Chapter 9: Day of Reckoning Part 2

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God: Let's go.

Albert: Nig-

Ishizaki: Whoa! What the fuck, Albert?!

Mori: It seems like a meme where an African American man is reacting to a video of a elementary school child at a spelling bee and the child got a word that's similar to a racist word, but it was a completely different word and used to describe an Ethiopian king.

Sonoda: That's oddly specific.

Mori: Just a hunch.

Yamashita: I feel like I've seen that meme before.

Ayanokouji entered Class D's classroom after leaving Hoshinomiya-sensei. Ayanokouji sat down at his desk and noticed a change in atmosphere in the classroom. Most of his classmates looked panicked, scared, and frustrated.

It seems that Kushida told everyone about the midterm.

"What are we supposed to do?" wailed Ike.

"I know right! I don't any of this stuff!" agreed Yamauchi.

Sudou slammed his fists into his desk and scowled. Some students looked panicked and grabbed their notebooks while others looked frustrated like Sudou.

"Does Sae-chan-sensei hates us?!? Why didn't she tell us?" cried Ike. Yamauchi nodded his head in agreement.

Kondo: I bet you didn't even study.

Ike (looking down): Y-Yeah...

Mashima-sensei: Chabashira-sensei, we need to have a talk about your way of teaching your class.

Chabashira-sensei: I-It was before... I'm not like that.

It seemed that some of the teachers gave her a doubtful look while Chabashira-sensei seemed remorseful about her past actions.

"Everyone, please calm down! I know you all are feeling scared and frustrated. But, this won't help us. Good thing Kushida-san found out before it's too late. Let's focus on these topics for our study groups!" said Hirata. It had its intended effect, calming down the classroom mostly. The majority of the girls nodded in agreement lead by Karuizawa.

"Hirata-kun is right!"

"Thank you, Kushida-chan!"

"You saved us!"

Gratitude was given to Kushida from majority of the class, thanking her for the heads up.

"It was nothing. Anything to help the class." said Kushida, scratching her cheek in a shy, reserved way.

"Kushida-chan is such an angel!" said Ike, happily. Yamauchi and some of the boys nodded along in agreement. Horikita snorted, but only Ayanokouji could hear it. Ayanokouji was puzzled by Horikita's actions. With that, Class D was given a late warning about the midterm topics and have about a week left until the midterm.

Some of Ayanokouji's classmates looked embarrassed and ashamed because the truth on how Kushida got the new topics from Chabashira-sensei was revealed last video. Clearly, they looked like they were gullible and were fooled by Ayanokouji.

Horikita: Ayanokouji-kun always seemed content in hiding in the shadows. God mentioned briefly that there are alternative universe that Ayanokouji-kun does not hide at all.

**Timeskip (an hour and half later)**

Mashona-sensei left the classroom, marking the end of English. Hoshinomiya-sensei entered the classroom to teach science. Some of the boys perked up immediately when they saw Hoshinomiya-sensei.

"Hey, everyone. It's time for science with your favorite sensei~" said Hoshinomiya-sensei. Some boys nodded and kept their eyes locked on Hoshinomiya-sensei.

"Let's get started."

Hoshinomiya-sensei began teaching the lessons. Ayanokouji noticed that most of his classmates are paying attention to the lessons, remembering what Hirata told them and desperately trying to gain some points. Ayanokouji noticed that Hoshinomiya-sensei is giving Ayanokouji sideways glances and lingering stares.

Hoshinomiya-sensei had an embarrassed expression on her face. It was a mixture of shock, embarrassment, and horror on her face, but she had a slight smile on her face. Everyone in the audience still remembered the shock of Hoshinomiya-sensei falling for Ayanokouji and how his soulmates power can even influence full-grown women.

A little over halfway through the class, Hoshinomiya-sensei passed out some worksheets for the class to work. Ayanokouji looked at the worksheet that he received and it goes over the things that they just learned. Ayanokouji started to fill out the worksheet slowly to match his classmates' pace, deciding which questions to get wrong, and what his score should be. Ayanokouji heard Hoshinomiya-sensei approaching him, coming down the aisle.

"Ara~ Ayanokouji-kun. Do you need a little help?" asked Hoshinomiya-sensei.

"No thanks, sensei." replied Ayanokouji.

"Don't be like that~. Look, you got this question wrong."

"I see."

"Let sensei help you~."

