Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

“I trust that you’ll be on your best behavior this morning, Miss Johnson,” my Auntie said as we continued walking down the street.

“It’s Avery,” I scolded.

“I will not put up with your attitude today,” My Auntie replied.

Both me and my Auntie had an appointment with my parents at the most expensive coffee place in Melbourne. I had been there before, when my parents had come to Melbourne to check up on me when I had first joined the academy. I knew their coffee was expensive, but my God, was it good. Best coffee I had ever tasted. Oh, and their hot chocolate were simply the best. But, since it was so expensive, my Auntie insisted of dressing for the occasion. My parents would be dressed fancy, as always. My Mum would wear a dress that cost her hundreds of dollars while my Dad would wear a suit. My Auntie was also wearing a dress today, but a bit more proper than mine. I didn’t have dresses like that.

My dress was light blue, that went mid thigh. It wasn’t strapless, but if it was, it would still look beautiful. It had thin straps holding it in place. It wasn’t a loose dress or a summer dress either. It was tight around my petite frame, but it hugged my curves all in the right places. It was a classy dress. I was wearing a pair of white heels, as they were my only. My Auntie had pretty much demanded me that I had to wear heels, as would she would be wearing them and my Mother. But when is my Mother never wearing heels? My long brown curly hair was tied up in a tight low bun. My Auntie wanted me to look proper, not like a teenage. My hair was identical to hers at the moment. I didn’t see what the problem was with letting my hair down though. I mean, I knew it could get very curly, but it did look nice. I hated my hair when it was all neat and proper. And of course, I had to put makeup on. Apparently my face looked too plain. So, once again, my Auntie had sent me back to my room to fix my appearance. I had to put foundation on, covering the bags under my eyes and small little blemishes. Mascara on my long eyelashes. I never did need mascara on, but my Auntie didn’t want me to look plain. A thin line of eyeliner across the top lid was also put on, on top of the natural eye shadow. I had also put on eyeliner on the bottom lid, to make my green eyes stand out even more. I had never really worn this much makeup. But, to finish it off, was a nude lipstick with clear lip gloss covering it. I did admit, I looked good, but I would never say that in front of my Auntie. I felt to proper. I felt like an adult.

Overall, I knew this was my Auntie’s attempt to make herself look good in front of my parents. If she could show how much I had grown up and matured since they had last saw me, which was only a week ago, then maybe they wouldn’t blame my Auntie for my horrible behavior. I couldn’t blame my Auntie though, my parents could be a little intimidating. Actually, a lot. It was easy really, if I looked good, then my Auntie looked good.

Finally, we reached the coffee shop, walking up to the counter. I stayed behind my Auntie as she checked for our reservation. Soon, we were taken to our table where my parents were already sitting, looking proper and stuck up snobs as usual. Man, I can’t wait for this to be over.

“Miss Johnson, I don’t see a smile upon those lips,” My Auntie whispered before we reached our table.

“Oh you mean this smile?” I asked, pulling a stupid face at her. She simply glared at me, making me poke my tongue out at her. There was no way I was going to be mature this morning. I’m already in enough trouble with my parents, so what’s the worst that could happen? I get in more trouble? Like that’s going to do anything.

“Avery, how good it’s to see you darling!” My Mother exclaimed, standing up and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I stayed silent and sat down, not bothering to cross my legs as we are supposed to do. My Mother simply ignored me as she kissed my Auntie’s cheeks. I pretended to vomit.

“Avery. That is no way to act in front of other people,” My Auntie demanded, taking a seat next to me. We were in a lounge, with two couches either side of a glass coffee table.

“I see her behavior has not improved not one bit,” my Father’s deep voice spoke. He turned to my Auntie. “I trusted you when you said you could change her attitude.”

“She normally isn’t this bad-“ My Auntie started. She was starting to freak out. I would too if I was having this conversation with my Father.

“I will believe that when I see it with my own eyes,” My Father said. As usual, my Mother was sitting quietly next to my Father, as he spoke. Sometimes, I wondered why she was even in the picture, she never said anything. She only spoke when my Father wasn’t around.

“You will see her on her best behavior on the night of the musical,” my Auntie replied.

“We expect Avery will be the star of the show? Am I correct?” my Father said. God, sometimes my Father could be so up himself! The show is not all about me. Sure, I’m the lead, but the whole academy is a part of it. Other students will be able to their moment in the light, so why do I always have to be the main attraction?

“She will do a fantastic job, I can guarantee that. We have been working very hard on this musical,” my Auntie replied.

“You guys do realise I’m right here?” I spoke up. They’ve been acting as if I wasn’t even here! Like hello, you’re talking about me when I’m right in front of you.

“Did we ask you to speak, Avery?” my Father said, turning his head to me.

“No, but I have a right to speak,” I replied, showing off my smartass side.

“You will speak when I ask you to speak,” my Father said. I rolled my eyes at him. He turned back to my Auntie. “Now, about the cost of the damage to the girls showers…”

“Ah yes. The damage cost has come to a total of $3465,” my Auntie look over at me, as if to say, ‘that’s right, look at how much damage you caused’. Not that I gave a fuck though. She was being a bitch to me right now. She’s just like my Father, even if she won’t admit it.

“$3465?! Avery, when you are in Perth, we will be having a long discussion about this!” My Father yelled, making other customers in the coffee shop to turn around and look at us.

“It’s not my fault! You wouldn’t have to be paying that stupid bill if it wasn’t for you! You’re the one making me leave, of course there’s going to be consequences!” I screamed. More customers turned to look at us. We ignored them all, as my Father and I argued. He was fuming. If this was a cartoon, I’m pretty sure I would be able to see smoke coming out of his ears and nose.

“You are the one responsible for this, so I suggest you tell your Father why you would cause so much damage!” My Father’s voice was deep, which scared me a little.

“It’s because you’re making me leave my life here in Melbourne! I finally got a life, Dad! I’m the top student at the academy, I have friends and I have someone that actually loves me here!” I screamed.

“I demand you to tell me who this boy is!” My Father’s fist banged down on the coffee table in front of him. Shit…..I wasn’t supposed to say that. Of course my Father is going to ask about this boy.

“I won’t tell you,” I poked my tongue out at him. I know, I’m being immature, but the look on my Father’s face is totally worth it.

“That’s it. I’m sick of your attitude and behavior. I never asked for a daughter, but I got one, so I’m going to have to deal with it. You will catching my private jet back to Perth as soon as your concert is over. I will not allow you time to say goodbye to your ‘friends’ or that boy.”

“You don’t fucking control me!” I screamed.

“I am your Father and I do control you, Avery. And don’t you use that language on me.”

“FUCK YOU DAD! FUCK YOU! FUCK FUCK FUCK YOU!” I screamed, standing up from the couch I was sitting at. My Father was fuming. I could tell he wanted to hit me, but he won’t in front of all these people. “FUCK ALL OF YOU!”



People in the coffee shop gasped, as they watched our argument. I wasn’t going to stop now. Luke was right, I can’t be controlled. I would try my hardest to stay here in Melbourne. This is where I belonged.






“You know what Dad. FUCK YOU!” I screamed one last time. The next thing I did, was one thing I would never have expected myself to do. I had slapped my own Father right across the cheek, leaving a bright red mark.

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