car wreck!

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Brazil POV throughout the entire story!

I was playing soccer out on the soccer field. Suddenly I got struck by lightning. Just then, god said "soccer is now a sin"
I cried until Ireland walked up to me and patted me on the head.
"Its okay" he said reassuringly, "golf is better than soccer"
I look up at him and make an angry face. Then I kick him in the honeybunches.
Belarus got flying powers and turned into spongebob. They then walked up to me with their squeaky shoes and stabbed me in the knee. I teleported home and watched Sinister 1 and 2.

Then a car rapidly spun and hit my house, creating a big hole in the wall.
"YOURE GAY" I scream.
Vietnam came out of nowhere and started painting corn in my house. He also smothered lemon juice all over my ceiling. Then the ceiling turned into spongebob. Then the spongebob ceiling shot the dude in the car.
Then spongebob said: "are you feeling it now mr krabs????"
Somalia became a first world country and killed America. He also stole all of their nukes and slapped me.

Everyone then started playing 🅱️among Sus. Canada 🥩🤛 to the game and records them 🥩🤛 to 🅱️among Sus.
Ukraine looks at Canada and they blush heavily.
"Uwu senpai is that your buldgy wolgy?" He squeals in Ukrainian.
"Y E S" Canada replies, also blushing heavily.
Then they make out n shit.

Italy throws a fit because somebody toucha my spaget (old meme go brr)
The car that crashed into my house grew wings and went to heaven but god said:
"Ey mf you're not allowed here. You're a car, not a living thing. Bitch"
Then the car with wings was sent to hell then turned into spongebob.
The car spongebob said "redbull gives you wings!"

Suddenly snow appears outside and I stop watching Sinister. I make a beautiful snowman and France kicks it down like the badass they are. The snowman dies internally and turns into spongebob.
Belarus shoots France in the groin. Finland pops out of nowhere and wears a sonic costume and says
"I gotta go pee" and pisses in my face. I throw a snowball at Finland and he pulls out a cannon. I get inside the cannon and then I'm shot all the way across the Fortnite Battle Royal map. After I got shot across the map, a 9 year old fortnite kid says that I'm a noob! I get angry and saws off his left foot. Blood gushes everywhere and he screams cutely uwu.

All of the spongebob morphs (including the ceiling and the car) all collectively circle around me and start chanting Latin. Then satan comes up from the earth and eats all of the spongebobs. Then satan got infected by the spongebob disease and turned into spongebob.
I eat popcorn and watch as the spongebob satan starts devouring the fortnite battle bus.

Somalia ate a krabby patty then laughs hysterically while he watches Switzerland get eating by giant evil pencil. The giant evil pencil drinks redbull then grows wings
"Redbull gives you wings!!!" The pencil snickered
The pencil then turns into spongebob and God eats the spongebob pencil. Then god turns into spongebob. Satan spongebob requets a battle between him and spongebob god.
God accepts and they both fight.
Satan votes god out as the imposter and he WAS the imposter!
Then the universe starts to collapse
"Oh no! I'm all out of coffee!" Lithuania screams. He walks into the Starbucks and asks for the manager. The manager was the cashier all along! Lithuania screams and shoots the cashier. Poland summon cubes of ice and says "it's a bit chilly in here" then Chile pops out from a dark corner and starts strangling Poland. Poland sets Chile on fire and says "man it's getting hot in here"

The sun runs into earth swallowing the planet whole and everyone dies..... except for Kazakhstan and South Korea because yes. Then they both think that living is pointless because it's only them. Also they cant breathe in space.
They both suffocate and die

The end.

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