Inspired by comic above (I is to stupid to figure to how to put multiple pics on the top thing- so I just put wut I felt was most important)
P.S. Last chapter (with actual writing) was just a filler, it was just to give insight on Denki's feelings. While what what happened in that chapter occurred, it's not in order with the rest of the story. Therefore I may move that chapters later on. If you have no idea what I'm talking about that means I've moved it and this notice doesn't apply. Also I'm going to take Shinso out of 1-A for now and put him back in 1-C cause... plot- but he was in the first class cause he smart alright- it was like homeroom or some shi- idk- my brains not giving me ideas- back to the story srry for the wait
3rd Person POV
The whole class jumped in alarm and looked for the cause of the commotion. They are two of the four classmates that had set out to find Denki before class breathless. The class started to worry until they saw Denki rush in breathless, followed by the remaining two students.
"And where have you been."
Aziawa asked sternly as he glares over the 5 tardy.
Denki racked his brain for a suitable lie before on of the others ruin it.
"Well you see I went to the bathroom right, and then I got lost... Yea! I ended up all the way on the other side of campus. It's a good thing they found me or I would have never made it back?" Denki exclaimed while trying to catch his breath.
Aizawa looked at his students quizzically before letting out a tired sigh.
"I'm to tired for this. I don't let kids off the hook for being late without a pass, even if it was to help a fellow classmate. So you all will have lunch detention with me for the rest of the week, you all should eat a big breakfast because we're training nonstop." Aizawa replied tiredly as he aimlessly shooed his students to their seats and continued the lessons.
"Oh great... um mr. Aizawa, sir? I don't suppose our parents will be getting an email about this right?" Kirishima nervously asked, praying the answer was no.
"I will not send emails about you having detention this time, however. If any of you are almost remotely late for any class, or detention, you all should be expecting an email home and an extended detention. Now I shall continue the lesson without any interruptions." Aizawa replied sternly as he turned to the board.
Time skip brought to you by an author with writers block (I've been at this for over a month and I'm still making it up as I go-)
Kirishima POV (didn't know I could do that-)
Classes were finally over and we could head to lunch! However... due to our tardiness we were all still seated in Mr. Aizawas classroom as we awaited instructions.
"Alright. Go change into your hero outfits and meet me in the training area. Don't make me wait long or your going to regret it." Aizawa instructed as he walked out of the classroom.
I sighed as I stood up, along with the others, and headed to the changing rooms. I looked over at Bakugo, he seemed pretty quiet and I was starting to worry.
"Hey Bakubro, you good?" I asked.
"Yea dude you've been awfully quiet." Sero added, giving Bakugo a quizzical look, "What's up?"
"You don't plan murder aloud now do you dipshits." Bakugo muttered as a sent Denki a death glare.
I laugh nervously as I see the color drain from Kaminaris face as he moves further away from Bakugo.
Sero and Denki look over at me quizzically for a second before continuing getting ready. I look at my phone to see a notification pop up. I pay no mind to it as I continued to change. It can't be that important can it.
Ding. Ding. Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Dinh DING.
My phone goes off like crazy and I notice that they are all staring at me.
"You gonna answer that or not shittyhair? Sounds like someone really wants to reach you." Bakugo says as he puts on his mask.
I finished getting ready and look down to see who could be trying to reach me. My jaw falls opens as panic begins to form in my eyes.
"Shittyhair, you good?" Bakugo asks with some concern.
"Yea dude I'm fine, just found out I missed a big sale at my fav store." I lie as I try to play it off.
There's no time for me to reply to them right now... I have to go... but if I don't, there going to kill me the next time they see me... they might even take me out of school for this... there going to- shit... not again...
I put my phone down as I turn to the others, plastering a fake smile on my face.
"Let's go guys!"
I was gonna leave it on a cliff hanger or somethin but then I realized what my inspiration for this was so- then I realized- OH SHI- I did have a plan for this I wrote out a whole ass draft that my dumbass didn't follow so imma leave it here and try to patch it up later. Sorry for the wait and the short chapter I'm tryin. My brain won't give me any ideas for this or any crackhead ideas for my chatfic story and it's making me upset. I hate not having Ideas it sucksss TT k imma go think hope u enjoyed this short chapter srry-
942 words
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