Hoshinomiya-sensei sat down on Ayanokouji's desk. Her buttocks paced firmly on his desk, taking over half of the desk. This limits Ayanokouji's movement and space for his hand. Ayanokouji don't have much space to move his hand to write on the paper without accidentally touching Hoshinomiya-sensei's body. Hoshinomiya-sensei's thighs were placed on Ayanokouji's worksheet so he couldn't move and reposition the worksheet. Hoshinomiya-sensei placed her right leg above her left leg, crossing her legs. It was dangerous for Ayanokouji because Hoshinomiya-sensei is wearing a short skirt and Ayanokouji could see the forbidden which lie beyond the skirt. Since Hoshinomiya-sensei is sitting on top of Ayanokouji's desk, she's looking down at Ayanokouji, who is sitting down. Hoshinomiya-sensei leaned down and looked at Ayanokouji's worksheet. The blouse that Hoshinomiya-sensei is wearing slipped off a little due to the change of gravity, showing a little bit of her neck and collarbone. She tilted her head and brushed and tucked some hair behind her left hair. Hoshinomiya-sensei was so close to Ayanokouji that he can smell her perfume and feel the heat emitting from her body. Ayanokouji could accidentally touch Hoshinomiya-sensei's thighs if he accidentally got careless with his writing and brush his hand against her body.

Everyone turned to look at Hoshinomiya-sensei, who had a flustered expression. Then, some people turned and looked at Ayanokouji, who just stared at the screen blankly with his usual stoic and blank expression. Ayanokouji looked calm on the outside, but in the inside, he was just as surprised by Hoshinomiya-sensei's actions and how it's the complete opposite of a teacher. Ayanokouji already knew that Hoshinomiya-sensei acted more like a student than a teacher based on his encounters with her, but this exceeded his expectations.

Mashima-sensei: Hoshinomiya-sensei... this is unacceptable!

Sakagmi-sensei: Not going to lie... That's kind of hot.... Wait. I mean how deplorable and unprofessional.

Chairman Sakayanagi: If any of you see Hoshinomiya-sensei doing something like this and showing unacceptable behavior as a teacher, please report this to the school.

Chabashira-sensei (sighing): Chie... must I remind you every time to not harass my student.

Hoshinomiya-sensei: T-That's rich coming from you, Sae-chan. I'm not the only one that wanted something from Ayanokouji-kun~

Hoshinomiya-sensei said it in a way that made Chabashira-sensei look bad. She was talking about the time that Chabashira-sensei threatened Ayanokouji with expulsion if he didn't stay quiet and listen in on the conversation between herself and Horikita in the guidance counselor room. Of course, it was shown in the previous videos and Hoshinomiya-sensei was referencing it. Nevertheless, some dirty-minded individuals thought Hoshinomiya-sensei was talking about something else: something that shouldn't happen between a teacher and student.

Chabashira-sensei: That's enough out of you!

Shibata: It looks like Hoshinomiya-sensei is on the move already.

Andou: Poor Ayanokouji-kun.

Ichinose: Hoshinomiya-sensei too? I'm not sure if the laws can protect Ayanokouji-kun from her.

Kei: That succubus!

Ayanokouji could feel the stares of his soulmates aimed directly at him. Horikita, Shinohara, and Azuma are glaring at him and looked at Hoshinomiya-sensei suspiciously. Mii-chan, Mori, Onodera, and Kushida looked surprised and watched on. Some of the boys are glaring at Ayanokouji and muttered curses at his lucky situation. The rest of the girls looked at the duo with shock and surprise at the seductive position of Hoshinomiya-sensei and couldn't believe that a teacher is doing something like that with a student.

"It should've been me, not him!" muttered Yamauchi. Everyone could hear him and some of the boys nodded along.

"Sensei, please refrain from doing such actions to your students. Especially in front of the entire class." said Ayanokouji.

"Don't be like that. Playing hard to get, are you?~" teased Hoshinomiya-sensei.


"I don't mind hunting. Watch your back, Ayanokouji-kun." whispered Hoshinomiya-sensei, only she and Ayanokouji could heard.

"Sensei! I need some help!" said Ike, raising his hand.

"Me too!" said Yamauchi, raising his hand as well. Some of the other boys raised their hands as well and the girls gave them a look that reminded Ayanokouji of looking at pure garbage and filth.

"Ara~. Can't you see? I'm helping Ayanokouji-kun right now.~" said Hoshinomiya-sensei. The boys that raised their hands gave Ayanokouji a glare and a look of impatience, urging him to hurry and finish up with Hoshinomiya-sensei.

