Do you have to go?

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I had been with Bren for a week and well it's been the best week of my life. I think I'm starting to love again.. And I'm ok with that, I think.I woke up to the strong smell of coffee and pancakes. I got up, took a quick shower and threw on a panda onesie, because why not? And I walked down stairs to see Brendan trying, but failing, to make pancakes. Zoey had gone to the store to buy orange juice as we were out. I've only been with Bren for a couple days and I'm already starting to sound like him.

"Kate?" He asked me as I was staring at the wall thinking (like always)

"Huh? Oh ya hi Bren" I giggled and blushed. Why do I always zone out?

"Was that a giggle I heard?" He raised his eyebrow

"Maybe, are those burnt pancakes, slowly catching fire?" I asked him like that was the most normal thing. Sure enough they were catching small flames and there were as black as charcoal.

"BALLS!" He yelled. He quickly put out the fire when Zoey came in.

"What the heck? Why does it smell like burnt pancakes?" She asked. I laughed and Brendan blushed profusely. It was hilarious.


Brendan had sent me out to get orange juice since I was already on my way to the store to get him tea packets. I swear that boy never gets enough of it. I walked into the house just to get a whiff of burnt pancakes.

"What the heck? Why does is smelt like burnt pancakes?" I asked. Katie just laughed and Brendan blushed a bright shade of red. They are going to make such a cute couple, I can tell.

"Sorry" Brendan laughed.

"Whatever, I'll be in my room. And Katie I have a surprise for you." I yelled to them as I walked to my room. All I could hear was Katie asking what the surprise was. I ignored her and sat on my bed. I'm moving to Ireland. In Fact I actually bought the house next to Kate, so I'm really excited.

I was about to get into the shower when my phone rang. It was Josh. I picked it up.

••CONVO•• (Z= Zoey J= Josh)

Z- hey yoshi what's up?

J- oh Trouble *laughs* I actually had to tell you something

Z- yes?

J- well em Louis has planned for us to your Ireland, he rang me this morning to tell me that we have to leave tomorrow... I'm really sorry

Z- oh ok......

J- Zoey?? Are you still there??!!

Z- ya I'm here.. How long is the tour for?

J- a month and a half... But when we are done, we have a few weeks off... Um Zoey?

Z- yes Josh?

J- emmm will you go out with me tonight?

Z- of course Yoshi

J- oh thank goodness, ok I'll pick you up at half five?

Z- oh god.... Josh what is half five? I'm American remember? I don't know what that means *laughs*

J- oh ya! Sorry, it's five thirty.

Z- oh! Ok then yes that fine, I have to go but I'll see you tonight. Bye Yoshi

J- grand, bye Trouble

~~~~~end of convo~~~~~

OH MY GOSH!!! I am going out on a day with Josh!!!!! I've only known him for a couple of days, but I've been texting him.. A lot and I really like him. God I'm excited and nervous, but mostly excited. I got into the shower and shaved, then I got out and threw on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt that read The Beatles.

I ran downstairs just to see Kate and Brendan pretty much making out on the couch. I smirked and coughed a little bit. They both looked at me and blushed. God they both blushed so much. I'm surprised they aren't classified as part time tomatoes.

"Sorry to disturb you make out session, but Katie I need your help" I said motioning for her to follow me to my room.

"Why do you need help?" She asked me, still blushing slightly

~~~~~KATIE'S POV~~~~~

"Why do you need help?" I asked. I was still a little embarrassed that she had called me and Bren out while we were making out.

"Kate, I'm going on a date with Josh tonight at half five!" She smiled. She really likes him I know it. They'll be soooo cute, I can tell.

"Aahhhh, I'm so happy for you! What did he tell you to wear?" I squealed.

"Huh I don't know he never told me, I'll text him" she laughed. After about 2 minutes Josh had replied to her. And if your wondering how I knew, her face always lit up like a kid at a birthday party when he texted her.

"He said fancy, but I didn't bring anything fancy" she said sighing. She had only been here for 3 days. I wish she could stay here in Ireland. I don't know what I'll do when she's gone. Maybe I'll audition for the X-factor. You never know.

"You can borrow Some of my fancy clothes!" I said wiggling my eyebrows. She knew that a had really fancy clothes and she had the perfect shape unlike me. I think I'm overweight, so I never wear any of my bodycon dresses, I just let Zoey borrow them until I loose enough weight to properly got into them.

