The art exhibit is larger than I expected, pristine white walls lined with paintings, photos and sketches that seem to go on forever.
I glance around for someone I know, brown eyes flickering across the many people meandering by the displayed artworks.
I spot a head of dark red hair and immediately walk towards it. When I approach the short girl, I am met with dark green eyes.
"Rory!" Nora exclaims when she sees me. She looks at the people behind me. "What a turnout, right?" she says, impressed.
I've been to a fair few art exhibits for Nora before and none have been this popular. Of course, there are many artworks and artists on display, but I'm certain Nora appreciates the exposure.
"Definitely," I affirm. "A lot of people are going to see your work, Nor."
She smiles up at me, a big grin exposing how happy she is.
She then shows me her photography, explaining the symbols and expertise within each photo that she has captured. Her art is all different, some photos of candid scenery with others of carefully orchestrated objects, positioned in such a way to tell a story.
After half an hour, I realise that someone is missing.
"Where's Jai?" I ask, looking around as if he has been present the whole time. He's always at Nora's exhibits, following her around with a hand on her waist while she introduces him to everyone she knows.
When I glance back at Nora, her expression is stoic. Her lips are set in a straight line, her eyes downcast and I suddenly wonder how a mention of her boyfriend could cause such a shift in her demeanour.
"What's wrong?" I ask, worried. While always being a quiet person, Nora makes an effort to appear happy, a smile usually donning her features. This sudden tenseness is concerning.
She glances up at me, but her eyes quickly dart back to her art.
"He couldn't make it," she reveals and I can hear the disappointment in her tone.
Her eyes are still glued to the wall, not meeting my own. I feel like I'm missing something, but I decide not to press further. Nora will tell me in her own time.
A hand against my lower back interrupts my thoughts.
I'm about to turn around to assess whoever has touched me before I hear a familiar voice whisper in my ear, his proximity doing all sorts of wonderful things to my insides.
"Hey stalker," Levi greets, his voice so low that Nora doesn't even look up.
He clears his throat, stepping the tiniest bit away from me when Nora finally notices him.
"Hi Nora," he says, a smile on his face. "The exhibit is incredible," he adds. I wonder how long he's been here.
Nora's face transforms into her usual smile, her eyes dancing between Levi and the hand that is still situated on my back.
"Hey Levi, it's nice to see you again. Thanks for coming." Her eyes drift to somewhere behind me, noticing something. "Oh, I should probably say hi to some people. Network, you know." She nods at Levi, briefly grinning at me. "I'll leave you guys to it. Feel free to leave whenever, I'll probably be busy."
Nora walks past me, eyes immediately following a group of people. I turn to Levi who is already looking at me, smiling up at him. In my heels I like the way I come up to a spot just under his nose. I also like the way his hand is still warming my back.
"Hi," I greet. His eyes crinkle in response, those glorious dimples appearing in his cheeks.
We walk around the exhibit, examining different pieces of photography and artwork, his hand eventually leaving my back.
It feels nice to just stroll around and chat about meaningless subjects, the world stopping for a moment as we forget about other priorities.
We linger at a few artworks more than others, examining their deeper meanings.
One sketch depicts a doorway amidst a clear background. The door is wide open with planets dancing around the door, as if it is in the middle of outer space. The other side of the door shows a large castle, numerous structures making the castle look magical, in a land of royal buildings and titles. Stars litter the background of this castle, its presence majestic behind the doorway.
Levi notices my delay as we walk past the monochrome sketch, his own head tilting in contemplation.
"When you open your mind and examine your perspective, each door can lead you to a whole new world," is all I say in explanation. Levi tilts his head, quietly thinking.
We continue walking around the exhibit, seeing what we can. After a while, the process becomes draining and with Nora being so busy talking to as many people as she can, it feels almost pointless to still be here.
Levi shoves his hands in the pocket of his jeans, a black blazer covering his arms, before he says something. My eyes are trained solely on the outline of his abdomen underneath his white shirt, so I miss what he says, but look up quickly when he repeats himself.
"Do you want to go get ice cream?"
I glance around for Nora, who is probably still chatting away with someone I don't know.
"I'm happy to stay if you want to though," Levi adds, probably thinking that I want to stay for Nora.
"I was actually looking for her to tell her that we're leaving," I reply, my answer to his earlier question evident.
His hesitant expression morphs into a smile, leading the way out of the exhibit and onto the path outside as we walk along a strip of shops.
We stroll comfortably, eventually landing on a little ice cream shop that neither of us have been to. We walk inside and I'm stunned by the selection that they have available.
My eyes immediately gravitate to the sorbets, quickly landing on the flavour I always choose.
Levi orders chocolate ice cream in a cone and I order berry sorbet in the smallest cup they have.
As we wait for the workers to scoop our ice cream, Levi points to the rainbow flavour.
"Did you know, the rainbow is apparently just vanilla ice cream with added colouring?"
I laugh, the sound too loud in the small shop.
"I don't believe it."
Levi shrugs, shoulders lifting in a 'what can you do?' manner.
We eat our ice cream quietly as we walk down the path in the opposite direction, to where we both parked our cars outside the exhibit.
We stop briefly, so I can deposit my cup in a trash can.
"I haven't mentioned it, but you look gorgeous tonight," Levi says, the compliment rolling off his tongue in smooth ease, the sound like honey as I process his words.
My cheeks warm, happy that my effort didn't go to waste. I'm wearing a black, long-sleeved bodycon dress which stops just above my knees, the fabric tight. I went a bit all-out tonight, pairing the dress with nude heels, big silver hoop earrings and my naturally wavy hair slicked back in a high ponytail. The winged eyeliner was for me only, but the way Levi stares into my eyes fills me with all the confidence I need.
I don't realise he's leaning forward until I realise how I'm doing the same, our proximity getting closer as time continues.
His head tilts, but this time it isn't in contemplation, it's to form a better angle when he leans in and presses his lips to mine.
My eyes close, body immediately responding when his warm hand wraps around my side. My lips move against his soft ones, encouraging him to deepen the kiss and move our lips in-sync as my arm comes up to wind around the back of his neck, my fingers gaining wonderful access to his dark locks of hair.
The kiss is slow and drawn-out but it ends all too quickly, our breaths mingling as we pull apart with our foreheads touching.
I swallow, the taste of chocolate something I don't expect.
When I open my eyes, Levi is already staring at me, lips tugged upwards in a cute smile.
We pull apart fully, a comfortable atmosphere draping us as we look into each other's eyes, smiling at each other in unspoken contentment.
Eventually, Levi grins widely and I laugh, neither of us saying anything before we continue walking towards our cars five minutes away.
"You know the Buchanan Charity Ball?" Levi asks me, eyes glancing at my profile as he looks sideways. His voice sounds almost nervous.
I raise my eyebrows in a teasing manner.
"The one which I'm helping to plan?"
"Yeah, that one." He hesitates, gaze drifting to his feet as they match my pace. "I was wondering if you wanted to go? As my date."
I grin, lips pulling apart in happiness at the offer. He's still not looking at me, so he continues.
"You probably have plans since it's so soon, but I would love it if you were there as - well, as my date, if you're - you know, free." He's so obviously flustered that my grin remains wide, happy to let him continue in nervousness.
I put him out of his misery instead.
"I would love to be your date," I say.
Levi finally looks up at me, his tan features transforming into unfiltered fulfilment.
"Oh thank god, that would've been awkward otherwise." His response comes out in a breath of relief.
I laugh, because somehow, I'm the relaxed one and I've just made Levi Ashford flustered.
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