Anna Anjou (Oneshot)

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"Yeah, no matter how hard I think about it... I don't get it..." You said as you read a book in the class. There was nobody else in the classroom. "I'm not the smartest kid, and the class is like the dark side of humanity. Seriously, the pranks they do here are nuts! In any case.... For some reason unknown to me, recently..."

A girl with blond hair wrapped her arms around your shoulders eating a lollipop.

"Aahahah, you're really early, Y/n! Oh, you're studying like always."

"Anjou has been getting involved with me recently, and almost everything she does....IS SOMEHOW EROTIC!!" You said in your head as the girl patted your head.

"Y/n is going his best so I'll give him a koho-bi." She said as she took the lollipop out of her mouth and handed it to you. "Don't worry, it's still sweet. I've licked it unfortunately, is that okay?"

"Y-Yeah right, as if I could eat this." You said and put it in your napkin with a blush. She smiled at you and sat down in mat the desk in front of you.

"What~? It's really easy. All you gotta do..." She put her finger to her mouth and pressed her tongue with it. "...Is connect it with your mouth."

"Damn it-!" You blushed even more and tried to focus on reading your book.

"Y/n, did you see that horror movie yesterday?" Anjou asked you but you didn't answer, she yawned. "I couldn't sleep, it was bad! The beach scene halfway through..."

"I didn't think someone like you would be bad with horror." You told her as she stretched.

"Yeah, I know it's surprising. The couples sex scene also made me so horny and I couldn't sleep." "PFFF—!" You choked on air and started coughing.

"That's why you couldn't sleep?!" You looked at her in disbelief.

"Yeah, they're foreigners, yeah? As expected, you can't do it on the beach." She said and looked into her bag. You tried to catch your breath still but... "They all died in the end~ ahaha."

"Wait... the way she said it...." You pondered as you looked at her as she put on make up. "Does she have experience in that kinda stuff? She seems to tease me a lot about it."

"You probably want to do that sort of thing outside, don't you?" "AND WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT THAT?!" You blushed and shouted at her as she smiled at the young boy.

"You're a virgin after all." She said as you gave her a deadpan look.

"I'm not a virgin..." "Cap." She said as you were confused, rising an eyebrow.

"What?" You asked her and she smiled.

"That's cap." She called you out, but she couldn't really tell. She leaned on your desk and touched the chest. "Does it bother you, Y/n? Have you not even had your virgin kiss?"

"S-So what!?" You got defensive as she got closer to your face. "There's nothing wrong with that!"

"If you tell me the real thing, I'll give you a kiss." Anjou said but you didn't believe her one bit so you sighed.

"I already told you, Anjou." You said as she noticed your doubt and started laughing.

"Ahahaha! You really haven't?!" She said as you started to get annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I bet you don't have any experience, you heard my things and yet you won't share?" You said and started to pick up the book as she went on her phone. "That's pretty sly."

"I suppose." She said as the room went quiet. You started blushing more and turning the pages of your book quickly.

"SHE'S NOT GONNA SAY ANYTHING?!" You shouted in your head.

"Though you did tell me honestly, I will break that promise~." She said and held your hand, slowly putting down your book. You had a look of unamusement.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" You asked her and she got in your face.

"I'll be taking your first~." She stated and you smirked knowing that she wasn't gonna do it.

"Sure, sure. What do you want me to do, Anjou?" You asked her as she smirked at you.

"Wow, look at the confidence radiating off of you. I don't know if you should be doubting me though, Y/n." She said seeing your cocky smile, still seeing it she had a light blush and moved her hair behind her ear. "Close your eyes."

You closed them and scoffed. "Yeah, I'm not an idiot. I might be easy to trick but I know from all the cliché manga and movies that this doesn't ever really happen. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that Anime fucking lies to you."


"Hm...? Wait... something wrong, I feel pressure on my face. But... MHM?! SOMETHING COLD AND WET TOUCHED MY LOWER LIP!?" You immediately shot your eyes open with a massive blush and saw Anjou making a Fox with her hand.

"AHAHAHA! What's with that face, Y/n? You got what you wanted?" She said as you sighed with a smile.

