You were roaming around the area, minding your own business. Then you felt a presence, as if someone was staring at you... You looked around then you see a cookie staring at you... Who could it be?.. Before you could know who it was, they disappeared into the shadows.
Y/N: what the?..
It was the next day, you were minding your own business again... Then you felt the same feeling from yesterday... You were getting uncomfortable... You look back and saw the same cookie from yesterday. This was getting uncomfortable for you, why won't she leave you alone?..
Y/N: hey!.. Who are you?..
You yell at her, she just smiles at you. This was concerning... She walks up to you and pulled her closer towards her, this had surprised you! Why did she just pull you out of nowhere?..
???: you don't know how long I wanted to be with a beautiful girl like you... I can't take it anymore... I want you to be mine!!
She said as she looks at you with loving eyes, you tried to get out of the grip of the cookie but she was more stronger. She had dragged you somewhere far, you were getting concerned! You don't know what to do and her intentions are... You just let her drag you.
Y/N: who are you?..
???: *laughs softly* oh darling... I had forgot to tell you who I am... I am Scorpion Cookie
You just nod your head, you don't want to get hurt by this woman... She might be dangerous... Unsure if you can get out of her grip...
Scorpion: don't worry love~ you'll be safe if my arms~
To be continued!!
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