Chapter 26

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Many years later, readers who watched this grand event of spelling are still talking about this memory.

Taking this time as a turning point, a super god gradually fell, and another star rose brazenly.

At this time, in the Spelling Square in City Q, personnel from the three parties were ready, and the crowd was full of onlookers.

Lu Mingze and Chi Mo looked at each other from a distance, and sparks shot out instantly.

Xiao Ting, who was on the side, wanted to show her presence, but she was reduced to a background board due to her lack of qualifications. She was looking at the two of them in mourning.

Lu Mingze didn't even bother to pay attention to her, Goldfinger heroine? This kind of heroine relies entirely on golden fingers, which may be considered tricky for Lu Mingze when he first started the mission, but now, Lu Mingze, who has superb mental strength, is not afraid of this great god cultivation system at all.

The audience below was staring at the three of them with embarrassment, and some of them were die-hard fans who made big banners to support their idols.

In the first row of the auditorium, Chi's mother and Chi's father also looked at each other from a distance, and the wind and thunder changed when their eyes met.

Naturally they come for different people.

Xu Nuo sat beside Chi's mother, but looked at Lu Mingze on the stage with good eyes.

The time crept up to eight o'clock.

The words that the game has started are displayed on the light screen.

Sitting on a chair, Lu Mingze randomly selected a topic, the end of the world? What an interesting topic.

He closed his eyes, not writing in a hurry, but waiting for something to appear.

"System, search me for a Rebirth Revenge Text!" Xiao Ting said to the system in her mind after finishing the questions.

As soon as the mental wave of the system brain appeared, it was discovered by the keen Lu Mingze.

Yes, it is this time!

Lu Mingze released his mental tentacles, and quickly wiped out the intellectual brain that lived in the heroine's brain with a spiritual body.

"Ah——" Xiao Ting suddenly felt a splitting headache, could not help screaming, and fainted on the chair.

The audience below instantly went into an uproar.

They all felt at the same time: This surviving young man's mental quality is really bad, how could he pass out from nervousness before writing a single word! "

The medical staff at Spelling Square quickly carried Xiao Ting away on a stretcher.

Lu Mingze was a little out of spirit because he had just destroyed an optical brain, and his face was slightly pale. Others didn't notice it, and he sat in the first row and stared at her. His Xu Nuo discovered this, and thought that Lu Mingze was influenced by Xiao Ting, so he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Lu Mingze gave him a comforting look, and then said to Chi Mo provocatively: "It seems that your side has already been killed After picking up one, does God Mo Se dare to continue the competition! "

Chi Mo looked at the themes he had drawn, then at Lu Mingze's arrogant face, and immediately said: "Comparison, how can you not compare? "

Maybe it's Nie Yuan, who actually let me draw such a topic-


This unpopular subject only became popular after Chi Rui wrote a new article. Speaking of which, I haven't written an interstellar article yet.

But he It will definitely not be worse than Chi Rui! What's more, until now, he also thinks that Chi Rui is just a hype. They must have done something to faint suddenly. With such a conceited personality, how could Qingcheng be so nervous that she fainted?

This is because Chi Rui couldn't hold on anymore, so he used low-handed means to stun the world, so he had an excuse to stop the game. Hehe, he won't let Chi Rui get what he wants. Today, he will inevitably make Chi Rui fall into a place of eternal doom!

Now that both parties agree to continue the spelling competition, the competition will not be terminated.

It's just that, to everyone's surprise, their arrogance fell asleep during the race against time.

The onlookers below: "..." Da Da, are you here to be funny?

Could it be that being arrogant to the world was really a hype created by Qianyu Studio, so if you know you will lose, you don't even bother to write it?

Looking at the black depths of struggling to type, all the fans who look down on the world only feel that they have suffered 10,000 points of physical and mental damage.

But fortunately, Lu Mingze didn't intend to let go of this match, he just felt that he was mentally exhausted, so he took a nap for a while.

An hour later, Lu Mingze woke up from his sleep, wiped the saliva left on his mouth from sleeping, and quickly typed.

Looking at the afterimage of his fingers, it's the turn of the toners to get frustrated, what the hell is your hand speed? Can you go any slower?

