19. Why I'm Keeping Secrets

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I'm keeping secrets cause I can't trust you,
You such a dreamer,
Looking out for a beamer

I know when you're hiding from me,
You're actually hiding something,
That's why I'm keeping secrets.

I can't tell you,
I can't risk my word to the world,
It's too much,
Too much for me,
Too much indeed.

I don't know why you doubt me,
I hope you can relax,
Make it a little easy for yourself.

I can't trust you,
You're a liar,
You're a liability,
You're no good, I hope you see.

I'm hiding my 3 personas' from you,
I've got three.
A Goodwill- Filled
An Evil- Plotter
The Moderation.

I can be who I want to be,
You have no right to beg for my 'money',
You've earned so much bringing me down,
Oh, but you forgot to dig the grave,
So I suffered but still here I am.

My secrets are safe

With me.
You're nobody to me,
I'm sorry,
But it's true.
I keep my red and white away from you.

I don't need words to speak,
I just need my face to do all the talking,
Cause you ain't bluffing.

Do you want me to check you?
Do you want your life
be revealed?
What do you want?
+ You can't have my secrets
I hide them where nobody can go,
You'll never know.
No sleuthing can get you anywhere,
Cause I've not told anyone and my secrets are off the book,
You stand no chance.
So don't try.

I'm keeping my secrets,
And they will be revealed when they should.
Don't push reality,
It might kick you back in different ways.

I'm keeping secrets,
Do you know why?
- Cause I want to...

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