"Don't worry, I figured you couldn't do it." You said as you shook off your blush. "But making fun of me because I-"

"Huh? That's kinda weird, you're early today?"

Two of Anjou's friends came into class. "Hey, did you see yesterday's movie?"

"I saw, I saw! It was bad~ The bit halfway..." Anjou seemingly forgot all about you and talked with her friends. You picked up the book again but couldn't help but wonder why she had to sit in front of you.

"Yeah, she gets to make a face like she didn't care. What if I was sensitive to that kinda stuff?" You thought and wiped your lips with a tiny blush. "Killing time with my suffering... huh?"

You saw lipstick on the back of your hand and your lower lip was still wet. "...Eh?"

"THIS...CAN'T BE?!" You looked at Anjou who looked at you blushing and made a Fox with her hands, before she put them to her lips. She then looked at your lower lip and licked her lips, making you blush even more.

"But isn't that kinda thing, coming early rare? What were you doing?" One of her friends asked her.

"Just a bit~ Y/n was doing his best so I gave him a Koho-Bi." She smiled with a cocky attitude and put her hand Fox in your tomato face.

"Seems like a paradise compared to this." You said as you had gloves and a sponge on. Cleaning the bathroom, not only that, the school bathrooms... "This feels like I'm in a horror movie."

"But at least it's clean! You did a pretty good job, Y/n!" Anjou appeared and rested her arm on your head. You quickly turned to look at her in shock.

"A-Anjou? Why are you in here!? This is the men's bathroom!" You shouted and she smiled.

"I thought you'd feel lonely all by yourself." She said as you were confused.

"Alone? Where is everyone else?!" You asked her as she messed with her hair.

"They said it was too much hassle." You gritted your teeth and sighed.

"What the hell... why am I the only one putting in the work?" You asked a legitimate question. Anjou crouched down next to you and you could see a bit of her cleavage, not that you wanted to of course.

"Still, I'm so impressed!" Anjou said as you looked away.

"Y-You aren't feeling embarrassed or scared for being here? This is the men's bathroom." You asked her and she smiled.

"Don't you know? Girls come in here too!" "HUH?!" You questioned her when she said it full of confidence.

"I've seen couples use the stall at the end there, lol." She actually said lol. You tried to act dumb once you finally got it.

"Oh...what'd they use it for?" You asked and she started pinching your cheek.

"C'mon, Y/n! Don't act dumb now!" She said with a smile as you tried getting her hand off.

"Hey, Anjou! Ow...! Knock it...!" You suddenly heard the bathroom door open.

"Hah, so tired..." A man said as you started freaking out.

"Shit! Someone's coming! I knew you coming here was a bad id-!" Anjou suddenly grabbed you hand and pulled you away. Two men walked to the urinals.

"Ugh, I can't deal with it." "Yeah."

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" You asked yourself as you and Anjou were hiding at the end stall in the bathroom. You had your hands to the wall and your feet on the ground, trying not to touch her. Her hips were to your waist as she smiled at you leaning back on the closed toilet scene. "THIS POSITION-! Isn't this—-?!  No! No! Don't think about it! I can see her breast-NOOOO! I can't let them find out we're here!"

Anjou wrapped her legs around your waist and you blushed heavily. She had her usual teasing blush as put her index finger to your mouth. "Shhh~"

"AGJSHAUEHSHJ!" Your brain shut off as Anjou heard something the other boys were saying.

"Cleaning is such a drag." One said.

"You say that like we haven't been skipping out on it this whole time, Ahahaha!" The other looked at him.

"Only idiots do it." The other replied as the other man chuckled.

"True that!" Anjou got annoyed at the boys and looked at your blushing mess.

"Okay, if I get out now, all I'd have to do is wait until..." You then saw Anjou inhaling. "What the hell are-"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!❤️"

Everyone flinched and jumped. Her legs were still around you. "Anjou! What the the hell is-"AHN!❤️AHN!❤️"

"W-What's that sound?" "Don't tell me.. someone's doing it?" The guys questioned and blushed.

"What are you planning?!" You asked her and she chuckled.