We walked into my room and I immediately  spotted a cute black bodycon dress.

I pointed to it and she just nodded her head and grinned. She put it on and she looked perfect! Ugh I wish I looked that good. She did her makeup and before we knew it, it was half five and she was off with Josh.

"Katie.... Can you come here?" Bren called me.

"Yup" I popped the "p" as I walked to the couch where he was sitting. He had his head in his hands and he looked a bit distressed.

"Are you ok?" I asked worried. I sat down next to him on the couch and gave him a hug.

"Um Kate, Louis has planned for us to tour Ireland ...." He said looking at me, afraid of my answer.

"Oh, that great! How long is the tour?" I asked, I was genuinely happy for them.

"A month and a half, I'm sorry Katie, I wish I could stay with you" he said sadly. My heart dropped. Remember how I said I was afraid to love, well this was why, every time that one person will end up leaving me one way or another. I know this is different, I know Brendan's not leaving me forever but I can't help but think that he will find someone better than me.

"No it's fine, but do you have to go?" I ask laughing a little bit to try and lighten up the mood. He chuckled.

"I'm afraid so babe, I'm just worried, will you be ok?" He asked me.

"I should be" I smiled. I didn't want to tell him everything bad that's happened because I have Zoey and I am officially putting that in my past. I'm just hoping these nightmares go away soon.

"You don't look to sure of that Kate" he raised an eyebrow. I hugged and pecked him on the lips. Was I scared of him leaving?, yes. Was I happy for him? Yes. Why? Because I love him. Ok I said it I love him. I Katie Swan love Brendan Murray.

"What?" Brendan said shocked but in a happy way.

"You love me?" He said, a smile spread across his face.

"I guess I do" I said kissing him once again.

"I Brendan Murray, love you too Katie Swan." He said smiling.

~~~~~ZOEY'S POV~~~~~

I had already gone to a fancy restaurant with Josh and now we are driving home. We were stopped outside Katie's house when Josh said something to me.

" what did you say?" I asked.

"Oh em nothing, it was nothing" he looked nervous.

"Josh I know it's something, just tell me," I told him giving a hug. He hugged back and then muttered something I would have only dreamed of him saying.

" Zoey, I know we've only known each other for a week or so but, will you be my girlfriend?" I sat there shocked.

"Yes, of course I will yoshi!" In that moment, I don't know what came over us or why we thought it was a good idea, but before I knew it we were kissing. I broke apart from the kiss smiling like an idiot as he was too.

"Thanks for the amazing night Josh"

"Hey um Zoey? Wild you Maybe want to stay the night at my place" he face lit up at the though of me staying over.

"Well.... Ya why not?!" I laughed. With that I was off to Josh's flat. When we had gone into he had asked my if I had any clothes and I just have him that look like ' are you serious' and he just laughed at his stupidity and threw me a jersey and some joggers. Since I had already taken a shower, I just threw on the clothes.

"Josh where do I sleep?" He chuckled while I just looked at him confused.

"In bed of course" he said

"So where are you going to sleep?" I asked.

"In the bed too? Only if that ok with you" he said smiling. I just nodded as he hoped on the bed and patted the spot next to him. I decided to text Katie to let her know I'm at Josh's house. It was 10 o'clock at night so she might have fallen asleep. DANG IT!!! I forgot to tell her that I was moving.... Eh I'll tell her tomorrow.

"Are you ok?" Josh asked me.

"Oh ya! I'm fine, I just forgot to tell Katie that I'm moving here and I just so happened to buy the house next to her!" I laughed.

"That's great!!" He said smiling at me. I just hummed in agreement as he pulled me closer to him.

"Night yoshi"

"Night Zoey" he said and with that I fell asleep in his chest.

HEEEEEYYYYYYYYY🤓 Josh and Zoey are together! I hope you guys are liking or maybe even loving the story😏🙈 I'm going to try to update every week and if I can. I have summer homework tho like uuugghhhhh how does school manage to ruin summer?!😫 ANYWAYYYSSSSS.... thank you for reading!!!

Please vote/ comment/ and of course read😂 oh and I changed the cover😏 I was wondering if you guys could help me pick out a new one because i can't seem to find one that really fits the story. I've also seen that a lot of you make amazing edits so if you might have the time... Maybe you could make one for me? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to but you can if you do.. I'll stop taking now😂😂

Bye lovelies 💕💕💕💕xxx

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