Oh no. Here we go again. Here comes all the attention.

"Don't worry, Ayanokouji-kun. I'll make sure you'll remember all of it.~" said Hoshinomiya-sensei. The way that she phrased it had double meaning and Ayanokouji wondered what it meant. Hoshinomiya-sensei helped Ayanokouji with the questions that he got wrong, explaining it. The way that she explained it to Ayanokouji was seductive and over-friendly. Hoshinomiya-sensei wasn't a bad teacher, but her teaching methods are questionable and concerning for a teacher. Ayanokouji kept his cool and his neutral blank face the entire time. He was sure that most of the boys in the class would've lost it by now especially Ike and Yamauchi.

Mashima-sensei & Chairman Sakayanagi: Hoshinomiya-sensei!!

Ichinose: Hoshinomiya-sensei...

Ichinose: Now my sensei became another competitor.

Ryuuen: Looks like Monster is the one being hunted. Kukuku.

Horikita: Can we get this teacher fired?

Some people gave Hoshinomiya-sensei a second look as they couldn't believe what the alternative version of herself is doing. Others, mostly from Hoshinomiya-sensei's class, sighed as they were already used to the antics of their homeroom teacher. Hoshinomiya-sensei gave out a nervous laugh and scratched her cheek shyly. Not only that Hoshinomiya-sensei is doing something questionable and illegal, but she's more active than the rest of Ayanokouji's soulmates. Ike and some of the perverted boys that were shown on the screen stared at the ground in shame and embarrassment. Shinohara and some of the girls gave Ike and the rest of the boys that were shown on the screen raising their hands and trying to being Ayanokouji's situation some glares and looks.

Ike: Shit.

After explaining, Hoshinomiya-sensei got up from Ayanokouji's desks and made her way back to the front of the classroom. Some of the boys tried to get her attention and ask for help, but it was obvious that it wasn't their true intentions. Hoshinomiya-sensei waved them off and ignored them. They glared at Ayanokouji and muttered curses at his luck. Most of the staring were gone at that point because Hoshinomiya-sensei wasn't with Ayanokouji.

After 10 more minutes of silence, Hoshinomiya-sensei told everyone to pass the worksheets to the front where she collected all of them. Hoshinomiya-sensei told them it's for her to check to see where everyone is at and what they need to work on before the midterm. With that, science was over and Hoshinomiya-sensei left the room.

This is troublesome. I can't believe that Hoshinomiya-sensei did that in front of the entire class. My soulmates are looking at me, some of the boys are giving me the glare, and the girls are thinking I'm a pervert.

Ishizaki: Bruh. How?

Hashimoto: King was just sitting there and doing nothing. How the hell is he a pervert?

Shibata: Hashimoto, you're spitting facts.

Kanzaki: The double standards...

Ike: Perverts!

Akito: Ironic coming from you, Ike.

It seemed that a good number of boys from the audience came together and supported the alternative version of Ayanokouji, who is accused of being a pervert even though it was Hoshinomiya-sensei's actions and entirely her fault. Some of girls that belong to Ayanokouji's class and were shown giving him a look of disgust on the screen said their apologies to Ayanokouji. Ayanokouji reminded them that it's an alternative universe and to not jump to conclusions. Of course, it had no effect on Ayanokouji and was an alternative universe.

Ayanokouji: There's no point in panicking about something that happened in an alternative universe. It's not like it happened to me. Although some events shown did happen here.

**Timeskip (after class)**

Ayanokouji decided to do the most honorable thing as a man when being confronted by a group of angry and distrustful high school girls. He immediately made a run for it. Ayanokouji already had his things packed into his bag and made a run before any of soulmates can get to him. Ayanokouji exited the classroom quickly with his soulmates surprised by his speed. They quickly began angry and annoyed that Ayanokouji escaped.

Hashimoto: Run, King! Run!

Ryuuen: Monster is running something like this? The fuck am I looking at?

Some of the boys gave Ayanokouji a salute as they thought if they were in that exact situation, fleeing is the best option and the most respectable and honorable thing to do. No one wanted to be caught by a group of distrustful high school girls that clearly is in love with the same guy especially when one of them having a sharp compass in her possession.