"Since we're already here, why not enjoy the situation? Just like a real couple." She said with a smile and put her tongue out. You scoffed.

"Besides your beauty, I'm not falling into the rabbit hole." You said with a blush and just closed your eyes.

"You say that and yet your blushing like crazy~." She said as she pulled you closer. You tried to look away from her. "Your ears are so red! They're so soft..."

"Stop messing with my ears, Anjou!" You shouted at her and so she patted your chest with laughter.

"Yeah-...." She paused and felt your eight pack abs. She then looked back at you in confusion. "Just how do you-?"

"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAA!!!" She poked your side and you couldn't help but let out a weird scream.

"W-What was that?" "Scary and kinda gross!" The men left the bathroom as Anjou started cracking up.

"PFFFFT, LOL... what was that, Y/n?" She asked you with a huge smile. "Your sides are sensitive?"

"Don't laugh about it!" You said as she looked at you and ticked her tongue out.

"Weakness spotted~." She said as you blushed at her beauty. She got up and stretched. "All right, time to run!"

"Run?" You wondered as she put her finger to her grin.

"'Cause it'd be embarrassing if people knew that voice came from you when we were here together." She said as you suddenly got depressed.

"Damn it, why do I hang out with you...?" "Ahahaha, sorry sorry, I'm just joking! C'mon let's go!" She laughed and grabbed your hands, and pulled you out of the bathroom and to the hallway.

"Uh, handholding is embarrassing and lewd, Anjou! Let go!" You told her as she smiled and kept running.

"Come on, Y/n! Get a hold of yourself!" She said with a chuckle.

"Somehow, Anjou... is really cool, in all kinds of ways." You admitted as you smiled. You ran forward by her side. "You know my hands are dirty, right?"

"Ah.... I guess it's okay if I wash 'em later?"

"Alright, let's see this out?" You said taking out a case of your new glasses.

"Mornin' Y/n." She said as she saw the case. "I didn't know you wore glasses!"

"Yeah, I usually wear contacts but they got damaged so it back to these." You told her as she sat down and put them on.

" do I look?" She said as she pushed up your glasses. You felt your heart skip a beat but you were more confused than anything. "Y/n, your eyes are really bad!"

"I know already, just give me my glasses." You reached for them and she smirked and turned her head.

"I know! How many fingers do you see?" She put her fingers up and you looked at her with unamusement.

"I'm not that blind, even I can see it if it's that close." You explained and she sat back in the chair with a 'hmph'.

"How boring." She cutely pouted.

"Can I have my glasses back now? I can't really study without them." You asked her as she sat on the table.

"You don't really need 'em, do you?" She asked you as you started to get annoyed.

"Of course I do..."

"You can see fine without them, right?"

"I can't!" You said as Anjou smiled.

"Here!" "EEEEEEH?!" She lifted her skirt on the desk, you quickly shut your eyes and turned away.

"Ahahahaha! You can see after all! They're only my shorts!" She laughed as you still blushed.

"No! It's not about my eyesight Damn it! How the hell can you flip your skirt up in my face even if you're wearing shorts?!"
You were seen in your room, you slowly got up from the bell and picked up your glasses from your desk. "Man, I gotta get used to glasses again. Only a little longer."

"Aunty! I'm headed off early again!" You shouted after you got read for school again. You looked at the sun and smiled. Once you got to school, it was the same boring stuff, yet you studied hard as always. What else is there to do? If you aren't in class to learn then your simply disrupting the others. You went to the cafeteria and got a couple melon buns and tried not to draw attention to yourself. You read a study guide as you walked down the hall. You heard gargling and water running. You looked to see Anjou slurp the water and then spit it out. She finally noticed you and stood up straight.

"Wow, Y/n, studying while walking, impressive." She said as you nodded.

"It takes some practice at first but after a while... You'll get it." You said with a smile and she smirked.

"Guess that means you've got good body coordination right~?" She teased as you blushed a little.

"I-I... I guess?" She then walked to your chest and poked it.

"Whatcha got there? Don't tell me your spending your lunch break alone again?" She asked you as you saw where this going.

"Listen, I'm fine with being alone, I gotta study away." You said as she licked her lips.