At this speed, let alone 60,000, 100,000 a day is not a dream.

Everyone thought.

This time, Lu Mingze and Chi Mo chose to fight for eight hours, from 8:00 in the morning to 4:00 in the afternoon. In the middle, the arrogant Aoshijun even ate slowly, who is said to be the president of Qianyu Studio. A loving lunch delivered in person.

However, the depths of the ink color did not move, not even eating the bento provided by the Spelling Square, and kept silently coding, occasionally looking at Chi Rui, who was calm and calm, and then immediately lowered his head, although theoretically virtual The keyboard can reduce people's typing fatigue and increase their typing speed, but it is conceivable that Chi Mo works so hard, not to mention the spirit, even the body cannot bear it.

Comparing the attitudes of the two sides, everyone gradually believed that Aoshi might really be a super genius.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the competition finally ended. The word counts of both sides had been counted on the big screen. The master in the depths of ink wrote a total of 61,000 words at a speed of about 8,000 per hour. This speed not only exceeded Chi Mo's usual level, but also Let all the writers look up to them, but they are afraid of comparison in everything. They are arrogant and domineering, and they have written a total of 85,000 words.

You know, during the eight-hour competition period, Aoshi slept for an hour, ate lunch for half an hour and took breaks from time to time. In total, he wrote for less than six hours, and his speed exceeded 10,000. have!

However, the number of words only accounts for 30% of the setting of this spelling bee, and the rest is scored by the public judges.

The audience in the audience quickly turned on their optical brains and connected to the network of Spelling Plaza. The article just written by the two masters has been uploaded to the Internet.

One is Interstellar and the other is the end of the world. These two themes don't seem to be so easy to write. And let Mo Se capitalize Interstellar, everyone feels a little strange.

The judges have two hours to read the text, because the two big hands are very fast, so they need to read it faster.

It's just that some people read the dark text first, and they couldn't help frowning.

Those who read the deep ink text first must be his fans, and they are very clear about his level. How could this interstellar text be written in big letters? The illegitimate child counterattacks and defeats the original spouse's son? What a bloody plot! Also, the atmosphere plane created in this novel is too depressing and dark, and the three views are also a bit distorted. It's not like the ink color who is always full of positive energy at all.

Not to mention the comparison with the current hot "Interstellar".

Only the writing style is still beautiful and smooth, but it is only at the level of an ordinary master, probably because the speed has increased, and the quality has naturally decreased.

The toners are a little bit worried, the color of the ink is written in such a way, unless the arrogant is really a parallel importer, otherwise this game will undoubtedly lose.

Readers who have read the article first, but their eyes are brightened, I am arrogant, I am a genius! In such a short period of time, it is really a fortress to write such a wonderful post-apocalyptic essay.

This idea, this background, and this description are like the reappearance of the last days, the city of zombies, the panicked human beings, and the pain after the disaster. Everyone can't help but immerse themselves in this novel.

However, the 80,000-character novel was read in less than an hour, and they immediately complained. This short 80,000-character novel only wrote the beginning of a novel, so it was not enough to read.

This ten thousand year old hole, I don't know that the Aozhi Conference will continue to fill in the hole.

Two hours passed quickly, and after the evaluation of the two books, everyone voted for Xinyi's novel.

The answer is obvious. Although the readers are also divided into camps, there are unwritten rules in the reader circle. In order to ensure the fairness and purity of the online literature circle, in this kind of competition, votes cannot be biased.

Of course, it's impossible to not be inclined at all, but today's deep ink color is far worse than arrogance to the world. Even if the toner fans want to support idols, most people don't have that face anymore.

The result came out soon. The spelling square took into account the mood of the writers and did not announce the actual number of votes, but the result was obvious.

The toners stared sleepily at the dark ink depths on the stage who were also stunned.

How can it be? Chi Mo only felt that the eyes of the crowd below were about to suffocate him. He seemed to be unable to hear anything, only the words "conquering the world and winning" on the big screen constantly stimulated him, and put a huge monster on his inner demon. The shackles, the exhaustion of the body and mind came up one after another.