Ayanokouji decided not to go to the dorm for a while and stay at Keyaki Mall. Ayanokouji was on his way to the Keyaki Mall, but remember his encounter with Nanami and the crepes stand. He wanted to try out the crepes on that day and decided to go there. Ayanokouji entered the park and found the crepe stand. He purchased the chocolate crepe and found an empty bench. Ayanokouji began eating his crepe slowly, enjoying the sweet and delicious taste. After a few minutes, the crepe was reduced to a small stubble and Ayanokouji wondered if he should get another.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun!" said Nanami, walking up to Ayanokouji.

"Hello, Nanami. Studying again?" asked Ayanokouji, giving her a wave with his free hand.

"Yep! Is this your first time having crepes from here?"

"Yeah. It's surprisingly good."

"I know right!"

Nanami sat down next to Ayanokouji and started taking out textbooks and workbooks. Ayanokouji finished the rest of his crepes, got up from the bench, and threw away the crepe wrapping into the nearest trash can.

Kei looked very nervous about this development as she just watched 2 of her classmates and one of her teachers fall in love with her boyfriend last video. Nanami also shifted uncomfortably as she remembered what happened to Onodera, Mori, and Hoshinomiya-sensei last video and she did not want the same thing to happened between her and Ayanokouji.

Ryuuen: No way! Monster is going wild on my class! Kukuku!

Nanami: R-Ryuuen-kun?! T-There's no way!

Ayanokouji: Ryuuen making everything 100 times worse as usual?

Some of people in Ryuuen's class were whispering to each other and some of the girls in Ryuuen's class looked at Ayanokouji with a nervous and on-guard expression.  Kei had a nervous look as she realized that a potential of 20 more girls might fall in love with her boyfriend. Ichinose stared at the girls in Ryuuen's class blankly and calculated her chances against them. It seemed that Ryuuen's comment have ignited some curiosity, anxiety, and fear from some of the audience members as they stared at the screen.

"Shouldn't you being at a table instead of a bench?" asked Ayanokouji, wondering why Nanami is choosing to study and write on a bench instead of a table. A table is the best alternative and doesn't require Nanami to lean down or get into an awkward position while writing.

"Yeah. But, all the tables at the park at occupied." said Nanami.

"I see."

"Hey. It's turns out that the midterm topics that I showed you was right."

"Yeah. Chabashira-sensei confirmed it as well."

"That's good."

The duo sat in silence for a few minutes as Nanami was looking at her workbook and scribbling in it. Nanami seems to be struggling in science and the concepts she was stuck on was taught today by Hoshinomiya-sensei today.

"You've got question 57 wrong. It's supposed to be mitosis instead of meiosis." said Ayanokouji.

"Really?! Mitosis is the one that divides to 4 sex cells?" asked Nanami, tapping her pencil to her chin.

"No. That's meiosis. Mitosis is one that divided into 2 identical daughter cells."

"I see. Oops, I'm always getting messed up when they have similar names like that, you know."

Ryuuen: Monster could teach biology all right. A real hands-on approach. Kukuku.

Ishizaki: Wait. Don't tell... Oh fuck!

Nanami: R-Ryuuen-kun!

Manabe: The fuck?!

Ryuuen's unnecessary comment gave him some glares and looks from some of the girls. Nanami had a flustered expression on her face and Manabe gave Ryuuen a glare. Some dirty-minded boys covered their mouths as their imagination ran wild. Some of them gave Ayanokouji a look which he was used to at this point.

Ayanokouji (sighing): Ryuuen just made everything worse.

"That's understandable."

"You seem better than me at science, Ayanokouji-kun."

"Nah. Just average. We were taught this today."

All of the people that knew or suspicious of Ayanokouji's abilities silently pressed the 'X' button to doubt or rolled their eyes by Ayanokouji's constantly saying that he's average. Even some people were having their doubts about Ayanokouji being average due to the videos showing that he might not be as average as he claimed.

"Yeah, but I suck at science. Especially the stuff at cells and biology."

"I see."

"So much things to remember. I can't wait to be done with biology!"

"I'll help you out, but don't expect me to know everything."

"Thanks, Ayanokouji-kun! That would be great."

Nanami and Ayanokouji spent at least 15 minutes working on biology problems. Ayanokouji decided to hold back and answer easy and medium level questions. From a distance, it would look like that Ayanokouji and Nanami seems close and sharing a book together.

Nanami froze when she was talking to Ayanokouji before looking over towards her side instead of her workbook. Ayanokouji was puzzled by Nanami's sudden gazes and focus away from her workbooks. He glanced up as well and saw a girl standing a good distance back, watching them.

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