"How 'bout you come with me?"

"Eh?" You replied and soon you saw the sky. "The roof? Are you sure this is allowed?"

"Well, coming here's against the rules, actually." "See you."

"WAIT!" She grabbed your shoulder after you turned to leave. "You don't gotta worry about us getting caught, I skip classes up here all the time."

"No, that's not the issue here..." You had a face full of worry. She then started poking you all over.

"I've been thinking Y/n... is that enough food for you? You'll become a tiny candy cane." She says as you blushed and slap her hands off.

"Candy cane?! You're more thin than I am!" You shouted as she lifted her shirt to see her body and you saw parts of her bra. Your face turned bright red.

"Eh? Really?" She asked but you quickly sat down did she and pulled out a box. "Either way, make sure you eat up, 'Kay?"

"Why are you so weird, Y/n? It's clothing! Just like a shirt, a shirt isn't weird, and I see it all the time, so why should a bra be any different?!" "Here." Anjou held up a meatball with her fork towards you.

"What?" You asked her and she giggled.

"Here you are! Say 'Ahh'!" She leaned forward, you backed up and put your hands up.

"I'm fine." Your stomach then growled at the worst time and she got annoyed.

"Stop lying and just eat it!" She said as she shoved the meatball in your mouth. You had no choice but to chew to breath. Anjou smirked at you. "So how is it?"

"D..Delicious..." You said with surprise and she smiled with a light blush.

"Right! I made 'em!" She exclaimed as you looked at weirdly.

"I figured..." You sighed and she seemed hurt.

"What's with that reaction? Did you lie when you said you liked it?" She accused as you shook your head.

"It's not that, I was just surprised by how delicious it is." You dug a grave deeper as she stabbed a Wiener with her fork.

"Even I cook you know, I even added a secret spice." She stated as you swallowed your food. You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as you took another bite of the melon bread.

"Oh yeah, what?" You asked her cockily as she took a bit of her food.

"My love for you~" She said confidently with a light blush. You blushed and choked on the bread.

"A sweet and painful death...! Breathe!" You tried to breathe as she laughed.

"Does it makes you happy if I say that?" She asked and you shook your head.

"Not really. It just caught me off guard." You said as she smirked at you.

"Is that so~?" She said as you both continued to talk until, Anjou laid back as you sat next to her. "Hey, Y/n! Let's skip till 5th period."

"You know very well we can't do that, you especially can't afford to skip any classes." You said as she sighed and crossed her arms flat.

"Man, I forgot you can be blunt at times. Way to call me out." She smiled as you couldn't help but look at her legs. "Whatcha lookin' at?"

"Damn it, I couldn't help but look?!" She wrapped her arms and legs around you as you sat on the edge.

"You're 'hungry for something else', aren't ya?" She asked and put her force on you. You realized that you were tipping. "Let's skip class and do something fun!"

"Anjou! Stop pushing we're gonna go- off-!" You fell backwards and she went down with you, in pure instinct, you put her head to your chest and wrapped your body around her... as if that was gonna protect her from the fall. You slammed into the ground as you protected her. You had tears in your eyes due to the fear. "We're... you're not dead...?"

"Pfft-! Ahahaha, were you surprised? There's another level." She pointed as he patted your chest as she sat up on your lap. You glared at her and gripped her shirt.


"Then I wouldn't of done it. I'm sorry, ahahahaha." She said as you gritted your teeth, held your chest and your face. She noticed your worry and the fact that you were more worried about her than yourself.

"Damn it! Don't scare me like that! If something happened to you, I..." You said as she cupped your cheek. She forced you to look at her as seemed serious.

"Hey, I really am sorry. I won't do that again." She said as you sighed and calmed down. "So how long do you wanna stay like this?"

"I don't know, you seem to find my lap the favorite place of Earth." You tried to fight back as you realized that could be taken as a sexual thing. "Wait-?! Do I take it back? No that'll make me look weak! But I need to clarify...!"

"Ahahaha, it's true." She rubbed her thumb across your lips and leaned closer. "I could stay like this for hours~"

You blushed and looked away. "Ahaha! Why are you so

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