didn't have enough time to come back for it, and practically ran to the office.

When I got there, I found lots of people bustling around trying to get everything ready. After a little bit of looking because it was so chaotic, I found America and Hawaii in the kitchen. They were chatting happily, and became quiet when I entered. Hopefully they weren't talking about me.

"Good morning," Hawaii said with a smile.
"Good morning. So, what are you guys doing?" I asked.
"We're just talking about how today is going to play out, but started talking about the States being weird instead," she explained.
"Alright, since you wanted to talk to him specifically, I'ma go so you guys can take a trip down memory lane," America said, before leaving us in silence.

It shouldn't have been awkward, we've known each other for years! Though, we haven't talked for many of them. 
"So, how have things been with you?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Uhm, good. You?"
. . . . .

"Are we okay?" I shot my head up when she asked that.
"We used to talk all the time, then once my monarchy was gone, it just stopped. I basically only saw you at the Pearl Harbor meetings after that."
"..I figured you didn't want to talk to me."
"Of course I wanted to talk to you! Everything me and my father had created was basically gone and I now had to deal with a whole new government! I needed help, and none of you ever did."
"My mother hated you just because of your race! Why in the world would I be helpful for you? France and Russian Empire were around too."

We both stared at each other for a moment. I could see sadness and desperation in her eyes, but her face said she was angry.

"I know you would never, ever, be like that racist c**t. I-.... I tried to go to England once. I was much younger. Your mother found me trying to get into the castle with my father and had us whipped and sent to the cellar. Guess who got us out?"
"America. I could tell he truly didn't give a shit about our race, and since his mother wasn't allowed on castle premises, who do you think taught him not be a racist?"

"I did.."
"Exactly. Britain.. I've known you for hundreds of years. Why should anything change? Just because we don't see each other for trade anymore doesn't mean we can't be friends."
"I-.. I'm so sorry Hawaii. I didn't mean to hurt you.. I just didn't want to make things worse, considering my mother was really rude to you and your people."
"No, no, of course not. I only sent for you because you actually liked being there and wasn't a bitch to everyone around."
"Heh... yeah. . . . So, are we good now? No more avoiding each other?" I asked, desperately hoping she'd say yes.
"Yeah.. We're good."

We embraced each other in a big hug, and I will admit, we both shed a few tears.
"You-you remember when we'd go fishing while our parents were trading?" She asked, immensely happy.
"Yeah, they got so mad at us." I chuckled.
"Worth it."

For about two hours, we mainly caught up on each other's lives. I told her about how my brother Ireland is going to become a grandfather soon, and she told me about how she is pregnant after loads of infertility treatments. I was so excited! She's only 16 weeks pregnant (though she barely shows) so we have lots of time to plan and get ready.

Unfortunately, the two hours went by extremely fast and it was time for the meeting. I was practically jumping in my seat because I was so excited to talk to Hawaii again after the meeting. I got a few weird looks, but eh, their best friend probably isn't pregnant.
"Best friend."
Might be a little early for that.
I'll ask Hawaii if that's an okay term after this.

As long as I can get through this meeting without breaking my chair from shaking, everything'll be good.

I'm so happy to get to talk with her again.


Alrighty, so that was the story. Hope you enjoyed! It's my first here on Wattpad. Let me know what you think and I'll see you soon!


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