You were in your cell
Almond cookie was talking to one of the policemen about this of the attacks
"Hey let me out!"
You yelled out at Almond cookie
He gave you tired sigh
"Shut it you committed multiple attacks"
He said but you just gave him a eye roll
"Yeah so what they deserve it.. "
You replied he gave you a glare
"Yes they might deserve it but you have no right to kill them"
You were getting pissed at this point
"Yeah!? I'm allowed to do what I fucking want!"
He scoffed
"A criminal like you don't deserve it"
He said to you and walked away with the policeman that he was talking to
You mumbled some cursed words under your breathe and for sure that calmed you down so you we finding a way out of there
~•ten hour later•~
"Detective let me outtt"
You were trying to annoy Almond cookie
"Ughhh it's boring here"
You said back
"Well sleep I don't really care"
He said after you gave him a middle finger
Which it made Almond cookie mad
"Hey you can't do that to me"
He said but you just did it again
"I don't care man"
You said which pissed him even more
He looks at you with a annoyed look
"Are you trying to get unto my nerves?..."
He said which it made you laugh
"Maybe man you are annoying"
You said to him back
Which was the last straw
"Look here bud... You are here to suffer and suffer you'll get!"
He said
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net