He looked at Father Chi, who opened and closed his mouth, but he didn't know what he was talking about. He looked at Xu Nuo again, and Xu Nuo was looking at Lu Mingze with joy, the affection in his eyes was almost overflowing.

It turned out that they had such a relationship, he felt belatedly. So all his previous guesses were invalid?

There was a middle-aged woman sitting beside Xu Nuo, looking at Lu Mingze with loving eyes.

Is this the mistress who bewitched Chi Mingde to abandon him?

He looked at the audience below again, but was surprised to find that he couldn't see their faces clearly. Their cheers seemed to have nothing to do with him, Chi Mo, he was a defeated opponent, Chi Rui's defeated opponent.

Finally, he looked at Lu Mingze.

Lu Mingze glanced at him, with a kind of superior contempt in his eyes, just like Chi Mo's eyes when he looked at Chi Rui at the Super League annual meeting.

Chi Mo's mind exploded with a bang.

He was not as good as Chi Rui. He is not as good as Chi Rui. It turns out that Chi Rui is the real genius, so what about Chi Mo?

Chi Mo suddenly felt dizzy, and then he didn't know anything.

This competition became the most legendary stroke of the proud god who became popular all over the world. Apart from Ao Shida, one of the other two contestants fainted at the beginning of the game, and the other fainted at the end of the game.

This is really a dumbfounding result.

However, Aoshi Dashen finally used this battle to wash away the suspicion of hype on him, and because of his genius name, he attracted many crazy fans.

After the end of "Xianxia Qiyuan", it is logical to be another super writer in the circle.

However, after this battle, Mo Seda seemed to have exhausted his inspiration, and he never wrote a satisfactory work. Even if he opened a new article, the style of writing made people feel very uncomfortable. Fans, but they can't stand his extravagance. What's more, after this battle, although the readers don't say anything on the surface, they still secretly speculate whether this great god is really narrow-minded and intolerant. quantity?

Fans of Ao Shi Tianxia even began to conspiratorially speculate that perhaps, the Great God Mo Se suppressed Ao Shi Da God in the same way at the beginning, probably because he knew about Ao Shi Da's talent, that's why he suppressed him.

I just don't know what happened afterwards, which untied the shackles on Aoshi's mind and made Aoshi shine brightly.

Under such circumstances, there were fewer and fewer fans in the depths of ink, until many years later, because of the strange style of writing, he had become a street writer of the dark department.

And the pseudonym of Allure of the World, like a flash in the pan, rose rapidly and then died out very quickly. Even her "Secret History of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" became a huge pit.

No one knows why such a promising author left the web literature circle in such a disheartened manner.

But Lu Mingze knew that it was because without the text given to her by the system, Xiao Ting couldn't continue writing "The Secret History of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", even though she had actually read the book completely.

But these are no longer within his consideration. The luck value of the heroine and heroine has dropped to 1%, and he can submit the task.

Needless to say, Lu Mingze still chose to stay in this world, and, in order to please the Xu family behind Xu Nuo, he had already promised Mr. Xu to write an autobiography for him.

Lu Mingze: "..." In fact, he felt overwhelmed by this weird request.

Five years later, Lu Mingze has become a myth in the circle, while Chi Mo has lost his aura of a great god and has become an ordinary writer who is good at writing but can't write good stories. Due to poor management, they had to sell a large number of stocks in their hands one after another.

Feng Shui took turns, and when Lu Mingze finally moved Mr. Xu and the difficult Xu Ziqi to announce his wedding with Xu Nuo, Chi's father left the city in despair with an increasingly gloomy Chi Mo.

He originally thought that a new living environment would bring Chi Mo a good mood and prevent him from being so depressed, but only God knows what the result will be. Maybe in the gloomy and gloomy years to come, he will feel a little regret for the choices he made, but Lu Mingze doesn't know about these things.

Fifty years later, a generation of literary master Chi Rui passed away, and his lifelong lover Xu Nuo also committed suicide by taking medicine on the same day, which made future generations sigh.

But they didn't know that the souls of these two people were not annihilated, but lived in another strange time and space with another body.

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